Wednesday, October 31, 2012

" I Saw What You Did!!"

Way back in 1965, a movie came out called “I Saw What You Did!” This was a movie with a mix of crime and terror starring John Ireland and Joan Crawford, and it is pretty good Halloween fare. The plot involves some young teen girls making prank phone calls at random to people in the phone book saying “I saw what you did” to each of them in a knowing and accusing way, and then they would hang up. One of the calls is to John Ireland, a psycho who just murdered his wife. Ireland now believes someone saw him commit his heinous act. It is much like those 60s movies like “Baby Jane” and some other cheap maniac killer films with a lot of shadows and sudden jolts of deadly acts. As Halloween is here, I thought about this movie and how it ties into today’s current political scene.

I saw what you did: When you pushed through a huge healthcare initiative that is adding four trillion dollars to our debt.

I saw what you did: When you spent hundreds of millions of America’s tax dollars on a “green initiative” that has proven a huge bust with American taxpayers footing the bill.

I saw what you did: When you gave billions to General Motors and claim it has been paid back while G.M. still owes 27 billion dollars on the bail-out.

I saw what you did: When you delayed sending troops to Afghanistan while our soldiers desperately needed reinforcements to help them accomplish their mission and protect themselves.

I saw what you did: When you bowed down to kings in a foreign land and apologize for America protecting itself while under radical attacks.

I saw what you did: When you snubbed the Prime Minister of Israel while catering to Muslim leaders who openly threaten our best friend in the Middle-East.

I saw what you did: When you leaned over to the Russian President making secret promises you didn’t want the American people to find out about.

I saw what you did: When you had your college records sealed from the American people, hiding documents pertinent to your qualifications of being our President.

I saw what you did: When you instructed your Justice Department not to prosecute New Black Panthers in a voter intimidation case, even with overwhelming video evidence.

I saw what you did: When you used “Executive  Privilege” to hide documents from a Congressional Investigation hiding vital information of criminal negligence by Eric Holder, your Attorney General.

I saw what you did: When you called the massacre at Fort Hood work place violence instead of a terrorist act, which is what it was. The killer was calling for Jihad as he shot our soldiers.

I saw what you did: When you said “The private sector is doing just fine” while 27 million Americans are still unemployed.

I saw what you did: When you told small business owners that “They didn’t build those businesses”, even though it was their sweat and investment that did the work and took the risks to make them successful.

I saw what you did: When you perpetrated a lie about a YOU-TUBE video starting a riot that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including an Ambassador who had been asking for additional security weeks before the attack and was denied that security.

For the last nearly four years, I have been watching you very closely Mr. Obama, and I conclude you have been more dangerous to America than any “psycho killer”. You are a self-absorbed man who is only interested in personal power and a political agenda that is the polar opposite of the principles that built the United States of America. You are America’s “Monster Movie” come to life, and I hope with all my heart that the “Monster” will be banished from the United States forever on November 6,  2012. We all saw what you did!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

"Can't Take the Pressure!!"

An NFL quarterback is a very unique individual; he must be athletic, intelligent and be able to work well under extreme pressure. He must be able to analyze a situation in a matter of seconds, while moving in a calculated scheme and complete a pre-planned play before he is knocked to the ground by several men who wish to drive him into the turf in a most painful way.

A police officer is also someone who must respond well in situations that are of very high pressure; he sometimes makes decisions in only seconds that are of life and death importance. He must quickly gather information from everything available in only a few moments and move with deliberate speed to resolve the situation with as little damage to the people involved as possible.

A soldier in a combat situation is another example of someone who must make swift decisions in situations of very high pressure, or he may forfeit his own life or that of his compatriots. Actions in combat go off at light speed and there is very little room for error or second guessing; this is definitely a matter of life and death.

What do all of these men have in common? They all respond to tough situations head-on, never ducking hard choices or decisions. They don’t take the easy road or push their responsibility off to someone else; they “face the music” when things get rough. They must be the right men at the right time and sometimes they must answer the tough questions when the smoke clears.

On September 11th of this year, we lost four Americans in an act of terrorism to radical Islamists. Over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen several members of our government give explanations of that tragedy in ways that don’t seem compatible with facts that have now been revealed. Phone calls, e-mails, cables and intelligence reports conflict with information which was given by the White House and the State Department in regards to this incident. For two weeks, the minions of the Obama Administration touted a YOU-TUBE video as the spark to a spontaneous demonstration that erupted into violence and murder, a closer examination of facts show a much different picture to the American people. Weeks before, our ambassador sent messages to the State Department asking for extra security as his situation was becoming tenuous. The British closed their embassy because of ever mounting danger in that very same nation and they felt it was too dangerous to remain there. The Ambassador’s requests went unfulfilled. He and three other American citizens are now DEAD. The White House is still “evaluating the facts” and no solid statements have been made yet!

Since this incident, our President has done little to clear the air about what happened. State Department officials have spoken to the media, and it has been addressed at Press Conferences, yet the President himself has yet to engage in an interview to answer the hard questions about Benghazi.

Mr. Obama has had interviews with Brian Williams, a guy from MTV called Sway, Jay Leno and David Letterman. None of these interviews seriously addressed the Benghazi terrorist murders or the aftermath. Mr. Obama has been on the View and smiled at the ladies, yet answered nothing with candor. The President has yet to appear on FOX NEWS in any capacity for an interview of any kind since the Benghazi incident. His surrogates have only spouted the talking points which we have all heard, which are continuing to be proven as spurious. It seems Mr. Obama isn’t doing well under pressure, and is “deathly afraid” to appear on FOX NEWS, as they will ask the questions no one else has the fortitude to ask. We have a man in the White House that fears tough questions from a news source; perhaps because he is unable to answer with honesty, or fear the facts will show America who he really is behind the smiles and jokes. If this man fears news reporters, how much more must he fear men like Putin or Ahmadinejad?

There is one week until the election and we have a President who is avoiding the issues of real importance while spending his time on talk shows and answering questions like “What is the most important music genre today” (he answered Hip-Hop). Will you put the next four years of America’s future in his hands again, or will you trust someone who will address the tough questions that will be asked? We don’t need a “celebrity”, we need a President, and that isn’t Barack Hussein Obama!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

"Obama's Nestling Dolls"

Before my wife went to the Honors College, she worked in International Programs and to this day, she still corresponds with students from other countries in a personal way; they remain her students to this day. She has received gifts from many departing students in appreciation of her work to help them to feel at home here in America. We have had several foreign students to our home during holidays for dinners and celebrations; they are nice young people who represent their countries well. One of the gifts my wife received was a set of Russian nestling dolls. In case you are unfamiliar with these dolls, they come in a set of five to ten figures, each of which is concealed within each larger doll. They are hand painted and quite interesting to see. Every time you open one up, you have the surprise of finding another one until you get to that tiny doll in the center of it all.

Over the last five weeks, we have seen Barack Obama’s version of Russian Nestling Dolls as America is discovering on a daily basis the truth behind the debacle of the murders in Benghazi.

Five weeks ago, we heard of the infamous video which was blamed for the rioting and murders in Benghazi; for weeks the State Department drummed the video into the ears of the American people, until other facts came to light, not from us, but from the Libyan leadership who believed this was a planned terrorist attack from their own intelligence. We also have found out that the slain Ambassador was asking Washington for increased security because of a dangerous and unstable condition and he was turned down. Congressional questioning of security advisors have shown the possibility of a cover-up of the entire incident in an effort to give Mr. Obama some credible deniability of his knowledge of the events which took place and when he knew it.

As I said about a week ago, Hillary Clinton went under the bus taking responsibility for the whole mess. I find it curious that the Secretary of State would not notify the President at the earliest possible opportunity of this murderous attack, even if the President had to go to Las Vegas for a campaign speech. Does anybody really believe that someone as savvy as Hillary Clinton would drop the ball in a situation like this? Is our State Department so inept that it couldn’t connect the dots between these attacks and the 9/11 anniversary? The more facts that are coming into public view, the more we see the unveiling of a conspiracy to cover-up an administration of, at best, ineptitude or at worst, calculated deception from its highest levels. Every time we open up another “doll”, we find something more disturbing than the last.

I have heard the term “fog of war” used ad nauseum from many of the talking heads and even the most naïve observer could have come to the conclusion this was a terrorist action very early on, that is, unless you are in protection mode for Barack Obama.

Is this the only time Barack Obama has been protected from the truth during his administration? How many more “Nestling Dolls” exist for him? Why do you think Donald Trump offered $5,000,000 to Mr. Obama to open up his school records; is that another “Nestling Doll” that Mr. Obama doesn’t want opened? This President has too many secrets on too many levels and he continues to keep his secrets! Does this deceptive and secretive President deserve a second term? The most “transparent administration ever”; I don’t think so; do you?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Two weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, 19,996 minutes; that is all the time we have until we elect the next President of the United States of America. I have been waiting for this day since Barack Obama took the Oath of Office nearly four years ago. I believe Barack Obama has damaged our economy, our national defense and our reputation around the world. All of those things are very bad, but the worst thing Barack Obama has done is attack our rights under the Constitution, and pervert the words of our founding fathers. He has surrounded himself with the miscreants of politics from the furthest points of the radical left. He has appointed a crew of socialist and communist sympathizers, and hate mongers of free market capitalism, who all believe in a system of enforced social justice to “even things out” among all the people of America. Obama’s game plan is offering a “Free Sandwich for Everybody”; he loves entitlements just as his czars and minions do. If you actually are following the election, our President has made no specifics clear to the public; only that Mitt Romney is bad! What we must assume from this strategy is that Mr. Obama will continue on the same road he has been on since January of 2009.

In January of 2009, we moved into the Obama Era. We attained unemployment of over 10% nationally, our fuel costs began to rise, and we began the pursuit of a healthcare initiative that will add four trillion dollars to our enormous debt. Our housing market went straight into the dumpster as we saw homes lose value at a record rate. We went through the “Summer of Recovery” with rising unemployment and a snail’s pace of GNP. We have seen hundreds of companies lose hundreds of millions of taxpayer’s dollars on Obama’s “green initiative. The magic name of SOLYNDRA alone cost Americans 528 million dollars; and Obama is intent on continuing his “fool’s mission” supporting these failed policies.

The “most transparent” administration we were ever supposed to have has done more behind closed doors than any administration since Richard Nixon. We saw his Democrat controlled Congress pass Obamacare strictly on partisan lines, with the phrase “you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it…”; now we know what’s in it and we found out it stinks! We have seen this President whisper to the Russian President what he refused to say to the American people. We must ask, ”Why the secrets Mr. Obama?”

We have seen Mr. Obama fill the air with platitudes about Israel, yet purposely distance America from her greatest friend in the Middle-East. We have seen our eastern European Defense Shield decimated to appease Vladimir Putin, a really trustworthy guy. Obama says he wants to roll back our nuclear arsenal back to levels of the 1950s!!! Obama is guilty of castrating our nation because he wants us to be “one of the pack”. Is this the America you want?

This is the time we must remember what has happened over the course of the last 3+ years, not just what has happened in the last three weeks. Barack Obama has done damage to our nation on a monumental level in a relatively short time. Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama  is the ringing in of a death dirge for America. This man must be stopped on November 6th or America will cease to exist as we know it. Do your civic duty, remember what is at stake and do not re-elect this destroyer of America!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Knock-Out Punch!"

As most of you know, I am a boxing fan, and have been for many decades. I appreciate the skill and courage it takes to stand “toe to toe” with an opponent until the “best man wins”. I also believe any fight can change in a split second by that famous “lucky punch” that defeats a prospective winner and sends him to the canvas in the final round.

Many years ago, I remember a heavyweight championship fight between “Big John Tate”, who was holding one of the title belts, and Mike “Hercules” Weaver. Tate was big for that period of boxing, weighing in at 232 lbs., while Weaver was about 217 lbs., but in excellent condition. Tate was a good boxer with a steady jab, but with no real knockout punch. Weaver had a spotty record, but did have a knockout punch. The fight was a virtual boxing lesson from Tate to Weaver, with Tate controlling the ring like Patton controlling a battlefield; Weaver couldn’t do much of anything. Back then, title fights were 15 rounds instead of today’s 12 round bouts; those last three rounds were referred to as “the championship rounds”, which separated the contenders from the champions. The 15th round started with Tate moving well and Weaver chasing him with little success, until the final minute of the bout when Weaver threw a sledge-hammer right hand and Tate fell to the canvas like a lump of potatoes, and didn’t get up. One punch changed the outcome of the entire fight! One moment in the fight, one mistake, cost John Tate the World Championship. When you are fighting for the “Title”, you cannot afford to make a mistake or you end up looking at the ceiling unable to get back up!

Tonight we will see the “Championship Rounds” in the Presidential Debates. Incumbent President Barack Hussein Obama will square off in the last of three debates with his challenger, former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney. In the first two meetings, Romney appeared to have an edge over Mr. Obama, and this had been reflected in most of the reputable polls. Romney has been on a steady rise ever since the first debate, which he won convincingly from Obama. Romney took a few “body blows” from Obama in the second debate, but left virtually unscathed, leaving some real damage to Obama.

This evening’s debate will deal with foreign policy, and I am sure Mr. Obama may be a little worried about the subject matter, as he has been dealing with a credibility crisis over the killings in Benghazi a month ago. He must also defend his “off the mike comments” to the President of Russia a few months ago. He also must defend his reduction of our Eastern European defense shield. His record of appeasement toward our enemies and a weakening of our defense of Israel will definitely play a role in this debate.

Mr. Romney has proven himself to be a formidable adversary, being totally prepared in the first two debates, and I’m sure he will come out swinging some heavy blows at Obama’s record. I believe he has been well schooled about every misstep and mistake Obama has made over the course of his tenure in office, and he will be waiting to deliver his “knockout blow”.

This final debate may decide the outcome of the upcoming election, and it may be a bloody outcome. Obama is caught in his corner and Romney just keeps on coming forward, throwing punch after punch. The question for tonight is: Will we see that punch that Obama won’t be able to get up from; will he be left on the canvas?