Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"At A Loss For Words"

A few days ago, I wrote about some of our Presidents, both good and not so good. We have had some who are admired all around the world, and we have some who are laughed at and ridiculed all around the world.

FDR made a speech saying “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” That speech has been played thousands of times to history students all over America. That speech was Roosevelt at his very best; stirring the American spirit and rallying every American citizen in one of America’s most trying times.

Abraham Lincoln made a speech that was written on the back of an envelope that has become an American classic, the “Gettysburg Address”. Lincoln said the world will “little remember what we say here”, but he was certainly mistaken about that. His heartfelt words have echoed for 200 years, and are still the benchmark in speaking to the American people.

Teddy Roosevelt said “America should walk softly, and carry a big stick”; worthy advice to every President who followed him to the Oval Office.

Harry Truman said “The buck stops here”, short and sweet and right to the point. He was a man who took responsibility and carried our nation to success in WWII.

Jack Kennedy stood firm and told Nikita Khrushchev “Any attack from Cuba on any nation in the western hemisphere would be considered as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States; and would be met with a full retaliatory response”; these words halted all Soviet aggression in the western hemisphere and inspired an entire generation. Kennedy showed courage and resolve facing the brink of possible nuclear war.

Richard Nixon is famous for saying “I’m not a crook” during the Watergate scandal. Sorry Dick, but obstruction of justice is a criminal act. It was a good thing for Dick, that Gerry Ford gave him a “get out of jail free” card.

I don’t remember too many stirring words from Jimmy Carter. I guess Jimmy was too busy screwing up the American economy to make flowery speeches. Carter was a deer in the headlights during his presidency. Jimmy totally blew the Iranian hostage crisis and got his butt kicked by Ronald Reagan. Jimmy was in WAY OVER HIS HEAD! Jimmy is still trying to be relevant today as he is continuing to give input to Barack Obama, and commenting on the upcoming election.

Newt Gingrich made a statement about high school students taking on janitorial jobs at their schools to make money and reduce the local budgets. His statements have been criticized as being of a racial nature. If you watch the debate forum in which this statement was made, you could completely and easily understand what Mr. Gingrich was trying to say.

Jimmy Carter, upon hearing what Mr. Gingrich said, immediately jumped on the “racist wagon” accusing Newt of a statement of “subtle racism”. He said Newt was pandering to the “far right racists”, careful to say that Gingrich wasn’t a racist himself (watch out for that libel case, Jimmy). Evidently, Jimmy feels most Southern voters have a racial “ax to grind”. Newt was talking about the fulfillment of gainful employment, but Jimmy totally ignored that. Jimmy is still trying to make up for four years of a disastrous leadership by acting like an “elder statesman”. Sorry Jimmy, but I still don’t hear any inspiring words coming from your lips; only the same incompetent gibberish!

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