When I was a kid, I loved Saturday
matinee “Monster Movies”. I remember walking down to the Bug Theatre on Damen Avenue
in Chicago on countless Saturdays to watch the “golden era“ of cheap monster
movies. I watched zombies, werewolves, vampires, space aliens and giant lizards
to my heart’s content. I saw Godzilla destroy Tokyo, trampling over tiny jeeps,
tanks, autos and buildings, raining fire from his mouth as his back lit up.
Seats were jammed with prepubescent children screaming and making grunts and
groans during every thrill-packed minute of every Saturday epic. I watched
Mothra, Gihdra and Rodan fill the screen on a regular basis. I was always thrilled
when those genius movie makers decided to match monsters against each other in
“mortal combat”. I remember when I knew that on one Saturday I would see
“Gozilla vs. Mothra”. Wow, what could make a little boy more excited than that?
I could cap that off with a dose of Shock Theatre on television that night
seeing “Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman”; the perfect night for a nine year old
Sometimes I see those old movies
featured on television and I spend a little time watching them, and remembering
those magical Saturday matinees. I also see how really cheesy those old films
were; CGI (computer generated images) has ruined them all for me.
Tonight, America will be watching a
“monster match-up” of politics as Joe Biden, the Vice-President of the United
States, debates Paul Ryan, the Republican Nominee for Vice-President of the
United States. The buzz around this event has been huge ever since the drubbing
Mitt Romney handed to Barack Obama only a week earlier. Jay Leno, Dave
Letterman and a host of radio and television commentators have described this
with humor and anticipation.
Joe Biden has been the “comic relief”
in Washington for the last 43 months with his constant supply of gaffs and
misstatements. I have always thought that Obama keeps Joe around because it
makes him look so intelligent in comparison. It was said he wanted Joe for his
foreign policy expertise. Wow, if what he has been doing has come from Joe,
then Barack better find somebody else!
Paul Ryan has an exemplary
Congressional record and is a Republican from a state which has elected quite a
few Democrats in the past (although it seems to be rethinking that). Ryan is
young and personable, with great knowledge of economic issues. Crowds seem to
like Ryan and he tries his best to answer all questions which are put to him.
Joe is also a likeable guy, whether
you like his politics or not. He has an easy smile and a folksy attitude when
addressing a crowd, Joe’s biggest problem is that he sometimes falters into the
truth and that isn’t good for Barack Obama.
I’m sure Paul Ryan is going to be well
prepared for this debate, as well prepared as Mitt Romney was for Mr. Obama. I
don’t think Joe will be as unprepared as the President was for his debate. Joe
has been around a long time and I’m sure he is politically “street smart” about
this event.
Obviously, I am hoping Paul Ryan does
well in this debate, and I hope Mr. Ryan doesn’t think Joe will act like a
buffoon at the podium, or the outcome won’t be good for him.
Well, my fellow Americans, pop some
corn, get some root beer, put on comfy pajamas and get ready for the show. It
may not be “Godzilla vs. Mothra”, but it should be interesting viewing for all
of us, especially Barack Obama!
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