My Dad wasn't a wealthy man in a monetary sense. We always had food on the table and shoes on our feet and a warm bed each night which is more then a lot of people had, yet Dad didn't do much foolish spending. He couldn't save much as raising such a large family was a costly task, and many feet need many shoes. All in all I wouldn't trade my childhood with anybody, even a millionaire's son. We were happy, healthy, and well fed; what could be better?
When my Dad passed he didn't leave an opulent estate as far as dollars and cents goes; he and Mom were getting along on his union pension and Social Security. My wonderful sister and her husband converted their basement into an apartment and Mom and Dad spent their last years with them. I will be forever grateful to them for making Mom and Dad comfortable in their home surrounded by family. Money was never an issue for them, it was always about doing the right thing; a real example of integrity and love.
After Dad died I was up visiting Mom, she was going through Dad's things and asked what I might like I asked for his hats; my Dad loved wearing hats as do I. She said I could have them all and I walked out of her bedroom with a large box filled with hats of all kinds. Unlike
dad I've kept most of my hair so hats weren't a necessity, yet by wearing those hats I feel a little closer to Dad, as those hats were always on his head and they were almost an extension of him. My legacy from Dad consisted of two things; great love of family and a box of hats, both of which are more valuable then anything the world has to offer me.
What is a legacy? It is what we leave behind us when all that is left is memories of a life lived. What is the legacy we are leaving to the future generations of America? As of today we face a crisis of debt, unemployment, high taxes, and loss of position as leader in the free world. We are watching our Constitution being subverted to serve the ambitions of a Chief Executive that has no regard for the people he was elected to serve. Is the legacy we are leaving to our children going to be the demise of America as we know it? Barack Obama is definitely marking his legacy on America by his subversion of the dream of America, by his egocentric quest to impose his ideals on the United States regardless how much they are opposed by the people.
Most men seek the Presidency to serve others, Barack Obama sought the Presidency to serve himself! He has been on a quest to feed his ego, to showcase his perception of how he will shape America in his image.
We can ill afford more of Barack Obama's treading across our Constitution like a doormat. We must decide America of how much more we can tolerate from an administration that chooses to serve itself rather then the people. If we don't do something very soon all we will leave our children is a box of empty promises and broken dreams!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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