Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Protectors of Your Vote!!"

The only actual influence each of us has is our individual vote; we can speak or write about the available choices in any election, but when it is all said and done, the voting booth is where it all comes to fruition.

I remember mayoral elections in Chicago, and most of the time nobody knew who the Republican candidate was; Mayor Daley (both of them) were the presumptive winner in every election. Chicago is a Democrat-controlled city and no one with any political savvy would argue that fact. Chicago is famous for the saying “Vote early and vote often” and the voting rolls that were filled with the deceased who rise from their resting places as every good Democrat would to cast their ballots.

We have the most important Presidential Election in our history coming up in November, and proper voting procedures should be carefully guarded by our election judges in every district in every state in America. Several states want voter identification cards to verify the identity of potential voters. Some states are reviewing their voting rolls and clearing out those who are no longer residents of the districts or are deceased. Strangely, these actions are being fought by our Justice Department and I don’t understand why the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT would find protection of a legal elective process as something not to be desired. I know Mr. Holder has real problems with due process when it comes to vote fraud and intimidation, as he refused to prosecute New Black Panthers caught on video wielding batons and hurling epithets at prospective voters. I guess, as long as you don’t have an UZZI, you can do whatever you like outside of a polling-place in America as long as Eric Holder is Attorney General of the United States.

I live in “small town America” and we don’t seem to be having much trouble with voter intimidation here; I know the election judges at our polling place, even the Democrats!  We have some mutual respect here, and we all see each other at the grocery store all the time, so it isn’t too easy to intimidate anybody; we’re stuck making cogent arguments about our beliefs.

I now have some really good news for all of you potential voters; that violent New Black Panther Party has announced they will be back at America’s polling places again during this election. Their Chairman, Malik Zulu Shabazz, made a statement saying “We will be there….legally and lawfully go to the polls again to make sure there is no intimidation against our people….”!

Yes, my fellow Americans, you can rest easy knowing the New Black Panthers will be protecting your voting rights this year!! I wonder what methods of persuasion they will use to encourage potential voters during this election year.  Perhaps black-jacks or switch-blade knives are in order; I’m sure they will definitely keep the people mindful of whom they could vote for.  

I don’t know how to combat this obvious attempt to give inappropriate influence to people who want to exercise their franchise. Police or military presence could help dissuade potential intimidators, but I hate the thought that an American election needed this type of protection from fraud or potential violence.

I hope we can have an election in November that is reflective of the freedom that the United States should have for all of its citizens, and no citizens ever fear for their lives when casting a ballot. Whether it is Black Panthers, Klan members or NAZI brown shirts, no one should interfere with our freedom at the polls. I wonder what Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama think about this?

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