Friday, October 19, 2012

"A Shadow Presidency!"

I have often mentioned my dogs before, Simon and Garfunkel; they are my “all day shadows”; no matter where I go they are always close at my heels. I believe they follow me because I am the guy who feeds them, and one never knows when I may be going to the kitchen.

We all cast a shadow when we are exposed to light, and it follows us as long as the light shines on us. Cat Stevens wrote a song in 1971 called “Moonshadow” which said he could “leap and hop”, but that shadow would never leave him.

Most crimes are committed in the dark, so the perpetrator can hide in the shadows, thus hiding his shadow from other people.

Our words and deeds are somewhat like a shadow too. Everything we say and do follow us wherever we may go. Those in public service are under quite a bit of scrutiny and their actions and words are part of the public record. Promises and failures are scrupulously documented by responsible members of the press; some irresponsible members do have a measure of selective memory about certain public figures and that is a reflection of their own character.

Tuesday evening we saw the second Presidential Debate, mediated by Candy Crowley, and at times, it seemed that Ms. Crowley wanted to obscure the “shadow” of Barack Obama.  Ms. Crowley stopped Mitt Romney on several occasions while he was making points about Mr. Obama’s record in office in order to avoid facts from being revealed to the viewing audience.

Mr. Obama has to resort to his own manner of castigating his opponent about ambiguous statements about being wealthy and a protector of millionaires. I guess Mr. Obama doesn’t understand that millionaires run businesses that hire people who are UNEMPLOYED. I guess Mr. Obama doesn’t understand that a higher burden on the wealthy who are already paying 70% of the freight in this country will only further the damage of the economic growth of America. I guess that Mr. Obama doesn’t understand that not using our own natural resources and continuing on foreign sources for our energy will continue the spiral in fuel cost to the American people.

Mr. Romney stated some of Mr. Obama’s failure of delivering what he promised when he took office; and they were stated quite eloquently with little room for error, even when Ms. Crowley tried to stop them. When the words “Fast and Furious” were mentioned, Ms. Crowley practically moved at “light speed” to stop any further discussion of that subject. The unfolding cover-up of the Benghazi situation was certainly intercepted by Ms. Crowley who offered to “fact check” the President’s statements, which are still muddled, at best.

Unemployment, a sluggish GNP which isn’t gaining any momentum, an ever growing deficit and an explosion of people in need of food stamps are following our incumbent President like an ever lengthening shadow.

Mitt Romney seems to be the flood-light on the Obama Administration, and he is a pretty bright light. Mr. Romney’s light is so bright that even a biased mediator felt the need to cloud the issues in a protective barrage of interruption of the Governor’s responses.

The facts of the Obama Presidency are coming into the “light” and no number of attempts to “overshadow” them can hide them. Failed “green corporations” are falling faster than the autumn leaves, yet Obama continues to defend them; what else can he do? All Barack Hussein can do is stand on the corpse of Osama bin Laden and pound his chest; the only bright spot in a “Presidency of Shadows”.

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