Friday, January 27, 2012

"Obama's Mixed Message"

I thought I would close out this week talking about President Obama’s “State of the Union Address”. By now, you have probably read numerous accounts of the President’s words. The GOP and the TEA Party both have had their rebuttal, and the political pundits have all offered opinions.

I’ve been watching these messages since Dwight D. Eisenhower was in office. I doubt there are very many eight year olds who watch this stuff anymore, but in our house we were interested in the progress of America; I think it was because our house consisted of the WWII generation , and the immigrant grandparents who lived there; they seemed to appreciate what America offered, and wanted to make sure everything was going well.

Of all the State of the Union addresses I have seen, this message was the most campaign-like I can remember. I’m not naïve; I understand this is an election year and Mr. Obama is “adjusting his image” to the American people. What I don’t understand is that I find some of the things Mr. Obama said didn’t jive with what he has been doing for the last three years. One statement he made was “A future where we’re in control of our own energy.” Since taking office, Mr. Obama has obstructed every initiative to extract fossil fuel from American sources, and continued to pursue a policy of dependence on foreign oil at great expense to the American taxpayer. The cost of fuel during Mr. Obama’s tenure has risen 83%; an average cost per gallon when he took office was $1.68 and is now $3.38; a real burden on Mr. and Mrs. America! I have seen none of Mr. Obama’s so-called “control of our own energy” while he has been at the helm of government.

He said “responsibility is rewarded”, yet, during his watch, massive bailout programs rewarded poor management that showed great “irresponsibility”, and he continues his pursuit of taxing the investment class, who are the ones who actually create the jobs in America. Is a high tax program on job providers “rewarding responsibility”? General Electric, a staunch supporter of Mr. Obama, sent thousands of jobs to China while our unemployment still sits at 8.5%. Mr. Obama has decided against the Keystone Pipeline, turning his back on a minimum of 20,000 pipeline jobs plus all of the cottage industries that would have been created alongside that pipeline!

Mr. Obama said “I believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration”. Does the name Arizona strike a chord to any of you? Mr.Obama’s record on illegal immigration is abysmal. His Justice Department has been a stumbling block to every law enforcement agency that has tried to secure our border and tried to detain illegal aliens.

At the same time, Mr. Obama talked about one nation; he spoke about how the wealthy don’t pay enough tax and the poor are getting a “raw deal”. He neglected to say that the wealthiest 10% pay 70% of our taxes; who is getting the “raw deal”?

Mr. Obama failed to mention that under his reign we have yet to have a budget passed; and the first two years he had a Democrat controlled Congress, so there was no excuse!

Mr. Obama had plenty of “pie in the sky” platitudes, yet he had no explanation for his failing economic policies, which still point to stagnant growth through the year 2014, with an unemployment rate that should remain above 8%!

I am hoping this will be the last State of the Union Address I will hear from Barack Obama. I don’t think America can survive four more years of this type of leadership. Most of those with whom I spoke told me they couldn’t stand listening to him speak anymore: I think this may be the sign of America being FED UP!

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