Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Improper Questions"

As I am now officially a senior citizen, I now find I make more frequent visits to my doctor. I have a nice young man for a doctor and he seems to be very thorough in his work. I had to get a new doctor because we changed our health insurance and my old doctor wasn’t in the plan; too bad, I liked him too.

Over the last year I had some health concerns so I gave in and made an appointment to go for an exam. I received a letter telling me to arrive early because all of the records were now going to be computerized and I would have to fill out all new paperwork.

I arrived 30 minutes early as requested and filled out copious amounts of paperwork; I love filling out forms. When that was completed, I sat down and waited to be called into the examination room. I was finally called and went with the nurse to be weighed and have my blood pressure taken; I then waited for the doctor in the tiny exam room. After a few minutes, another nurse came in and said she needed to ask me some questions so she could enter information into the new computer system. I thought “Why does she need to ask questions after all that paper work?” Most of the questions were general health questions about family history and what types of medications and treatments I’ve had, but out of nowhere, she asked me “Do you have guns in your house?” I thought “This was an odd request” but answered “Yes”. She went on to ask “Are your guns locked up?” This seemed very odd to me and I responded “Some are and some aren’t”; then we went on to finish the questions and she left.

After thinking about it, I was sorry I answered that question; my firearms are nobody’s business but my own and definitely have nothing to do with my health records. What had actually happened was my records were now on file with those folks connected with Obamacare; you know those people who are now working with the IRS. Now those people know I have weapons in my home and I’m concerned about that, after all, the IRS seems to be way too interested in people’s private business these days.

I am wondering what other questions we may be asked in the future if these government agencies continue to get more and more intrusive? We have all seen what Mayor Bloomberg has done in New York City in his attempts to regulate everything New Yorkers do, from drinking large sodas to trans-fats in their diets. I have a strong belief that Bloomberg isn’t the only Democrat who wants to control the lives and rights of American citizens. We have seen children lose their lunches from schools because they weren’t up to “government standards”, even though their mothers thought they were fine.

This new breed of Democrat thinks government should have the final word on just about everything we do in our lives. I believe they would also like to regulate what we say, as they seem to be happy infringing on personal phone calls and confidential e-mails from news sources. Who will be next in this government intrusion of privacy? Will the government soon decide what proper speech is by American people and what texts we will be allowed to read?

I remember a short German guy who was kind of particular about what his people said, how many had guns and what books they read and most of you know what happened there. I believe Joe Stalin was the same way, along with Chairman Mao! Where does this put the Obama Administration?

I’m sorry I answered that gun question, and I will be much more careful answering questions in the future! I advise all of my American readers to do the same; you never know who will kick in your door!!

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