Friday, March 5, 2010

" Are We There Yet?"

I love football and baseball; I've spent countless hours watching the "Bears" and the "White Sox" over the course of my life. All of the hours were not pleasant, but that's part of being a fan. My good wife feigns interest and will watch along with me until I begin to watch teams other than the "Bears"or "Sox", that is where her loyalty stops. I don't blame her, sports are not her thing she watches for me.

My wife is perhaps the greatest shopper on this or any other planet. Her search for sales are legendary, and over the course of our marriage I'll bet she has saved us thousands of dollars. Her face glows when she makes a good deal at the store, kind of the way mine does when I see a touchdown or a great catch in center field. I feign interest in her victories at the mall as I know it is important to her.

About this time of year we start to talk about vacation, and each year we have a little dance. It goes like this "where should we go?", I reply, "how about Canton Ohio or Cooperstown?". She will look across the room with one raised eyebrow and one side of her mouth turned down. I will then dramatically plead my case, which I know will fall on deaf ears. She knows I'm not serious and I know I wouldn't put her through a trip to either of the "halls of fame" because it would be my vacation not ours, just as she wouldn't expect me to enjoy a trip to the "Mall of America". We want a trip that is what we both want; not have one that only benefits one of us. This type of behavior is what makes my marriage work as well as it does; it is not one-sided.

Barack Obama wants to take us on a trip that we don't want to go on. He is bound and determined to go his way regardless of the fact that America doesn't. We had a phony "health-care summit", a dance that was choreographed to make it appear that Obama is trying to be bi-partisan when in reality he was just executing a sham. This is the worse type of deception purporting this to be a forum when in reality it was pre-scripted to give the impression that the Republicans were obstructionists. Then it was followed up with the "lab coat guys" at the Obama propaganda speech selling his health care debacle one more time. He is now engaged in trading judicial appointments for votes in an attempt to insure passage of this spurious legislation. If this is not illegal it is surely unethical. Are these the acts of a "statesman" or a "cold blooded deal maker"?

Is America being taken on a vacation it doesn't want to go on? Are we being pulled down a road that we don't wish to travel because of a selfish agenda that Obama feels is his "legacy"? I, for one, don't like Obama's "vacation plans" for America. He has totally ignored what the people want in the pursuit of his own selfishness! Where will he take us next; what will he do next to promote himself at the expense of America? As an American ,I feel we need a new travel agent, perhaps in 2012 we will get one!!

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific husband I have! God has truly blessed our marriage!!!!
