Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Ann Romney,Hitler, Stalin and Moms?"

Sunday was “Mother’s Day”. All across America, flowers were sent, special dinners were prepared and phones rang off the hook with calls to mothers everywhere. Our Daughter made several calls home and she didn’t want to talk to Dad; I was “second fiddle” on Sunday. Moms are great and I don’t know how any of us could get along without them.

I took my wife out for dinner on Saturday night to the restaurant of her choice, and I cooked dinner for her on Sunday, following church, after washing her car. I was pretty tired by Sunday evening, but it was worth it to try to make her day a little better. At church, the message was about the merits of motherhood, and how “Moms” influence us for the rest of our lives, as they actually give up their own lives to serve us, or as we Christians say, “show a servant’s heart”.

Recently, Ann Romney has been cast under the veil of someone who has “never worked”, and I addressed that in a previous blog a while back. Mrs. Romney may have never cashed a regular paycheck, but she certainly has worked regardless of what some left-wing idiot may say.

Mrs. Romney was addressing a group about mothers recently and said this: “Cherish your mothers. The ones who wiped your tears, who were at every ball game or ballet recital, the ones who believed in you, even when nobody else did, even when maybe you didn’t believe in yourself. Women wear many hats in their lives. Daughter, sister, student, breadwinner but no matter where we are or what we are doing, one hat that Moms never take off is the crown of motherhood. There is no crown more glorious.”

How many of you know the name Michelle Goldberg? Ms. Goldberg works as a columnist for the Daily Beast (an Obama supporter since 2008) and a senior correspondent for American Prospect, a magazine dedicated to American Liberalism; she also appears on MSNBC on one of its political commentary programs. She has a master’s degree from U.C. Berkeley (what a surprise).

It appears that Ms. Goldberg takes some issue with the statements of Mrs. Romney; it is her opinion that what Mrs. Romney said was reminiscent of Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Evidently the term “crown of motherhood” brought memories to Ms. Goldberg of those two dictators. She said the term was “kind of creepy”, the kind of statement used in “authoritarian societies”.

I hope my wife considers her motherhood a “crown”; I hope my Mom considered her motherhood a “crown”; because when you spend a large part of your life raising children and nurturing them to become good responsible people, and asking nothing in return, that definitely qualifies you as some kind of “Royalty”. Mrs. Romney’s statements said nothing of an authoritarian nature, unlike some by our First Lady who has made several statements about our government stepping in and taking control of many aspects of the lives of private American citizens.

I did some research on Ms. Goldberg, and I don’t believe she is married or has any children, so I don’t know if she “has the chops” to make comments on motherhood. To me, she sounds like every other “empty barrel” echoing anything she can to denigrate a Republican. I guarantee you that if Michelle Obama had made a similar statement, this same woman would be lauding it as a victory for the appreciation of all mothers everywhere. If you want to find some “totalitarian philosophy” Ms. Goldberg, you only need to take a ride to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; there is plenty of that over there!!

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