Friday, September 14, 2012

"Hung Out to Dry!"

Many years ago, my late brother Bill got into an altercation in a local tavern; he was with a friend, Jeff, when this incident took place. The fight was taken outside the bar and my brother’s “friend” said “Wait here, I’ll get some help.” His way of getting “help” was to run for his life and let my little brother remain behind to take a beating. Bill really caught it that night; bruises and a black eye were very prominent. Bill had taken some karate lessons, and when I saw him the first time I asked “Did you use some of that screaming while you were in the fight?”; sometimes a big brother can be a little sarcastic! That night. Bill found out just how much of a friend Jeff really was to him. My Dad was always a little skeptical of Jeff, and he told me “Someday that guy will hang your brother out to dry”; Dad was a good judge of character. It means a lot to be a “stand up guy”; someone who doesn’t dessert a friend when times are tough or dangerous. I had a friend who was in need of a loan, he asked me for $8,000, saying he would sign a note and pay interest on the money. My response was to give him the money, telling him to pay when he could and there would be no paperwork; he was my good friend. I was promptly paid back and the loan was a forgotten incident. Sometime later, someone asked “What would I have done had my friend been unable to pay me back?” My response was “I would have forgotten about it; my friendship was more important than the money”; I meant every word of that. Financial costs are never as important as character and relationships; never leave a friend “out to dry”.

America has ONE FRIEND in the Middle-east, Israel, and our President has been keeping Israel at arm’s length for a long time. Over the course of the last four years, Barack Obama has done his best to keep Israel on the “back burner” while bowing and kneeling at the feet of the Muslim nations. In return for all of this kowtowing, we are now seeing the fruits of Obama’s foreign policies. Embassy attacks are now flourishing across the Middle-east and American lives are already lost. Israel sits in the center of the entire mess with a rogue Iran just months away from nuclear warhead capability, and Barack Obama is headed to Ohio!! (Always the candidate, never the President)

I don’t think Israel has much oil; all they have is a democracy and there aren’t too many of them left anymore as we drift toward a socialist world philosophy. Israel doesn’t have to look too far to find people who hate her; Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has already stated her disdain for Israel, and Syria has no lost love for Israel either, but the most virulent hater is Iran and that state is ready to take aggressive action to destroy Israel.

We now have dead Americans and a true ally in great jeopardy from lunatic Muslim factions across the Middle-East. What will Barack Obama do now? Will there be more knee-bending and kowtowing? Will there be further distancing of Israel? Will Obama leave a real friend “out to dry”? I’m afraid we have more of a “Jimmy Carter” than a “Ronald Reagan” in the Oval Office right now, and all American’s know where that will lead us!

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