Have you ever heard the term “taking something for granted”? It means the belief that you are assured something, without any actual promise that it will be given to you. Sometimes, when people are dating, they have the belief that there is an unwritten rule that neither person will see anyone else while the relationship is going on; sometimes that doesn’t always happen. We can be disappointed when something happens that isn’t quite what we want to happen. I remember when Mike Tyson lost his heavyweight title to Buster Douglas. Most boxing experts thought the fight was going to be a “walkover”, or “warm-up fight” for the expected fight between Tyson and Evander Holyfield. Tyson came into the ring with his usual menacing persona, stalking back and forth, dangerous and imposing. Douglas stood in his corner, calm and not paying much attention to Tyson’s ring theatrics. When the bell sounded what happened was a surprise to everyone in the arena, with the possible exception of James “Buster” Douglas. Douglas was the perfect “ring general” as he broke Tyson’s style to fit Douglas, and then came the “Upset of the Century”; Douglas knocks Tyson out, and ring history was made. Tyson thought Douglas wasn’t even worth considering as an opponent; he thought this fight was a “gimme”; he took it for granted!
By now, I’m sure you all have heard about President Barack Hussein Obama’s “open mike” incident with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. This isn’t the first time a live microphone has shown us some things about Barack Hussein Obama and his administration. I remember when Vice-President Joe “the clown” Biden whispered into The President’s ear following the signing of his now controversial healthcare initiative saying “This is a big F*&*king Deal!” Open microphones are not the friend of Barack Hussein Obama!
During a break of a televised interview, Obama was caught saying he could be “more flexible” after his election in November in regards to further missile discussions than he could be presently.
Obama has already been “snookered” in the dismantling of our Eastern-European defense shield by the Russians last year, and it looks like he is willing to a further weakening of our nuclear programs which wouldn’t be a problem for him. I’m sure Vladimir Putin is “licking his chops” at the prospect of “negotiating” with the weak-willed Obama.
What is really disturbing about this incident is Obama’s term of being “more flexible” after his election. Perhaps a Barack Hussein Obama who doesn’t have the pressure of another election will be more ideologically driven to complete his questionable agenda for the United States of America. We must all remember that the Obama you have seen for the last 3+ years is the “conservative” Barack Hussein Obama. Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama will definitely show the “complete persona” of this man. This would be a “no holds barred” trip into leftist agenda politics and socialist philosophy, such as America has never seen.
We have already seen blatant disregard for our Constitution, and a policy of destruction of individual rights, with a pandering for radical fringe thinking. As an American, I must admit a “flexible” Barack Hussein Obama is a frightening prospect. What will this man do when he is unencumbered by the approval of the American voter? Will we be the ones who are more “flexible” as our rights are “twisted” away from us by a dedicated ideologue? That “open mike” lets you hear the “inner” Barack Hussein Obama; is he what you want in our Oval Office for one more term?
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