Monday, July 16, 2012

"Un-Presidential Obama=NO INTEGRITY"

I’m sure each of my readers, at one time or another, have said or done something that required an apology. A side remark about a friend or relative that wasn’t supposed to be heard, but was, can lead to a situation that requires an instant mending of fences because we said something that shouldn’t have been said. It isn’t much fun “eating crow”, and that isn’t a very tasty dish! A person of good character can make a mistake, and a person of good character will own up to his mistake and try to make amends for his wrongs.

I have yet to meet anybody who has never said something that they lived to regret later; if you find that person, please let me know who that guy is so I can shake his hand. There are people out there who will say anything to accomplish their purposes with little regard for truth or facts; people with NO CONSCIENCE!!

We are now “hot and heavy” into the Presidential Campaign 2012, and charges are flying around like SCUD Missiles trying to inflict as much damage as possible to the participants from both political parties.

Last week, a member of Barack Obama’s campaign said that Mitt Romney has lied about his tenure at Bain Capital in an effort to connect Mr. Romney to the spurious charge that he was involved in the outsourcing of jobs from America to foreign manufacturers. Facts are now being revealed that show Mr. Romney was wrongfully accused in this situation. The charge was so weak that facts came out proving them false almost moments after the charges were levied against him. Several newspapers have already denounced the charges as false and misrepresentations of facts. The Obama representative made the statement that this false charge could be a felony and Romney could be eligible for criminal action!

Bain Capital has shown that the charges were valueless, and this has already been confirmed, yet, the Obama camp stands behind the statements veracity. Mitt Romney has finally shown some anger over this incident and said such conduct is below the office he holds and the integrity of a presidential campaign, and has asked for an apology from Obama’s people. Up to this point, no one from the camp of Barack Obama has issued any type of apology of any type to the Romney camp, and it appears that will not happen in the near future.

I don’t believe Mr. Obama has some “smoking gun” evidence about Romney at this point, or he would already have used it to tarnish Romney’s reputation. I also don’t believe Barack Obama is man enough to own up to this mistake and issue an apology to the Romney campaign, after all, Mr. Obama hasn’t apologized for his unconstitutional appointments, gigantic national debt, non-existent GNP, housing crisis, belly-up green projects, non-prosecution of voter intimidation, forced healthcare initiative, 8+% unemployment for 41+ months or the outsourcing of thousands of jobs from his administration to Red China and Europe. No, my fellow Americans there are no apologies coming from Barack Hussein Obama anytime soon, so don’t hold your breath.

All we will hear from Barack Hussein Obama is the usual story of the “Legend of George Bush”, or the old song “It’s Not My Fault, I was Golfing That Day”; this is rhetoric of Mr. Obama!  Like I said, a person of integrity will face his mistakes and make proper apologies; men without integrity will never do those things. You are the judge of the integrity of our current Chief Executive; I’ve made up my mind already!

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