In 1993, a movie came out called “Groundhog Day” staring Bill Murray. It was a comedy with a “Twilight Zone” twist to it. Murray plays an obnoxious television weatherman who goes on location to Punxsatawny, Pennsylvania for its annual groundhog celebration. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this tradition, people wait outside the home of a groundhog called “Punxsatawny Phil” waiting to see if he will see his shadow. Legend says if the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow, we will get an early spring; if he does, we get six more weeks of winter. Murray’s character is so anti-social, he alienates everyone around him; a man full of his own self importance. He goes to Punxsatawny and does his remote broadcast and is stranded in the town when a blizzard forces everyone to remain there. When he wakes up at the local inn, he finds out that it is still the same day it was the day before; he is trapped in endless yesterdays. He tries everything he can to get the calendar to move with no success. At first, he is the same selfish man he always was, but eventually he changes as he sees the people of the town differently and becomes more involved in their lives. He finds romance and humility and everybody lives “happily ever after”; only after Murrays endless “Groundhog Days” have shown him the error of his ways.
In a movie, the idea of endless yesterdays is funny, repeating the same things, over and over again. In life, repeating the same actions over and over again will only produce the same results.
For the last three years, I have been talking about the nation of Iran and the maniac leader who wishes death to Israel and the United States. For many years now, we have heard that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and a missile delivery system to carry those weapons. We have seen numerous attempts from the United Nations and the United States to impose sanctions to put a halt to the possibility of this program. For the past three years, we have seen Iran pay absolutely zero attention to these sanctions. To anyone with any common sense. we can see these sanctions are of no value in trying to influence Iranian leadership. We continue to impose sanctions on Iran today, with the same results.
The United States intelligence agencies now believe that Iran is willing to launch terrorist attacks within the borders of the United States. Last year, a plot was discovered to assassinate the Saudi ambassador by the Iranians. There has been some “saber rattling” from the Obama administration, but Iran is paying little attention, as Obama has proven himself a weakling in the past. It is a safer prediction to say Obama will ask for further sanctions against the Iranian government. Iran has already issued veiled threats to other nations if they join in more sanctions against Iran. No shadow will scare this “groundhog” back into its hole; this “groundhog” will bite!
That LUNATIC in Iran isn’t “Punxsatawny Phil”, he is a homicidal maniac bent on destruction, and doing the same thing, over and over again won’t work. Sadly, I believe Barack Obama will just wake up to the same “day” again, and never change his behavior, while this “groundhog” bites the United States of America!
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