Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Haven't I Heard This Before?"

I remember the “Johnny Carson Show” from late night television. Johnny had great power in show business and an appearance on his show could make a career after just one visit. For men and women who were “stand-up” comedians, this was almost a ticket to stardom if Johnny asked them to sit on the couch after a good set. Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Freddie Prinze became household names after a single appearance on Johnny’s show. Most comedians, who appeared on Johnny’s show, were working in small comedy clubs, or appearing as “warm up acts” in places like Las Vegas and Reno, before they got their “big break”.

A good stand-up routine could carry a comedian for several months, or even a year on the club circuit; that is “bread and butter” for quite a while in show business.

The single draw-back of being on the Carson Show was that all of America sees a comedian’s “best stuff” on a single night, and it won’t be usable back on the club circuit. A veteran comic will try to make his material last as long as possible, so it will play to as many audiences as possible; and no one will know it is the same routine from New York to New Mexico!

Last week, a friend of mine sent me a video of our President, Barack Hussein Obama, at several different interviews in several different countries. The site was a Danish show called “Detektor”, and they are available on FACEBOOK.

The nations that were shown and spoken about were Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Philippines, Australia, Poland, Britain, Germany, Israel, France, Italy, Japan and the Republic of Korea; in virtually every speech the nations were addressed as being able to “punch above their weight”, a boxing metaphor, which describes a fighter as a heavier hitter than his size indicates; sort of a “left-handed compliment” toward each of the mentioned nations. The term “no stronger ally” was also used in relation to most of the above countries. The speeches were “clones” with only the names of the countries added or deleted for each audience; I guess that relieves the use of a teleprompter; after the third or fourth time even Mr. Obama can remember things.

Like any good comedian, Mr. Obama seems fresh in his delivery at every speech, even though he has made it 14 times before.

This is probably the same “routine” we will see during the upcoming elections; not at the major gatherings, but at every crowd in every small town and village in America. Mr. Obama will give the American voters the same “tired material” from one town to another, with the same lack of respect he has given to the rest of the world when he speaks to them! I would certainly like to see a video anthology of every stop and every speech made by Mr. Obama over the next several months, and how much repetition is made in each “cloned” statement.

There is no “new material” from this comedian folks, only the same tired “jokes” we have seen and heard for the last 39 months, and they still “aren’t funny”. When November gets here, we need to “GET THE HOOK!”

(Thanks to my friend Mike!!)

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