Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Obama's Mr. Wright!"

I just finished watching the “Cross-Town Classic” last week-end, the big series between the White Sox (my guys) and the Cubs (not my guys). This is a huge event in Chicago; if you think politics is divisive, you need to watch the fans during this series. If you can get a ticket, you will pay dearly for it. I don’t know if it can be rivaled by anything short of the World Series to any baseball fan in the “Windy City”.

This year’s series at Wrigley Field was “swept” by the White Sox!!! I am very happy about this, and have not been a very humble guy to some of my friends who are Cub fans. I would apologize, but it would be insincere; I loved it!!

I would have loved to hear the conversations at Wrigley Field during and after each Sox victory, as fans (me included) will always make excuses for their favorite team’s losses.

I did remark to one of my Cub friends that their team needs to load their line-up with long-ball hitters, as Wrigley Field is a “shooting gallery” for home runs, and their choices of managers have left something to be desired lately. Even at this early part of the season, it looks like the Cubs are already just “riding it out ‘til next year”; something Sox fans do not tolerate from their team.

My criticism has not been well taken from my Cub friends, even though it was heart-felt and truthful. If you want to be a winner, you must take truthful criticism, unless you are fearful of the truth. Yes, the truth sometimes hurts!

Over the last week or so, we have seen much talk about something that has not taken place yet, but seems to be the heart of a great controversy. A political action committee wants to start a campaign about Jeremiah Wright and his influence on Barack Obama. Wright was Obama’s Pastor for 20 years in Chicago, and preaches Black Liberation Theology (Black Victimology). The “hoopla” over this proposed campaign has been enormous from both sides of the political spectrum. Rahm Emanuel says it is an insult to the President, and has no place in American politics; folks on the right say it is truthful and the public has a right to know. Obama admits to attending the incendiary preacher’s church for many years, and even said Wright was a mentor to him during those years. I won’t go through a series of Wright’s quotes, as they are easy enough to find on You-Tube. Let me suffice in saying, Wright’s views on America are, at best, on the fringe of disloyalty, and extremely radical in their content.

There has been an anti-Romney ad that talks about his time as CEO at Bain Capital. The ad shows some people who lost their jobs because of a Bain Capital take-over and downsizing initiative to make the acquisition profitable. The innuendo was that this was Mitt Romney’s fault; but it seems that Mr. Romney was already gone from Bain Capital for two years when this take-over took place! There is a lot to be said for fact checking!!

Since the last election, we have heard quite a bit about Jeremiah Wright; none of it is too flattering, but it is all available for public viewing. Barack Obama has done everything short of cleansing the public record to distance himself from his “mentor”.

Everything George W. Bush did was put under a microscope by the left, and there was little criticism that it was inappropriate to drag Mr. Bush’s life before the American public. Once again, we see the bias toward Barack Obama rear its ugly head, as Obama isn’t held to the same standard as any other President

What else will the American public have hidden from them by those who “protect the image” of Barack Hussein Obama? We know very little about the man who now sits in the White House, and I find this very disturbing; do you?

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