Friday, March 30, 2012

"Bad Words Don't Vanish, Just Like Stupidity!"

There is a program on television right now called “The Voice” and it is top rated by the viewing audience. One of the judges on this show is named C- Lo Green, who is a recording artist. Currently, Mr. Green has a #1 hit entitled “F*#K” (fill in the blanks). I don’t watch “The Voice”, so I really don’t know if the show is any good. I certainly won’t buy anything recorded by Mr. Green, as I find his choice of language very offensive to me. In Mr. Green’s genre of music, profanity and violent innuendo seem to be the norm; perhaps that is why many of the people who listen to music like his choose to use vile and disgusting language, rather than intelligent English. I’m sure the music that Mr. Green and his contemporaries make is quite prevalent in many American school hallways, before school and after school, with little or no consequence from the school toward students who listen to this questionable art-form. I would be willing to wager there are some students in each school who find this type of music quite offensive.

Not long ago, I wrote about a school that was using a math class to make statements about slavery in test questions; a ridiculous thing to do. I could understand a discussion of this issue in a history class, not math; in history it is germane, in math it is not.

Our public schools have many different ethnic students, some black, some white, some Jewish, some Christian, some Muslim and some atheist; some are Latino and some are Italian or German, or Polish, or Russian; the list is nearly endless. I guarantee that every day things are said in public schools that will offend somebody, on some level. We now live in a society that practically lives in constant fear of offending some person or group with the words we say.

Growing up, we called black people “colored”; suddenly that became offensive and then we stopped using that term. I won’t even say what people called those in the “gay community”, as those terms were offensive from the start. I often heard the words “Dago” and “Wop” and I never took too well to that. Words and terms can cut and hurt easily, but we cannot insulate ourselves from the world in an attempt to keep from offending everyone.

Our children must learn about the entire world, even things that are not so good. We can carry political correctness to a foolish degree if we fail to use a little common sense.

New York City, that bastion of cosmopolitan culture and tolerance has just done something I find ridiculous; it is almost laughable. In a move reminiscent of a backwoods ban on the teaching of science, the New York School System has banned certain words from tests given to students.

Here are some of the words and topics which have been “banned”: dinosaur, Halloween, birthday, dancing and computers; all for various reasons over offensive connotations that could be taken by one or more groups or minorities. They are also “forbidden” to use terms like divorce, disease and poverty. Those words also could be offensive to somebody. I guess those tests will not have too many words that they actually can use. Can you tell me what those children are actually learning, if they are learning anything at all!

I have a word that offends me “STUPIDITY!”; YES THAT WORD! How stupid is this idea? In a place that one is supposed to learn about society, the words in that society are being edited out. I’m glad I live in the good old Midwest, you know “the gun toten” and "Bible carryin”” folks who are so intolerant; at least, our children will have some idea of what the world they live in is actually like. If you don’t say something, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"A Death in a City"

I lived in the Chicago area most of my life. Chicago is a beautiful city; it has a marvelous lake front, two major league baseball teams, an NFL team, an NBA team and an NHL hockey team. There are some of the finest restaurants in America in the City of Chicago. There are art galleries, and symphony orchestras; botanical gardens and zoos which make Chicago a wonderful place to visit and enjoy.

Chicago has a history of organized crime, street violence and veiled references to political corruption. Chicago has terrible winters and sweltering summers. Chicago is filled with all types of racial and ethnic groups; sometimes they get along, and sometimes they don’t. Before I left the area, I had many friends in the law enforcement community, and I heard many stories of what they went through on a daily basis. Sometimes Chicago can be a very violent place; much the same as any large city in America.

One friend used to patrol the “Fillmore District” in Chicago, and he told me that when he was working “midnights” (12:00AM to 7:00AM), he would drive with his pistol on the seat, as he knew he would have to use it regularly throughout the night. He also told me there was nothing more frightening than having to pull that weapon, because somebody was probably going to get hurt. He said “I don’t have time to be a diplomat when things jump off in the street; if I hesitate, I could be dead”.

The headlines across the nation have been dwelling on the death of a young boy named Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. It has been reported that the young boy was shot during an altercation with a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, when it was alleged that Martin attacked Zimmerman and he was shot by Zimmerman in self defense. Thus far, no charges have been made against Zimmerman, and several different accounts of the incident have been reported from several different sources. This story is a tragedy; it is always a tragedy when a life is lost. Every major city in America has stories like this on a nearly daily basis; only one has gained such national prominence. Why has this story gotten such attention?

If Mr. Zimmerman is charged with something, it will probably be manslaughter. I don’t believe Mr. Zimmerman left his home that evening with the intention of killing anyone. If the young Trayvon Martin actually did attack Mr. Zimmerman, and Mr. Zimmerman was in fear of his life, it is likely that no charges will be filed against him, pending investigation of all accounts of the incident.

It is unfortunate that a segment of our political community feel it is appropriate to turn this into a “racial issue”, when it clearly doesn’t have the “wheels” to be interpreted as a “race” crime.

It appears that Mr. Zimmerman is a “solid citizen” who cares about his community, or he would never have volunteered for something with the potential danger of a neighborhood watch program. I have heard nothing in regards to Mr. Zimmerman’s views on race; perhaps because it was never an issue with him. It is too bad that the death of a young man is being used to fuel racial division and hatred. It is too bad a local crime has turned into a national “race rant” from the left. It is too bad our President said “If I had a son, he would look like him.” Once again, America is being focused on race, instead of what this is in reality; a terrible tragedy that happens across racial lines, in all major metropolitan areas. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the New Black Panthers are inciting an issue that doesn’t exist for the purpose of making “political hay”. America has enough genuine problems without using the death of a young boy to further divide our nation.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Open Mike Reveals Obama!"

Have you ever heard the term “taking something for granted”? It means the belief that you are assured something, without any actual promise that it will be given to you. Sometimes, when people are dating, they have the belief that there is an unwritten rule that neither person will see anyone else while the relationship is going on; sometimes that doesn’t always happen. We can be disappointed when something happens that isn’t quite what we want to happen. I remember when Mike Tyson lost his heavyweight title to Buster Douglas. Most boxing experts thought the fight was going to be a “walkover”, or “warm-up fight” for the expected fight between Tyson and Evander Holyfield. Tyson came into the ring with his usual menacing persona, stalking back and forth, dangerous and imposing. Douglas stood in his corner, calm and not paying much attention to Tyson’s ring theatrics. When the bell sounded what happened was a surprise to everyone in the arena, with the possible exception of James “Buster” Douglas. Douglas was the perfect “ring general” as he broke Tyson’s style to fit Douglas, and then came the “Upset of the Century”; Douglas knocks Tyson out, and ring history was made. Tyson thought Douglas wasn’t even worth considering as an opponent; he thought this fight was a “gimme”; he took it for granted!

By now, I’m sure you all have heard about President Barack Hussein Obama’s “open mike” incident with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. This isn’t the first time a live microphone has shown us some things about Barack Hussein Obama and his administration. I remember when Vice-President Joe “the clown” Biden whispered into The President’s ear following the signing of his now controversial healthcare initiative saying “This is a big F*&*king Deal!” Open microphones are not the friend of Barack Hussein Obama!

During a break of a televised interview, Obama was caught saying he could be “more flexible” after his election in November in regards to further missile discussions than he could be presently.

Obama has already been “snookered” in the dismantling of our Eastern-European defense shield by the Russians last year, and it looks like he is willing to a further weakening of our nuclear programs which wouldn’t be a problem for him. I’m sure Vladimir Putin is “licking his chops” at the prospect of “negotiating” with the weak-willed Obama.

What is really disturbing about this incident is Obama’s term of being “more flexible” after his election. Perhaps a Barack Hussein Obama who doesn’t have the pressure of another election will be more ideologically driven to complete his questionable agenda for the United States of America. We must all remember that the Obama you have seen for the last 3+ years is the “conservative” Barack Hussein Obama. Four more years of Barack Hussein Obama will definitely show the “complete persona” of this man. This would be a “no holds barred” trip into leftist agenda politics and socialist philosophy, such as America has never seen.

We have already seen blatant disregard for our Constitution, and a policy of destruction of individual rights, with a pandering for radical fringe thinking. As an American, I must admit a “flexible” Barack Hussein Obama is a frightening prospect. What will this man do when he is unencumbered by the approval of the American voter? Will we be the ones who are more “flexible” as our rights are “twisted” away from us by a dedicated ideologue? That “open mike” lets you hear the “inner” Barack Hussein Obama; is he what you want in our Oval Office for one more term?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Force NOT Choice!"

When I go to the grocery store, I’m always a little in awe of the amount of choices I have for even a single type of product. If I wish to buy a can of soup, there are around a dozen different companies that make canned soup; this applies to bread, cookies, chips, cake mixes, mac-n-cheese and even toilet paper! I like being able to pick and choose the products I will purchase, or choose not to purchase. I pay tax on my purchases at the register for everything I CHOOSE to buy; no one in the store pulled me to a shelf and FORCED ME to buy anything in my cart. I like “Progresso” soup; I think it is a good quality soup, although I prefer to make soup from scratch when I can. “Progresso” offers a product in the free market, and has to be competitive in order to succeed; it must offer quality at a good price.

Some people buy “generic” foods in order to try to save money, and I understand that, especially in our current economic distress. I have tried some “generic” product, and for the most part, quality isn’t quite the same as the “name brands” have.

What if the grocery stores all across America ceased to offer any other products other than “generic brands”, and all freedom of choice was taken away from you when you entered the store, plus a store employee was waiting for you with a filled cart saying that you must purchase only what was in that cart? I’ll bet there would be some pretty heated conversations in that grocery store. We like the freedom of choice when we are spending our own money; we’re Americans and historically, we don’t take to being forced into anything.

This week was the start of Supreme Court hearings on the issue of “Obamacare” and the bill’s Constitutionality. The real question at issue is the ability of the federal government to force a citizen to purchase a product or service. You can throw all of the arguments about cost savings and citizens without coverage out the window; the real question is what the government can “make you do” through the force of its will!

The issue of affordable healthcare should be handled by the free market; the government could request each company to offer a “bare bones” plan which those who are in a state of poverty could purchase; the government could even offer some type of financial aid in those cases, but the actual business of healthcare should be handled in the marketplace. not the Oval Office. Several options were offered to President Barack Hussein Obama, but he turned a “deaf ear” to anything that wasn’t a government controlled program. We passed a bill of over 2,000 pages, which is still revealing things that are both surprising and disturbing as they come to light. Many issues in this bill are “NOT RELATED TO HEALTHCARE”, but are policies hidden within this spurious legislation, things that are intended to further limit your individual rights!

If the Supreme Court allows this bill to remain law, the only alternative for the American people is a change in the White House, and the Senate in November, as repeal will be our last resort. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will stand by our Constitution, and not ideological agenda, or we will all surely suffer because of this bill. I, for one, would like to choose what goes in my “grocery cart”; how about you?

Monday, March 26, 2012

"Now This Was AuD-DAYcious!!"

My uncle made the “jump” on D-Day with the 101st Airborne Division into France; he received a Silver Star, and he never talked about it. The landing on Omaha Beach was a massive undertaking. The entire operation consisted of Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches and were over 50 miles in length. This combined effort used more than 5,000 ships from landing crafts to battle ships, plus an air attack with plane loads of paratroopers filling the skies. Americans, British and Canadians joined forces to drive the occupying NAZI forces inland in the greatest land invasion in military history. Napoleon, Caesar and Attila the Hun never attempted an invasion on the scale of “Operation Overlord”.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the commander during this operation, and he handled it like the military master that he was proven to be by historians ever since that fateful day.

Over 150,000 troops from the Allies landed against 28,000 fortified well placed NAZI soldiers. General Eisenhower knew he would be sending thousands of young soldiers into a situation that would result in many of their deaths, and he didn’t take his decision on June 6th, 1944 lightly. He rarely spoke about his decision, a decision which altered the course of World War II. Ike knew it was more than a glorious moment; it was a victory achieved through the blood of thousands of young men who would never see the results of their dedication and bravery. General Eisenhower never referred to Operation Overlord as an “audacious plan”; he was too humble to say such a self-serving thing.

Vice-President Joe Biden, you know, Barack Hussein Obama’s comedy relief, made a statement about the death of Osama bin Laden. Joe said the plan to find Osama bin Laden and kill him was “the most audacious military plan in 500 years”; somebody should follow Joe around just to keep him from making such ridiculous remarks.

Really, Joe, are you kidding me? This was the greatest plan since 1512!? I’ll admit that getting rid of Old Osama was a good thing, but bigger than D-Day, or the use of the Atom Bomb to end WWII, or George Washington leading his men across the Delaware when they had nothing to eat and no hope other than the hope they placed in God. I think Joe needs a High School History lesson in a hurry. Jack Kennedy faced down the largest nuclear threat in American history; even that might rank a little higher than Osama’s death.

In an administration that has been rampant with failures and poor decisions, I don’t think one instance of competency will save it; you better find something else to hang “the Obama hat on”. Dead bin Laden is good; failed economy, huge unemployment and unbelievable fuel cost is not good. Failed investment in the “green initiative” and huge losses in home values are also not very good, and I’m not hearing anything from Joe about that stuff!

Perhaps the election of Barack Hussein Obama is the most “audacious mistake” in American political history. Perhaps, besides Osama’s corpse rotting, we may face a rotting American corpse if we re-elect Barack Hussein Obama in November of 2012!

Friday, March 23, 2012

"The Road to Perdition!"

Most Human Resources managers review countless job applications over the course of a calendar year. The most common way to eliminate a candidate for a job is untruths on his application. What I mean by untruth is a stretching of the facts, inflating the good points and ignoring the low points, perhaps even leaving them out completely. Everyone wants to look good when applying for a job; some will embellish their accomplishments for the singular purpose of weaving an image that doesn’t actually exist. In literature, we used to call things like this a “tall tale”, a “myth” or “spinning a yarn”; entertaining, but not always truthful.

Our President Barack Hussein Obama is now in full campaign mode, although I don’t believe he has ever left campaign mode since taking the Oath of Office in 2009.

A new video narrated by Tom Hanks has now been released and is called “The Road We’ve Traveled”, touting the “accomplishments” of Barack Hussein Obama over the last 3+ years.

Hanks said during the video that Mr. Obama “didn’t dwell in blame” but was committed to the “remaking of America”. I believe I have been in America every day since Barack Hussein Obama took office and I surely remember a constant barrage of blame being cast at George W. Bush on nearly a daily basis. He has castigated Mr. Bush on his “inherited debt”, yet Mr. Obama has already surpassed Mr. Bush’s eight years accumulation in less than 4 years. This fact is not mentioned in the video.

Mr. Obama’s “salvation” of the auto industry was lauded, yet nothing was mentioned of the only corporation that refused government bail-out funds and remained solvent throughout the crisis; Ford Motor Company stood on free market principles and succeeded without billions in taxpayer dollars. This was not mentioned in the video.

Nothing was said about Mr. Obama’s “green initiative” that has resulted in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WASTED on “green projects” and companies that went “belly up” at the taxpayer’s expense. I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned in the video.

Mr. Obama’s judicial appointments were said to be legal minds of great experience: Elena Kagan has never even tried a parking ticket in court, and Justice Sotomajor is a social activist who has record of legislating from the bench. Those things are not mentioned in the video.

Several Presidential appointments have been questioned, as the Congress was circumvented in those actions, although it was still in session and a constitutional question has been raised. This was not mentioned in the video.

Blame was cast at the Bush Administration over the mortgage crisis, although it has been proven that George W. Bush asked for more oversight of FANNIE MAE & FREDDIE MAC, and it was dismissed by a Democratic Congress in 2006. This is not mentioned in the video.

Reparations to the national infrastructure was applauded, even though those programs weren’t nearly as “shovel ready” as the Administration said they were, and countless funds ear-marked for those projects still remain unused. This is not mentioned in the video.

Mr. Obama’s “crowning achievement” is cheered on by Mr. Hanks; “Obamacare” a program that has already surpassed the projected costs by BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, but has yet to be implemented. The healthcare bill was passed on strictly partisan votes, when the American public was shown to be 71% against its passage. This was also not in the video!

Mr. Obama is claiming we are now drilling for more oil than we did when he took office, yet he fails to mention that the drilling he is talking about was authorized by the Bush Administration, and he had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

What are Barack Hussein Obama’s real “claims to fame”? I believe we can talk about unemployment that is still at about 8 ½%, loss in our homes’ values and huge increases in fuel cost, along with that record National Debt he has accumulated. This will not be in the video!

I listened to Tom Hanks go “on and on” about how “great” Barack Hussein Obama is for the entire video, and I’ve come to this conclusion: if you have a brain like “Forrest Gump” you will buy into this baloney. I also believe if we re-elect Barack Hussein Obama, America will be on a fast track toward the “Road to Perdition”, because that is the path of the “Road We’ve Traveled” thus far!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Honest Abe??"

Matthew 7:3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?

We get quite a bit of wisdom from Holy Scripture; God’s Word both reveals and convicts those who read and understand His meanings. The above scripture quoted are the words spoken by Jesus. The statement is a look at criticizing others before we examine ourselves. Most of the Bible asks us to look outward toward Jesus, focusing on Him to reveal God’s plan for our lives and give us direction in times of trouble, or times of plenty. This specific verse calls for self examination, to see what our true character is, and how we reflect God in our lives. Christians know that all judgment rests with God, but we are allowed to examine the “fruit” of another’s life.

Throughout history, we have seen many iconic figures such as Winston Churchill, Pope John VI, John F. Kennedy, George Washington, Davey Crockett and perhaps America’s most iconic figure, Abraham Lincoln. Living in the “Lincoln Corridor” in Illinois, we have pretty high regard for that “old log splitter”. Abe’s common roots and down to earth wisdom touch a nerve in those of us in the “Land of Lincoln”. Abe was even known to quote the Bible now and then as he said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Recently our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has made some remarks about the Republicans who are trying to capture the nomination for President in the next election. He has made veiled references to the Republicans dividing the nation, rather than uniting it; oddly, it seems Mr. Obama has been calling the wealthy evil and racist, and against the poor. Those statements seem a little divisive to me. Those statements seem to be pitting one class against another, splitting America, not uniting America. It seems we have had several Constitutional issues since Mr. Obama has assumed office, while Mr. Lincoln said, “Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” Abe Lincoln knew the value of our Constitutional Rights and our God-given freedoms.

Mr. Lincoln was the first President elected as a Republican, and he was a reluctant candidate. The office of President awed this “country lawyer”, and he held it with humility and dignity. His love for America has rarely been matched, and his concern for her is legendary. He said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Personally, I haven’t seen too much “Abe” in Barack Hussein Obama; there are real questions of character that have yet to be answered by our current Chief Executive, and as Abe said “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”

What kind of a shadow is cast by Barack Hussein Obama; do you see a Lincoln, or something less?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Haven't I Heard This Before?"

I remember the “Johnny Carson Show” from late night television. Johnny had great power in show business and an appearance on his show could make a career after just one visit. For men and women who were “stand-up” comedians, this was almost a ticket to stardom if Johnny asked them to sit on the couch after a good set. Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Freddie Prinze became household names after a single appearance on Johnny’s show. Most comedians, who appeared on Johnny’s show, were working in small comedy clubs, or appearing as “warm up acts” in places like Las Vegas and Reno, before they got their “big break”.

A good stand-up routine could carry a comedian for several months, or even a year on the club circuit; that is “bread and butter” for quite a while in show business.

The single draw-back of being on the Carson Show was that all of America sees a comedian’s “best stuff” on a single night, and it won’t be usable back on the club circuit. A veteran comic will try to make his material last as long as possible, so it will play to as many audiences as possible; and no one will know it is the same routine from New York to New Mexico!

Last week, a friend of mine sent me a video of our President, Barack Hussein Obama, at several different interviews in several different countries. The site was a Danish show called “Detektor”, and they are available on FACEBOOK.

The nations that were shown and spoken about were Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Philippines, Australia, Poland, Britain, Germany, Israel, France, Italy, Japan and the Republic of Korea; in virtually every speech the nations were addressed as being able to “punch above their weight”, a boxing metaphor, which describes a fighter as a heavier hitter than his size indicates; sort of a “left-handed compliment” toward each of the mentioned nations. The term “no stronger ally” was also used in relation to most of the above countries. The speeches were “clones” with only the names of the countries added or deleted for each audience; I guess that relieves the use of a teleprompter; after the third or fourth time even Mr. Obama can remember things.

Like any good comedian, Mr. Obama seems fresh in his delivery at every speech, even though he has made it 14 times before.

This is probably the same “routine” we will see during the upcoming elections; not at the major gatherings, but at every crowd in every small town and village in America. Mr. Obama will give the American voters the same “tired material” from one town to another, with the same lack of respect he has given to the rest of the world when he speaks to them! I would certainly like to see a video anthology of every stop and every speech made by Mr. Obama over the next several months, and how much repetition is made in each “cloned” statement.

There is no “new material” from this comedian folks, only the same tired “jokes” we have seen and heard for the last 39 months, and they still “aren’t funny”. When November gets here, we need to “GET THE HOOK!”

(Thanks to my friend Mike!!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Jane Fonda; Some Things Never Change!"

Most of you who are in my age group will remember Ms. Jane Fonda as a political activist against the Vietnam War. I feel about the same as most veterans feel about Ms. Fonda, and I wouldn’t feel too bad if she decided to move to Cuba; as she likes communism so much. I remember a famous photo of her at a North Vietnamese gun emplacement, smiling with some NVA regulars; those same regulars that would be killing my fellow American soldiers later on that same day. Ms. Fonda was cheered by the great “unwashed” hippies, communists and America-haters. Ms. Fonda had the forum provided by her celebrity, and she used it to the detriment of many American boys; there is a measure of blood that must be placed on her hands. I know there were soldiers who were against the war, but I guarantee none of them would have sat with the enemy for a “photo-op” the way Ms. Fonda did! Her actions did great damage to our military efforts in Vietnam, and gave a false picture of American strategies in Southeast Asia. Nothing was done by the demonized Johnson or Nixon presidencies to silence Ms. Fonda, as she was protected by our 1st amendment rights.

America has a great tradition of allowing everybody to express themselves in the public forum. Black Panthers, Neo-NAZIS, communists and anarchists have all been allowed to voice their opinions, no matter how UN-AMERICAN those opinions may be.

When I turn on my television, or my radio, I select the station I want to listen to, and what political pundits I choose to follow. I don’t want any person denied his or her right of free expression. Some people make a living by expressing themselves; Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz and Bill Maher all make a living giving out their opinions, and they do very well in their jobs; none of these guys are going broke. Each of these men mentioned have a target audience, some on the left and some on the right. I don’t believe anybody is forced to listen to them, but we all have the option of turning them “on or off”. I don’t believe any of them should be silenced by a government body as long as they don’t incite violence.

Recently, Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem have asked that the FCC ban the broadcast of Rush Limbaugh; they don’t like what he says. This is a continuation of the Sandra Fluke commentary Rush gave on his radio show. Since this incident, Rush admitted he had a poor choice of words, but his points were well taken. Oddly, Ms. Fonda and Ms. Steinem talked about Hitler in regard to Mr. Limbaugh’s rhetoric, when in reality, it is these two women who wish to take away the personal liberty of Mr. Limbaugh to express his opinion in a free society. Who is really acting like a NAZI here?

The real problem these two women have is Rush’s access to the public forum; they don’t believe his opinions should be made available to the American public. It must be awfully difficult for Ms. Fonda to speak from both sides of her mouth, as she happily used the public forum to undermine the American soldier during the Vietnam War!

I have waited 40 years to say this; “JANE, SHUT UP!” The very same rights she used to denigrate our efforts during time of war apply to Rush Limbaugh, whether she likes it or not. By saying what she has about Limbaugh, she has proven what a hypocrite she really is. The 1st amendment is for EVERBODY, sorry “VC Jane”!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Know God, or No God?"

Words are funny things; they seem to follow the speaker around long after they escape from the speaker’s mouth. Throughout our lives, we rethink the things we have said to others, and the impression those words left behind. I’m sure virtually all of us have had that “traffic moment” when certain words escaped from our mouths before we had a chance to engage our brains instead of our emotions; believe me, I’ve had my share. Being a Christian, I often fight the “battle of the tongue”. I try to live by the precepts of my Christian Faith; my allegiance must always align with God’s Word first, and His Book.

The last three verses in the Book of Revelation say “If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes I am coming quickly,” Amen. Come Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.”

The Bible is very clear about what the Bible is to the believer, the Christian; it is the enlightened word of God, not to be edited or deleted. It is God’s truth from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible is for the ages, and is applicable to every era man has lived through, but you must read it as a complete work to understand both the Old and New Testament, or it will be distorted by deceptive interpretation. Believers cannot “pick and chose” which passages of the Bible they want to follow, and they must understand the role of Jesus in the interpretation of both Testaments.

Over the last 2 months, President Barack Hussein Obama has been touting his Christian faith in an effort to pull in the Christian vote for his re-election. He can now be heard invoking the Lord on many occasions and speaking of his reliance on God. This is the same man who said “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”. If you listen to Mr. Obama now, you would almost think he was “born again”, I have my own opinion about that. I’m one of those “born again people” and I have my problems with Mr. Obama’s view of the Christian faith.

Our Bible is a book conceived for instruction and salvation to every age, and not a “pop culture” philosophy book. It is a revelation about God’s will and what good and evil are, and they are “absolute” and not subject to “cultural changes”. Mr. Obama said of Biblical instruction “Religious leadership NEED NOT ACCEPT SUCH WISDOM in counseling their flocks…”; is this a Christian statement?

In John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me”. Mr. Obama said “I BELIEVE that there are many paths to the same place and that is a BELIEF that there is a higher power, a BELIEF that we are connected as a people”. This, most certainly, is a political statement and has little to do with Christianity. If Mr. Obama chooses to use the Bible, perhaps he should read it in its entirety, and find out what it actually says.

Mr. Obama’s controversial health care bill is soon going before the Supreme Court to examine its constitutionality. There are 26 states who have challenged this initiative as unconstitutional, and its repeal has become a campaign issue.

Our “Praying President” has called for a prayer demonstration outside the Supreme Court Building beginning on March 26, 2012, in an effort to influence the Supreme Court’s decision. I have not seen any names from the Bible believing community connected with this proposed demonstration. I don’t believe we will see anyone like Charles Stanley or Franklin Graham participate on the behalf of this bill. We will see Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson; maybe he will resurrect Jeremiah Wright to support him in this effort. None of the names I mention seem to be believers in the inerrancy of the Bible, but they do seem to believe in the “inerrancy” of Barack Hussein Obama!

Above, you have read some of God’s words and some of Barack Hussein Obama’s words, and you must decide who this man is and what he believes. I have made my decisions, and I am confident in my conclusions. Go to the Bible, ask God, and be directed by Him when you vote in November. God bless America; please give us a Godly man to lead the U.S., Lord.

(This is my last blog until Tuesday; I’m taking a long week-end. Have a great rest of the week. If you care to, check some of my older posts, you might enjoy them. God Bless!!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Not a Very BRIGHT IDEA!!"

Do you “ad match” when you go shopping? If you are unfamiliar with this term, there are some stores who will match the price of the same item at a competitor’s store in order to save the customer money. I have said in the past that my wife is a very smart shopper, and with the rise we have seen in prices at the grocery store, I really appreciate her skills. When I watch her work, with a handful of ads and coupons, she is like a surgeon carving away at the costs as they run up on the register. The town in which I live doesn’t have many “wealthy people”. We are probably below the national average in regards to income. Most of the folks down here shop at multiple places to save as much money as possible. We are still well above the national unemployment rate of over 8.4%, and things don’t seem to be getting much better. Most of those I know who have gotten new employment, have hired onto jobs for a much lower wage than the position they previously held. Most of the people in my community live in modest homes, or in rural areas on farms; not too many luxury residences are built around here. The rising fuel cost has been a great hardship on almost all of us, as we usually have to travel some distance to get our daily or weekly needs. Additional expenses are not welcomed in this community, we are “running on empty” most of the time.

My home is not large, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a storage shed on an average town lot; not a mansion by any stretch of the imagination, but it is just fine for me, my lovely wife and our two dogs.

Last week, I read about another great invention that our government has been subsidizing for our “best interests”. The Obama Administration has been spending our money on a better light bulb, a “green” light bulb that will save us energy cost at a “reasonable” price.

Once again, Barack Hussein Obama has looked to the future and spent $10,000,000 of your money for a light bulb that will only cost you $50.00 a piece!! This bulb will last 30 times longer than the incandescent bulb that cost you about $1.00; but it is “the thought that counts”.

Just for fun, I walked around my house and counted light bulbs, and we have about 45 light bulbs in my house, or about $45 to replace them all if they burn out. Mr. Obama’s new and improved light bulbs will cost me $2,250.00 to install as replacements for those inefficient bulbs. This just doesn’t make a whole bunch of sense to me, just like taking on a huge car payment when you are barely getting by week by week! I’ll bet, if you put up 2 displays in any hardware store in America, with incandescent lights for $1.00 each next to the new “super bulb” for $50.00 each, you won’t get too many sales of that “super bulb”, unless the purchaser is a little “dim” himself!

Whenever I think this administration can’t get any “stupider”, it surprises me again. Nothing is being done to relieve our fuel crisis, and nothing is being done to stop WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING, like this “stupid light bulb” idea! Perhaps, Mr. Obama can sell his light bulbs to comic strip writers to use in those bubbles over the character’s heads, because this idea is a real joke!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

"The Million Dollar Man!"

Last Thursday, March 8, 2012, was International Women’s Day. This day is celebrated at nearly every nation on earth. This day is designed to honor women and their roles in the lives of their families, nations and occupations. This is a good thing; my Mom was a great woman; not a diplomat or great philosopher, yet she was an influence of great character on those around her which is reflected in her children and grandchildren to this day. My Dad always showed the greatest respect and love for her, as she did for him.

All women deserve a measure of respect, as do all men. For generations, women were treated as second class citizens, whose needs and opinions were cast aside as unimportant. Fortunately, today most opinions are heard regardless of gender, and this is a victory for everyone.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh made some statements about Sandra Fluke which were far from complimentary in regard to statements made by Ms. Fluke concerning her use of contraception. One could surmise from Ms. Fluke’s word that she was possibly a bit promiscuous, as she said her contraceptives cost her $8,000 a year, or over $600 per month if you break it down. I don’t condone Rush’s language in this situation, but I do understand the point he was trying to make. A taxpayer should not be liable for a private citizen’s sexual activity. President Obama was quick to condemn Limbaugh’s rhetoric, and he was right about the words Rush chose to use, but anybody that listens to Rush Limbaugh knows what to expect, Rush is, at times, not much of a diplomat.

It seems a little strange to me that our President, Barack Obama, didn’t take any time to castigate Bill Maher when he referred to Sarah Palin as c**t, a word I don’t use, and will not print. Governor Palin has been a faithful wife and good mother for over 24 years, yet she has been called a slut and whore on several occasions by people on the left. I guess it is alright to cast insult and aspersion on people who oppose you politically if you are a supporter of Barack Obama. Personally, I would love to see Mr. Maher engage Ms. Palin in a debate, as I believe she would rip him to shreds. I also believe Mr. Maher to be a devout coward and he wouldn’t dare enter into any conversation of substance with any intelligent conservative.

The topper of all of this is that Bill Maher has given the President’s re-election committee a check for $1,000,000! That action certainly could have an effect on Mr. Obama choosing not to address Maher’s insulting rhetoric. Money REALLY TALKS doesn’t it Barack?

Obama made statements about his mother, grandmother and his sister filled with admiration and inspiration, very touching, and very political. He made some noises about equality not completely available to all women yet, but I’m concerned that he only wants that “equality” to apply to women who agree with him. Sorry, Governor Palin, no words for you, but remember to CONSIDER THE SOURCE!

Friday, March 9, 2012

"Selling Guns to the Indians!"

As most of you know, I like western movies. I’m a devout follower of John Wayne, Randolph Scott and Clint Eastwood. Most westerns are “good vs. evil” allegories and are pretty easy to understand. One standard plot I’ve seen in several movies is when an unscrupulous “bad guy” sells liquor and guns to the Indians. This is usually taking place around a small town or Cavalry Fort which is on the verge of a hostile uprising. There is almost always a robbery where weapons are stolen and brought to the hostile’s camp where they are traded for gold, which the hostiles view as valueless yellow metal. The “good guys” always find out who the evil-doer is, and he usually dies in a huge gun battle at the film’s climax. The hostile Indians are taken into custody and a peace treaty always follows the uprising; everybody lives happily ever after.

I guess that by now, most of you know the People’s Republic of China, or as I call it, Communist China, hold an overwhelming amount of America’s debt. Actually, they could almost foreclose on the entire country; our debt has truly put America in great jeopardy. Over the last 3+ years, we have only increased our “mortgage on America” to this communist regime, with continued borrowing against America’s future by the Obama Administration. NOTHING GOOD WILL COME FROM THIS!!

Last Sunday, Communist China announced it will raise its defense spending by 11%. This has been a continued practice by Communist China since the 1990s. The largest communist nation on planet earth is continuing to increase its armament and America is continuing to reduce hers! The spokesman for the Red Chinese says this is for a “peaceful” posture of national defense. Aside from the United States, this buildup also puts pressure on India, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The sad part of all of this is that much of the financing for this arms buildup for a communist regime is coming from the interest the United States must pay for the outstanding loans owed to Communist China! That is correct, my fellow Americans, our “gold” is providing “guns for the hostiles”!

We have a man in the White House that continues to advocate growing our debt, with continued borrowing from foreign governments, while he also advocates the slow dismantling of our military strength. I don’t believe General Custer could be doing a better job at insuring defeat than Barack Obama is currently doing! His belief of a world that wants to “kiss and make up” is a fool’s assumption, and the goal of any communist nation is to DESTROY CAPITALISM; that is correct, they don’t like us!! What are we doing? We are paying for our own demise if Obama’s policies continue in this direction; we are “selling guns to the Indians”!!

We definitely need to trim our budget, but not at the expense of national security, and Barack Obama doesn’t understand this. I guess his “hippie friends” had too much influence on him growing up. I like “peace and love” as much as any American, but I keep my guns loaded and my doors locked; perhaps Mr. Obama could learn something from a regular American about security and financial responsibility!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Eating Cake and, No Jolt VOLT!!"

There is a famous phrase that has been attributed to Marie Antoinette saying, “Let them eat cake.” I did a little research about this phrase and found out there is no actual account of the French Queen saying those words. The closest thing came from a servant going to get bread at a local baker and passing the story on as her personal observation. The phrase was used to inflame a starving, French populous, as it seemed that their royal family was totally oblivious to the peoples woes. Poor living conditions and huge economic gap led to one of history’s bloodiest revolutions. The term “heads will roll” was in great use during those tumultuous years. Most of the French nobility faced the guillotine as the revolution imparted their own sense of justice on their oppressors.

Sarcasm isn’t a good tool to use when you are trying to make points with suffering people. The perception of a statement like Madame Antoinette was alleged to have spoken showed a total lack of care or understanding of the people she and her husband ruled. None of the people appreciated her “sense of humor”.

When a leader seems completely out of touch with his nation, what should his nation do?

Over the last several months, we have seen the price of fuel skyrocket all across America. I recently wrote a blog concerning our problem and the obvious long and short range cure, to drill and use our own resources. Barack Obama says this is the wrong answer for America. He is an ardent supporter of bio-fuels, which are decades away from being a feasible answer. As I said in my previous blog, the year 2050 is the date most experts project for a useable bio-fuel program.

On March 2nd, President Obama made the statement that fuel efficient cars are the answer to reducing our current fuel crisis. He believes that Detroit can supply us with autos that will get an average of 55 miles per gallon by the year 2025. Yes, my fellow Americans, you will only have to wait another thirteen years for Mr. Obama’s miracle plan to solve the fuel crisis. Fuel efficient cars and hybrid cars may help somewhere in the distant future, but as a real alternative to rising gas prices, “this dog just won’t hunt”. The average American is not in a position to expend $27,000 to $45,000 for a new hybrid car; it seems “Obamanomics” has trimmed the working American budget to its limits, and our people can’t afford his solution.

Oddly on March 2, 2012, General Motors announced it was “temporarily” halting production of the highly touted “Chevy Volt”, due to lack of sales. It is just too pricey for Mr. and Mrs. America. The story behind this says that the accumulated sales coupled with the taxpayers subsidizing of this vehicle put its cost at around $200,000 per unit!! Another green idea that has gone sour, courtesy of Barack Obama; aren’t you glad he has such a great understanding of the average man’s problems?

Have you been out of work for a couple of years? Have you been forced to take a job that pays two-thirds of what you used to make? Are you having trouble making rent or mortgage payments? Are you having a rough time finding $75.00 to fill up your tank? I have your answer America! You need a nice big CAR PAYMENT! Yes, my friends, an additional expense of $300 to $500 a month will cure all your problems; just ask Barack Obama! Oh, by the way, how does that cake taste?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Let's See Some I.D.!"

I remember when I turned 21 years old, nearly a million years ago! Back then, the big thing was to go into a local tavern and order your first beer. I must admit it was a little unnerving walking in there the very first time. The tavern was called the “Dugout”; it was dark and had a smell that I would later associate with all taverns; cigarettes and stale beer. I sat down on a stool and the bartender walked over and said “What will it be?”, and I replied “Old Style please”; he looked at me and said “I need to see some I.D.”. I reached into my hip pocket and took out my driver’s license and handed it to him. He studied that license like a jeweler looking at the “Hope Diamond”, and then he asked me my name and what my birthday was; I was quick to reply, as I knew the answers! With a half grin, he handed me my license back and drew a beer from the tapper saying “Happy Birthday Joe”; I replied with “Thanks”, and laughed. I put a dollar on the bar, and he said “This one is on the house, the rest you pay for!”

Later in my life I purchased cars, stereos, televisions and homes; every time I made those purchases, I needed to produce some type of identification if I was going to make payments. These seemed to be reasonable requests as the seller wanted to assure that I was who I said I was and was able to verify my ability to pay. When I enlisted in the Army, I also had to produce an I.D. card along with my draft card to verify my identity; even the Army wanted to make sure I was who I said I was.

If you buy something of great value and have it delivered to your home, the delivery receipt will often say “identification required upon receipt”, after all you wouldn’t want some “BOZO” picking up your new computer and driving away with it, would you?

One of the biggest crime problems we now face is “identity theft”, when a thief gets hold of your personal information and steals your money, or uses your name to establish phony accounts and run up bills you are liable to pay. Our identity is precious and we must protect it from “thieves in the night”!

Our current Attorney General, Eric Holder, is suing to stop states from mandating photo I.D. cards which are required for voting in an effort to stem vote fraud during elections. Mr. Holder seems to feel these laws would put some type of undue hardship on young people, seniors and minorities. Personally, I believe producing identification to vote is a good thing; few things in America are as precious as our citizen’s right to vote, and we should be protected from those who attempt to steal that franchise. After all, if we can throw away 528 million dollars on SOLYNDRA, we can certainly afford a few bucks for federal identification cards to secure our election system.

If Mr. Holder really wants to make our polls a better place, perhaps he may want to discourage some of that voter intimidation he overlooked in the last election from lunatic fringe groups, instead of complaining about a law that sounds like good common sense to every “legal” American!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Shariah and Separation!"

What does it mean to be independent? People are independent when they can provide for themselves; you know, pay their own way, cook their own food and provide their own shelter.

When does a nation become independent? America had a “Declaration of Independence” in 1776; every year we celebrate that independence with parades, speeches and barbeques. We separated ourselves from English rule by declaring that independence; we said we are no longer obligated to follow British laws and edicts; we will govern ourselves! This was a pretty big move for thirteen little agrarian colonies against the most powerful nation on earth at that time. We fought for our very lives, eventually driving English forces off the American soil; we were independent!

The next thing on the agenda for those thirteen little agrarian colonies was to draw up laws of their own, which would be followed by all the citizens of a newborn nation. Finally, after long and arduous work, our Founding Fathers revealed the “Constitution of the United States of America”, the benchmark for freedom around the world: a government created to follow the will of the people, and to insure the freedom of each individual.

In the United States, we are under no obligation to follow any other law than our Constitution. We all have city ordinances and traffic and criminal laws, but all those laws and ordinances are subject to constitutional scrutiny. We have state constitutions too, but they are also subject to constitutional scrutiny; they can’t do anything outside the parameters of the U.S. Constitution.

I am a Christian, and I have precepts which I follow in my faith, yet I must also follow the laws of the land, and that is biblical. If there is something being done which I disagree with, I’m allowed to object to it, but I must still follow the law of the land. An American court can only implement the laws of the local, state or federal government; no other documents or beliefs are qualified for use in an American courtroom.

Currently in Florida, the legislature is considering a bill which will outlaw Shariah and other laws to be allowed in the Florida court system. This case is not peculiar to the state of Florida. Currently, there are 24 states with similar cases for legislation of this type. There have been cries of racism from some Islamic groups, claiming it is anti-Islam. In reality, this bill doesn’t specifically mention Islamic law, it says all religious laws regardless of sect or belief.

As an American, I must stand with Florida in the pursuit of maintaining our own system of law based on the Constitution of the United States. We do not live in a theocracy and our Founding Fathers wanted it that way. Religion and secular law are to remain separate, or we could end up with a government religion, and that is the “separation of church and state” that our Founding Fathers were trying to avoid.

If you are a Muslim, you are free to practice your religion as you wish in America, just as I, a Christian, am free to follow my beliefs; but in civil courts, both of our belief systems are subject to the laws and precepts of the United States Constitution; that is separation of church and state!

This is not anti-Islam, it is pro-American Constitution; and thank God we have those who will stand up for that great document!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"What Don't You Know?"

Have you ever heard the term “throwing good money after bad”?: it means wasting your money on a failed enterprise or project. I had a friend who liked to restore old cars, and believe me, this is an expensive hobby. If you ever decide to take it up, remember this: you will never recoup what you spent on your initial investment, unless you get lucky and find a car for almost nothing. Parts, labor and aggravation are the partners which will accompany you throughout your restoration. There will be times when you may have to abandon your project because certain parts are simply non-existent. If you are spending your own money, you can throw it away as you please; just don’t ask for investors to give you money to toss away along with yours.

We are now over three years into Barack Obama’s “green initiative”, where quite a bit of American taxpayer’s money has been invested. This initiative was supposed to open the door to an economic recovery, creating jobs and helping to eliminate dependence on foreign energy sources. This was supposed to be Barack Obama’s “magic bullet” to restore America.

Every time I look into the “green initiative”, I get another surprise. I thought I would see just how much failure we are putting up with from Mr. Obama’s “magic bullet”.









These figures add up to $981,924,000!! Now I must say this: this isn’t all there is. I got tired researching this horrendous waste of taxpayer’s money, as the failed programs seem bottomless! This is Barack Obama’s cure for America’s problems! The worst part of all of this is that we have come to expect this with very little complaint from most of the American Media. These types of dismal failures are hardly a footnote on most of our news providers. Aren’t reporters supposed to keep our leaders accountable for their actions? How can a continued parade of failure go on with little or no investigation from our “fifth estate”? Outside of FOXNEWS, there is virtually no coverage of the mistakes of this current administration. The media should be acting as the public’s advocate when we are having continued failure from our leadership. They should not be the “excuse maker” for inept policies. What is this hold that Barack Obama seems to have over most of the American Media? Had any other president had this record of continued ineptitude, he would have been quickly castigated by the press. Is it possible, that the American press is so afraid of being cast as racist, that they will ignore anything questionable from the Obama Administration?

America has, perhaps, the most important election in our history coming this November. It is the duty of the American Media to tell EVERYTHING that is available about both candidates and INCUMBENTS. As you have read this, other than SOLYNDRA, how many other names did you recognize? What other information have you been denied? Do you want four more years of ignorance of fact from the media? Find out as much as you can before you cast that ballot in November, even if you must do it on your own!

Friday, March 2, 2012


I have several friends who are involved with law enforcement, and I value their perspective on certain aspects of life. There are people out there that are child molesters, and drug addicts, and if you ask most experienced law enforcement officers, they will tell you that molesters are molesters forever, and an addict will always be an addict, even when they are off drugs for years.

Power is also an “addictive behavior”, as we have seen by some abusive behavior from our political leaders, both past and present.

Hitler wanted to see Germany return to the glory of its past, to reclaim those days of Teutonic legends of “super human Aryans”. When he returned from WWI,he saw a Germany in ruin with high unemployment and runaway inflation much higher than any other nation had ever seen, including America’s “Great Depression”. Hitler gave the German people a common enemy, world Jewry and communism. People who are starving, broke and angry were happy to embrace Hitler’s twisted logic; they needed someone to blame, and they wanted a return to past glory. What actually saved Germany was the free market economy after WW II. Free Germany was an economic giant in manufacturing and was the corporate center of Europe. There was no return to the Teutonic Glory proposed by Adolf Hitler.

Born in the late 40s, I remember the threat of communism which hung over America from the old Soviet Union. Stalin was followed by Khrushchev and no love was lost on the American people by either of these men. The Soviet Union was a looming giant with the ability to launch nuclear weapons on a level that could possibly equal the United States. Russia and her puppet republics were a force to be reckoned with, as she held a virtual stranglehold on all of Eastern Europe.

Yesterday, I read about a speech made by Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, which resurrected visions of the U.S.S.R. of the past. This speech has an undertone of Russian dominance throughout Europe.

Putin said “Russia is actively participating in the international effort to support the ailing European economies, (like China is doing for U.S.) and is consistently working with its partners to formulate COLLECTIVE DECISIONS under the auspices of the IMF. Russia is not opposed in principle to direct FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE in some cases.” He also said ”…I am convinced that GLOBAL SECURITY can only be achieved through cooperation with RUSSIA…”. I don’t know how this sounds to you, but it is all too familiar to me; it sounds like European dominance by the Russian government, and what follows that? If this doesn’t disturb you, listen to this quote “…Russia proposes moving toward the creation of a COMMON ECONOMIC AND HUMAN SPACE from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean__ a community referred by Russian experts to as THE UNION OF EUROPE, which will strengthen Russia’s potential and position in its economic pivot toward the NEW ASIA.”

In Hitler’s Germany he said what the German people needed was “Lebensraum”, living space; this was his justification for conquest. The above statements from Putin certainly sound like his version of “Lebensraum”, and I hope the good people of Russia don’t fall under his spell; only disaster will follow.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


There was an old Beatles song called “Do You Want to Know a Secret?” It was a chart topper when I was in high school. We all have secrets that we would rather not have revealed to the world. As an adolescent, secrets are rampant, and only trusted friends are told our deepest thoughts and feelings. I’m sure the ladies reading this are more familiar with this than the guys; girls are much more open to one another than men are; guys are always trying to preserve an image.

Once in a while we tell a secret to a trusted confidant and that trust is broken, and we find out that friend isn’t as trustworthy as we thought. Sometimes we use the name “tattle tale” in regards to those who have “spilled the beans” on a secret we were trying to keep. Sisters and brothers are lousy secret keepers, and they will “rat you out” in a heartbeat to Mom and Dad pretty fast if they believe they will gain an advantage over you.

In this election year, we have seen countless “secrets” told about prospective candidates, in order for their opponents to gain an advantage. In the workplace, we often see one employee “tell on” another employee to get ahead in the organization, and to gain favor with the Boss! We must be very careful when we tell someone a secret, and we must be choosy about who we consider a close “confidant”.

In the world, there are also secrets to be kept. Beneath the surface of what the average person reads in the newspaper is what may be called “shadow deals” and “secret talks” that most of us will never know anything about. These actions are done to preserve what we call a normal society and peaceful world. We have those we can trust, and those with whom we will have few dealings, as they are untrustworthy.

When I was in the service, I had “Top Secret” clearance, and I went through a scrupulous investigation to have that clearance, and I knew things that were not available to the general public and the average soldier. The Army is very careful about who they trust. A nation should be no less careful when it comes to trust; the fate of millions could be affected.

Recently, Israel said they would not let the United States know if they decided to use a military solution against Iran’s nuclear warhead ambitions. They said it was so Iran couldn’t blame the United States for complicity in the military action. This was diplomatic talk, when in reality, it says that Israel doesn’t trust the United States to “keep a secret”. President Obama has done his best to distance the United States from Israel since he took office, and his constant apologies to all Muslim regimes lends credence to the belief he has no lost love for the Israeli people. I believe that our current President has done more damage to United State-Israeli relations than I thought was possible from any American president. His suggestion of rolling borders back to 1967 was an insult, which he never should have mentioned! His demeanor with Israeli leadership is nearly insulting in relation to his demeanor with Muslim nations. I don’t blame Israel for their reticence in giving any early information to the United States at this time. I hope that there is no military conflict in the Middle-East, but if there is, I hope Israel measures their trust carefully, because there might be a “tattle-tale” in the Oval Office!

(Yesterday Israel stated it wants America to act against Iran, stay tuned!)