I remember my Dad telling me that “everybody makes mistakes”, and he certainly was right. Throughout my life, I have made mistakes; in grade school I often made mistakes in arithmetic; I still make mistakes in arithmetic, just ask my wife. The nice thing about making a mistake in arithmetic is that you can take your eraser and correct that mistake, and try all over again. I sometimes make mistakes in punctuation and grammar while writing; fortunately for me, I am able to correct most of those mistakes with the help of spell check and a patient wife who is willing to proof read my stuff. On occasion, I have a mistake slip by and I have to re-edit my blog, or make a statement of correction to my readers. I like to maintain an accurate blog, or I will lose my credibility with my readers.
Some mistakes can’t be corrected, like changing lanes without looking into the next lane: this can be a very costly mistake, both financially and physically. One usually doesn’t get a chance to correct an error in judgment while driving. There is no eraser to abolish an auto accident. Sometimes in court, you are allowed to go to “traffic school”, and the ticket you received will be erased from your record, as if it never happened; this is a pretty good deal, as accidents and tickets will usually raise your insurance rates. Don’t you wish you could just delete some things from your past, as if they’d never existed?
How many of you remember when Sarah Palin said “Obamacare would have death panels” making medical decisions? Guess what; this seems to be true! Have you ever heard the term “comfort care”? What “comfort care” does is make medical decisions for your doctor in regard to his ability to operate or just give you treatments to manage pain, because you are not at an age WORTH SAVING! This is not a rumor, this policy exists in Obamacare! Senior citizens over the age of 70 are now considered “units”, not human beings. Some of you may remember Barack Obama saying these words ”The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of total health care bill out here…there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place.” It certainly sounds like someone making life and death decisions for you, from the government! I remember a German guy who advocated similar “medical decisions” while he was in power.
During the debate on national healthcare, a policy that was dismissed by the Obama administration was “cross-state bidding” from insurance companies. This policy would have given those companies the ability to offer low cost insurance to those who couldn’t afford better; the real issue wasn’t healthcare, it was GOVERNMENT CONTROL!
As I researched this article, I found several sites about this subject that were marked as “previews not available” on GOOGLE. Some of the sites were as recent as December 30, 2011. Why were these sites “unavailable”? Is it possible that the Obama administration is “using an eraser” to abolish their record? Isn’t Obamacare old news? Now it may just be senior citizens who are being singled out, but soon it will be others. Quality of life will determine who lives and who dies; mentally handicapped, quadriplegic, blind or deaf; perhaps next will be people who are “just too ugly”!
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