Virtually every Sunday, with few exceptions, my wife and I get up and go to church. Those of you who have been with me for a while know that I am a Christian, and not just the “Sunday kind”; I believe I know the true word of God preached in the Christian church, and I try to conduct my life in a way that will bring honor to God, and spread the gospel of Jesus. I enjoy going to church, but the reason I attend is that I believe God wants us to worship Him as a body of believers. It is good to pray at home and read His words, but a message from the pulpit can be a moving and educational experience for an entire congregation. We are fortunate to live in a nation where we can get up on Sunday and worship as we like, without interference from an oppressive government.
Freedom of religion is a cornerstone of the American Constitution. Our Founding Fathers were very careful about protecting that freedom. What many people believe about separation of church and state is in error. What our Founding Fathers wanted to do was to avoid the establishment of a state religion. Actually, Hitler tried to establish a NAZI religion with “Mein Kampf” as its holy book; not only Jews suffered under Hitler, many Catholics and Protestants were taken to death camps too. Words that threatened government authority or policy were unacceptable. Hitler viewed those theological differences as treasonous and seditious. I guess in NAZI Germany, a minister had to weigh his words carefully.
By now, everybody has heard about the stir caused by Barack Obama’s edict to the Catholic owned hospitals, in which abortion and birth control must be covered in their health insurance. The leaders, all the way to the Pope, said it was unacceptable and would send a letter to be read to every congregation saying they would not obey Obama’s edict. This policy was in direct conflict with Christian core belief, making it a law which they couldn’t follow.
Here is the kicker to this whole deal!: our fine and brave soldiers who happen to be Catholic are about to have their sermons censored by the government! Yes, my fellow Americans, those men and women who put their lives on the line to protect your freedom to worship are having that same freedom denied to them!
A directive was sent from the Pentagon to Army chaplains telling them that if they do not change some of the language in that letter, those chaplains will be charged with TREASON OR SEDITION, followed by a court-martial! This is a direct attack from the Obama Administration against EVERYONE’S CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. Whether a civilian or a member of the military, the government has NO RIGHT to dictate the words that come from the pulpit, or they would be “establishing a state religion” and that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
What will happen next from the Obama administration? Perhaps, he will write his own version of creation and salvation that America can follow, with him as the “chosen one”! Yes America, you may be a traitor, if you don’t follow the words and policies of Barack Obama, even to the point of denying your faith!!
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