Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"A Generation of Ignorance"

Last week, we celebrated “Independence Day” all across America. We had parades, fireworks and cook-outs in every corner of this great nation. Flags waved in front of many a home, mine included, as we puffed out our national chests in pride. I love this country; there is no other like her anywhere on Earth. I think it is important to know why America is so different than all the rest, or we will forget what makes America so great.

A couple of days ago, I was watching “The O’Reilly Factor” on FOX, and there was a segment on the show where an interviewer went to a beach on July 4th and asked some of the crowd questions about “Independence Day”. Most of the people questioned were from their early to middle twenties, people who should all have graduated from high school. They were all younger and were having fun at the beach on our nation’s birthday.

One of the questions asked by the interviewer was “when did we sign the Declaration of Independence?”; a young pretty girl answered, after some thought and said “1964”. I sat back in my recliner flabbergasted and a bit dumbfounded. Another question was, “Who did we get our independence from?”, and many had no idea that it was England; once again I became upset. A young girl was asked who her favorite Founding Father was and she answered Benjamin Franklin; then she was asked why; her response was “Wasn’t he the 100th President?” Now I’m almost having an attack of apoplexy over the collective ignorance of these young people. Nearly all of them recognized the name Samuel Adams (1722-1803, cousin to John Adams and Founding Father from Massachusetts); unfortunately, they recognized his name for a brand of beer! The interviewer later stated that 55% of those people questioned couldn’t answer common questions correctly about Independence Day! Some didn’t even know what a “Founding Father” meant!  Most of them identified Presidents by their pictures on currency and knew little else!

I am now in complete understanding of why Barack Obama was elected President of the United States! We are reaping the benefits of our public school educational system, and the horror that is “teacher tenure”. All of those young Americans are the voters who don’t have a clue of what America is and how to choose a competent leader. Teachers have been lauded by their unions and given contracts that most folks in the private sector would love to have. Once a teacher reaches “tenure”, they are virtually secure in their positions for life, and can go on “cruise control” until they retire. In the meantime, we have developed a generation of ignorance of our own history, and the proper workings of our government. This is the generation of the “30 second sound-byte” and the “Celebration of Reality Television”, totally unaware of any factual information when making major decisions about America’s leadership.

Some people say “Ignorance is bliss”; a dangerous state of mind for everyone, especially at a time when our nation’s very existence is in question, and our rights are being threatened by an Unconstitutional Chief Executive.

Those of you who are educated in what America needs must be vocal at this time in history. If we sit back and say little, this generation of Americans will be lost forever in a sea of government rule and loss of Constitutional Rights; they just don’t know!! Be armed with facts and knowledge and do your best to reveal truth or in November, a “clueless generation” could put Barack Obama back in the White House, and that is a national disaster!

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