We are now in the New Year, 2012. What can we expect from our current president? There is an election coming in November, perhaps the most important election in American history to date. I wonder how equipped the American voter is for this election! In 2008, America wanted to make history by electing the first black man to hold the office of Chief Executive of the United States. It is unfortunate that all America did was to try to be “fashionable”, instead of “informed”!
We are eleven months from the next American choice and now we must question our ability as the electorate to exercise good judgment and knowledge in our upcoming choice.
What has happened over the course of the last thirty-six months with Barack Obama? Domestically, we have had unemployment ratings that average over 8%; we have had a health-care system shoved down America’s collective throat by a partisan Congress, even though over 70% of Americans said they didn’t want it; and its expected cost is adding to a debt that is over 14 trillion dollars, which continues to rise. Our southern border is a “screen door” with huge holes in it allowing murderers, rapists, gang members, thieves and terrorists to cross with relative ease. Except for a few dedicated law enforcement officials, border enforcement is only a rumor; and when citizens protest the administration’s casual attitude, they are portrayed as racists and alarmists. Even though there are numerous accounts of violent incursions from “illegals”, these incidents have been discounted by the Obama administration. Drug dealing criminal illegal aliens have put prices on the heads of law enforcement officials and this administration turns a “blind eye”, as most of those officials have been critical of Barack Obama.
The foreign policy of Mr. Obama is questionable, to say the very least. Apology to the Arab nations was Obama’s first priority when he entered office. Personally, I believe America had no reason to apologize for anything; we were the “offended party”. Mr. Obama has virtually castrated our Eastern European missile defense shield, yielding to a sly Vladimir Putin, who most certainly got the best of our inexperienced President.
Iran has given Mr. Obama the “finger” consistently, while Obama pretends it isn’t happening. Our only real friend in the Middle-East, Israel, has been practically deserted while it has been surrounded by “wolves” waiting to pounce. As governments have collapsed in the Middle-East, they are being infiltrated by organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, who advocate the destruction of Israel, and members of Obama’s administration describe them as “moderates”
This is a very small synopsis of what has occurred during the last 36 months under Barack Obama. I didn’t want to write a book, so I am cutting some of this short, so my readers will have time to digest what I’ve stated. I will write more about Mr. Obama’s “accomplishments” over the next few days. I know it’s a lot to swallow in one bite, so like the movies say: “to be continued”!
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