Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Freudian Slips"

Have you ever heard the term “Freudian Slip”? It means saying something out loud that you meant to keep to yourself. Sometimes our tongues betray our thoughts. If you see someone with a really bad hairpiece, these words sometimes play in your head; “Is that a dead cat on your head?” or “Isn’t it a little hot for a fur hat?” Of course, we try not to say those things out loud because it would be socially unacceptable. One never answers the question “Do I look fat in this dress?” That answer would be like asking for an enema with hot lead! It’s like they say in the Mafia, “Always keep your mouth shut!” I hope none of you ever have to say “OOPS, did I say that out loud?”

Last week our President, Barack Hussein Obama, was having a press conference and things weren’t going quite the way he wanted them too. There have been more and more facts coming out about the Boston Marathon bombing and that our security system seems to have missed a number of “red flags” in regards to the two terrorists who have been alleged to commit this crime.

Mr. Obama said “He felt like packing his bags and heading home.” I don’t think Mr. Obama meant to say those words, but they did come out in spite of his “giant brain”.

Could it be that the job of President is taking a toll on “America’s Fourth best President” (his own admission). I don’t recall JFK, LBJ, either of the Bush presidents or Ronald Reagan ever saying they felt like “packing it in” and leaving town. Even Jimmy Carter never talked about going back to his peanut farm (although I wish he had).

Mr. Obama’s recent defeat in gun control and the mistakes of the Boston Marathon have left a bad taste in our Chief Executive’s mouth and he isn’t too good at hiding his feelings. There are even some Congressional Democrats that are criticizing Obamacare as a bigger problem than it was first anticipated to be and they may be onboard with a repeal effort.

When a man with an ego as big as Barack Hussein Obama suffers any type of defeat or criticism of his performance on the job, he doesn’t handle it very well at all.

It is strange that the highly criticized George W. Bush never behaved in any way that seemed petulant or angry when he was confronted by the media. Mr. Obama could certainly learn something about being Presidential from our former Chief Executive.

Richard Nixon was famous for having all of the conversations in the Oval Office taped, and this ultimately led to his downfall. There were plenty of “Freudian Slips” back in the Nixon Whitehouse, and they were all on the tapes.

I don’t suppose there are any tape-recorders running in the Obama Oval Office or we could hold some hope on what actually happened in Benghazi and what the President really knew on September 11, 2012.

If I could grant Mr. Obama one wish, it would be that “He could pack his bags and go home” as soon as possible, and that is no “FREUDIAN SLIP”!!!!!!

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