Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Not a Very BRIGHT IDEA!!"

Do you “ad match” when you go shopping? If you are unfamiliar with this term, there are some stores who will match the price of the same item at a competitor’s store in order to save the customer money. I have said in the past that my wife is a very smart shopper, and with the rise we have seen in prices at the grocery store, I really appreciate her skills. When I watch her work, with a handful of ads and coupons, she is like a surgeon carving away at the costs as they run up on the register. The town in which I live doesn’t have many “wealthy people”. We are probably below the national average in regards to income. Most of the folks down here shop at multiple places to save as much money as possible. We are still well above the national unemployment rate of over 8.4%, and things don’t seem to be getting much better. Most of those I know who have gotten new employment, have hired onto jobs for a much lower wage than the position they previously held. Most of the people in my community live in modest homes, or in rural areas on farms; not too many luxury residences are built around here. The rising fuel cost has been a great hardship on almost all of us, as we usually have to travel some distance to get our daily or weekly needs. Additional expenses are not welcomed in this community, we are “running on empty” most of the time.

My home is not large, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a storage shed on an average town lot; not a mansion by any stretch of the imagination, but it is just fine for me, my lovely wife and our two dogs.

Last week, I read about another great invention that our government has been subsidizing for our “best interests”. The Obama Administration has been spending our money on a better light bulb, a “green” light bulb that will save us energy cost at a “reasonable” price.

Once again, Barack Hussein Obama has looked to the future and spent $10,000,000 of your money for a light bulb that will only cost you $50.00 a piece!! This bulb will last 30 times longer than the incandescent bulb that cost you about $1.00; but it is “the thought that counts”.

Just for fun, I walked around my house and counted light bulbs, and we have about 45 light bulbs in my house, or about $45 to replace them all if they burn out. Mr. Obama’s new and improved light bulbs will cost me $2,250.00 to install as replacements for those inefficient bulbs. This just doesn’t make a whole bunch of sense to me, just like taking on a huge car payment when you are barely getting by week by week! I’ll bet, if you put up 2 displays in any hardware store in America, with incandescent lights for $1.00 each next to the new “super bulb” for $50.00 each, you won’t get too many sales of that “super bulb”, unless the purchaser is a little “dim” himself!

Whenever I think this administration can’t get any “stupider”, it surprises me again. Nothing is being done to relieve our fuel crisis, and nothing is being done to stop WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING, like this “stupid light bulb” idea! Perhaps, Mr. Obama can sell his light bulbs to comic strip writers to use in those bubbles over the character’s heads, because this idea is a real joke!!

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