Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Just Punishment!"

I am going to list some names; see if you can identify them: Aaron Dwight Stevens, William Bruce, Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt and David Herold. These names belong to a “select “group of Americans; they have all been found guilty of TREASON!

One of these infamous people was hanged for tearing down an American flag during the Civil War; several were put to death as part of the people who conspired to murder President Lincoln: not a very good group to be a member of.

I will now mention another name, Edward Everett Hale; he was a writer at the turn of the last century. Mr. Hale wrote a story called “The Man Without a Country”, there have been several adaptations of Mr. Hale’s story for television and the movies. This tale is about a young man named Philip Nolan, who was a friend of Aaron Burr. He was put on trial for treason at the same time as Burr was. In the story, upon his conviction, Nolan gave this statement “Damn the United States. I wish I may never hear of the United States again!”. In the story, the judge granted Mr. Nolan’s request and sentenced him to life on American war ships, and no word of news from America was ever to be spoken to him; he was to be transferred from ship to ship as he was not allowed to gaze upon American shores for the rest of his life. As this story goes on, Mr. Nolan ages and regrets the error of his youth, and develops a longing for his native land, yet he passes away never to see America again. He paid a great price because of a youthful error in judgment.

Here is a name that has been out of the news for a while, Pfc. Bradley Manning. How many of you recall of what he is being accused? The Army is beginning court martial proceedings against the soldier. Manning is accused of “leaking” classified documents to the WIKILEAKS web site. His lawyers say he was in “emotional turmoil” because he was a “gay soldier” during the era of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Evidence of conversations between Manning and WIKILEAKS founder, Julian Assange, were discovered on Manning’s computer, dealing with classified material. Thus far, there are 22 counts, including, but not exclusive to, aiding the enemy. Manning could face a life sentence if convicted of the charges as presented. Manning is now 24 years old, and probably in peek physical condition, so we may be feeding and clothing Mr. Manning for the next 55+ years. He will have access to a balanced diet, exercise, a library and free medical treatment for the duration of his sentence.

As a former soldier, I remember stepping forward and pledging to protect and defend the United States and her Constitution. As a former NCO, I remember how important my men were to me, and that I would do nothing to jeopardize their safety. If these charges are true, then Manning is the lowest type of traitor a soldier could be; he sold out his comrades and this is inexcusable!

I believe Mr. Hale had the right idea about punishment! If guilty, Manning should never see America again, and never have news about this great nation ever again. At least, we won’t have to worry about him passing on any more aid to our enemies!

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