Monday, January 9, 2012

"It Doesn't Take Columbo!"

I watch quite a few “cop shows”. When I grew up, my Mom’s favorite show was “Perry Mason”; you know, the lawyer who always managed to have the real criminal confess while “grilling him on the stand”. Today’s shows have become much more realistic. The new programs get into the intricacies of the law, all of the loop holes and legal tricks that perpetrators use to dodge judgment. It also shows how some criminals get their just desserts for their ill conceived plots. I watch “ME TV” on Sunday evenings which features “Columbo”, a show about a disheveled detective who is much smarter than he looks and he always manages to find the tiniest mistakes that the criminal makes, no matter how brilliant the crook thinks he is. It is always fun to see the expression on the bad guy’s face when Columbo closes the trap, telling the “master criminal” what he forgot to do, thus causing his downfall. It seems every criminal makes a mistake, no matter how careful or clever he may be.

Last week, I wrote about how Barack Obama is twisting our Constitution to advance his political agenda, and about a new law which can suspend a person’s rights to face their accuser and to have a speedy trial while being detained under the H.R.1540 bill. I believe if this law is challenged, it will be found to be unconstitutional. Passing this law was not a criminal act, they followed all the rules as they wrenched away some of your rights.

Last week, Barack Obama bypassed the Senate to install a head for the Consumer Protection Agency. Many Presidents make appointments like this. While Congress is in session, the President is required, by law, to get approval for such appointments. Only when the Senate is in recess can a President make such an appointment without approval; that is the law! Republican members of Congress are outraged by the arrogance of Barack Obama as he flaunts the law and makes another power grab for his office. Oddly, Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, says she is “glad and proud” of what Obama has done. I guess Ms. Pelosi doesn’t have much respect for the Constitution or the law either. There have been noises about impeachment and abuse of power bouncing around Capitol Hill since Mr. Obama has decided that the Constitution and Congress are unnecessary.

I don’t think we need Columbo to find the mistake which was made this time: Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution requires presidential appointees to be confirmed by the Senate before they can take office, unless the Senate is in recess or if the appointments are to inferior offices that Congress has legally given the president power to control. THIS IS THE LAW AS IT IS WRITTEN! The Senate was in session when Barack Obama issued his “royal edict”; he broke the law! He is stealing our Constitution and America must stop him!

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