Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Don't Blow It!!"

Everything you hear, see or read influences your thinking, including this blog. I have an agenda when I write this blog, and I’m sure most of you know what it is; a revival of a Constitutional America under conservative values and individual freedom. I have never considered the current administration as anything but a leftist, big-government, socialist-leaning group, and any competent research will verify my beliefs. I have written hundreds of pages with thousands of words describing the current President, and I have urged all who read my work to find these things out for themselves and not just rely on my perceptions.

In a few weeks, we are going to elect the next President of the United States of America, the most important decision we can make as a citizen in this nation. I believe there is not only a left-leaning media, but a concerted effort to conceal facts and adjust reporting to aid the campaign of Barack Obama. FOX News is a conservative news organization, but as an organization that does try to be “Fair and Balanced, FOX reports everything that has an impact on the American political scene, both good and bad about either candidate. Does FOX have an agenda? Of course, FOX has an agenda. Just like ABC, CNN, MSNBC and CBS do their best to project Barack Obama as a competent President, FOX shows him “warts and all”, and the Obama Administration doesn’t like it.

America faces the question of: Who do we listen too? Some people turn to entertainers’ opinions. I don’t understand why people take so much stock in what a celebrity says. Most actors are just people as ill-informed as the average guy walking down the street, except they have a large venue to exhibit their opinions. Most celebrities don’t worry too much about their electric bills, gas bills, mortgage payments or lay-offs. They make quite a bit of money for playing “let’s pretend” in front of an audience. If an actor plays a doctor, he really can’t operate on anyone; if an actor plays a President, he really can’t make a decision for America. Remember, an actor only reads someone else’s words, NOT HIS OWN! Actors aren’t always as smart as the characters they portray.

Should we listen to our own political leaders? We hear constant contradictions from every politician from every party, as each Republican and Democrat want to advance their agenda, sometimes at the expense of the truth.

What about listening to other world leaders to glean from their experience of our potential with one candidate or the other; is that a good idea? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a blistering account of his opinion of Barack Obama, which wasn’t too flattering and I don’t think the Prime Minister would cast a vote for Obama if he could. I do have some good news for Mr. Obama; Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan Socialist really likes him and said he would vote for Obama if he could. Oddly ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC didn’t say very much about the rousing endorsement for Mr. Obama from Mr. Chavez. Those organizations also failed to mention Mr. Obama’s endorsements from the American Communist Party and the American Socialist Party; I thought you might like to know that!

When you enter that voting booth in November, you need to ask yourself: What do you really know about Barack Obama, and HOW MUCH HAS BEEN HIDDEN FROM YOU? Have you listened to those who really know very little, those with political power ambitions or factual reports of all that needs to be exposed to make an informed decision? You will only get one chance in November; don’t “blow it”!

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