What has happened in America since
January of 2009? How are you enjoying the costs of fuel today? You were paying
quite a bit less than you are presently paying, even though George W. Bush did
free up more federal land for oil exploration; unfortunately, the ecology
activists have had great success in limiting the drilling efforts in those
areas, despite the claims of our President, Barack Obama, who has taken credit
for what little drilling that is being done today; even though that credit
belongs to George W. Bush.
Unemployment wasn’t supposed to go
above 8% if we passed the first Stimulus package, which was quickly followed by
a second package. At the present time, nearly four years later, unemployment is
still above 8% and current figures point to a near stagnant growth in jobs for,
at least, the next two quarters. Private sector job growth has been inhibited
because of the cloudy expectations of the Obama healthcare initiative and its
heavy expense toward employee benefits. Every jobs bill that has been put
forward by the Republican House has been “shelved” by Harry Reid in the Senate,
along with every proposed Congressional budget. America hasn’t had a budget
since 2010, courtesy of the Harry Reid’s Democrat-controlled Senate. Our
National Debt surpassed our Gross National Product several months ago; America
spends much more than it makes, and the Red Chinese are holding a huge amount
of our debt; THE RED CHINESE, THE COMMUNISTS!! We have, once again, RAISED THE
DEBT CEILING!! It seems obvious to me that most of our members of Congress and
our sitting President don’t have a grip on the reality of this current
situation, or they believe if they ignore it, it will go away on its own.
Four years ago the rest of the world
understood what a powerful America was; today, we are on the verge of becoming
a “member of the pack”, as Barack Obama has reduced the American military in
size and capability, and also reduced our missile capabilities dramatically in
Eastern Europe, leaving many of our allies in a desperate situation, with no
one to turn to but the weak-knee’d United Nations.
How much was your home worth four
years ago? How much is it worth today? A mortgage crisis came about through
spurious loan policies which George W. Bush warned us about in 2006, but Barney
Frank said Bush was acting like “Chicken Little” and everything would be
alright, and the Democrat-controlled Congress happily flushed the housing
market right down the drain. Retirement plans are nowhere near what they were
four years ago, as banks and loan institutions and a fragile stock market lost
the life savings of many of our senior citizens.
Our current President’s first acts
were to “make amends” with people who were responsible for the vicious murders
on 9-11, bending at the waste to Middle-East dictators.
How many more illegal aliens have
crossed our borders because of the porous enforcement from the Obama
administration, and why has this administration tried to block law enforcement
from securing our most jeopardized states?
Mr. Obama made references of America
being a “car in a ditch” when he took office; it seems now, that we are “out of
the ditch”, and “headed for a cliff”, and the Obama administration has its foot
pressed firmly on the accelerator toward American disaster!
Yes America, we have certainly come a
long way in these last four years; too bad we have gone in the WRONG
DIRECTION!! We need a massive “U-Turn” in November; we don’t need to go over
that “CLIFF”!!!
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