Friday, September 7, 2012

"Digging in Barack's Back Yard"

Most of you know I have two dogs, Simon and Garfunkel; they are quite a pair. Simon is a Labrador-Border-Collie mix, and Garfunkel is a Yellow Labrador; they chase each other in endless yard races, and if I allow it, around my living room. Like all dogs, they like to dig in my yard, a habit which I’m not too crazy about. They leave divots everywhere with no concern for me. I have a planter in front of my house that has a hydrangea bush, and the local squirrels make a habit of trying to bury acorns in my planter, also with no concern for me. I had a groundhog which used to dig around my shed, another animal with no respect for my property. The squirrels seem to have given up on my planter, the dogs will never stop digging up my yard, and the groundhog is now in “groundhog heaven” courtesy of a well placed .22 round. I used to have rabbits, but the two dogs seem to have convinced the rabbits my yard is not a friendly place for them. Digging things up seems to be a habit most animals like to do. I guess my yard looks “shovel ready” to them. Most of the holes in my yard contain bones and nuts, the treasures of dogs and squirrels.

It seems that dogs and squirrels aren’t the only creatures who like to dig things up, especially during a campaign season. Then again, I’ll bet there are some things that would be better left buried. Bill Clinton made his endorsement of Barack Obama at this convention that is dedicated to empowering women. Oddly Clinton, a notorious user of women, was cheered by the Democrats in attendance. Monica Lewinsky wasn’t in attendance. I guess Bill is on a pretty tight leash nowadays.

Jimmy Carter made a rousing speech of endorsement for Barack Obama, lauding his leadership ability. I seem to remember an unemployment problem and rising fuel costs that was the signature of Mr. Carter’s administration; along with a “hostage crisis” it took Ronald Reagan to resolve. I guess that will be kept buried. Sorry Jimmy, but you were a “stinker in the Oval Office” and nothing can hide that.

The First Lady said “You can trust this man” in regards to her husband, yet, I remember the promise of a televised viewing of the process of his healthcare initiative, and then it was done entirely behind closed doors. I remember an open mike incident between Mr. Obama and the Russian President making promises of further cuts in America’s defense shield after his reelection, saying he could be more flexible; the Russian replied that “He understood”. I’ll bet that conversation will remain buried by the Obama campaign!

I’ll bet there won’t be too much said about the “green initiative” or “green jobs” as the shadow of SOLYNDRA looms over both programs, along with numerous other “investments” made that cost America hundreds of billions of dollars. This, I’m sure, will remain buried in the furthest part of “Obama’s back yard.”

My dogs always sniff around before they dig something up, and sometimes it is something that smells pretty bad. If we poke around “Obama’s back yard”, we may begin digging up some things that smell quite a bit. We must try to remember everything that has happened since Barack Obama became President; there is quite a stench in this administration!

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