Wednesday, March 31, 2010

" You Can't Sneak In!"

Yesterday I told a family story about my grandparents and their entry into America. I know many people feel we should alter the law to make it easier to become an American. I, personally, don't feel this way. I believe American citizenship is something not to be given away just by virtue of crossing our border under the cover of darkness. I am sorry if your country does a lousy job of governing, but that is not an excuse to ILLEGALLY enter the United States of America. This first illegal act immediately shows total disregard for the nation which the unlawful entrants claim to love. How many crossing our borders illegally have taken the time to learn the Constitution, or anything about any part of our government? Most of those crossing the border are ill educated,un-skilled, and some are criminals of the worst kind. By crossing into America in a lawless way we have no ability to weed out those who come here and will end up being a drag on our overburdened welfare system, or worse yet those who have a penchant for violent criminal behavior. Obviously most of the problems are stemming from our southern border, as Mexico is an economic disaster area. Our security is the most important issue here; not only from garden variety criminals but terrorists who can creep across the border to commit their heinous acts. If we were having trouble with Canadians jumping the border I would feel the same way; many on the left want to make this a racial and ethnic issue, it is not.

America is a great and wonderful country, and I don't blame anyone for wanting to come here. Millions of people from across the world have entered our nation and taken that step forward to become citizens. These who have taken time and effort to know what America is are the people who embrace and respect our system. America is here for those who are willing to show enough respect for her to obey her laws and precepts.

Many have said that these illegals perform services and hold down jobs after they "arrived" in America and should receive amnesty and quick citizenship. Why should we reward a criminal act? The jobs they hold and the services they provide do not negate the first criminal act of illegal entry.

Can we deport them all, probably not, it cost too much. We can make it uncomfortable for those who employ illegals; heavy fines and loss of licenses can be an incentive for employers to follow the law. If illegals can't work they won't stay. We need to regulate our welfare system to make it impossible for anyone other than citizens and legal resident aliens to receive benefits.

America lets keep our current citizenship laws in place. Citizenship is not a Wal-Mart gift card, so lets not cheapen it, too many have given their lives to preserve it!

This will be my last blog until next Tuesday, as I will be off for the Easter Holiday. I wish all my readers a great holiday!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Welcome to America, We Have Rules!"

Over a hundred years ago my grandparents, Vincenzo and Angelena, came to America on a ship full of immigrants from across Europe to seek something they could not find in their home countries. Way back then we didn't have any social programs to speak of; once a person hit the shores they were pretty much on their own. There wasn't any "welcome wagon" for the new arrivals, yet they came asking only for the chance that America offers all its' citizens. The only help they could possibly expect was from family members who had preceded them to the "land of promise". They entered through Ellis Island with thousands of other immigrants. Those of you who have seen the "Godfather II" may remember the scene where endless lines walked up to immigration officers giving their names and points of origin. That is how my family entered America. After a period of time and study my grandparents became citizens. Citizenship was a reason to celebrate, you could vote and you were officially an "Amedigan!",from that point forward Italy was the "old country". There may have been people sneaking into America back then, I don't know and I've seen no statistics; but it had not reached the epidemic proportions it has today I'm sure!

In America today illegal entry into our nation has become a major issue to our people. Respect for the laws of America is a memory in some segments of our society. Those laws and statutes which have worked for generations are now being questioned. Preferential treatment of any ethnic or racial group is at odds with what America is based upon. We cannot start making exceptions for specific groups or before we know it we will destroy the principles of law that previous generations respected and followed on a legitimate path to citizenship.

American citizenship cannot be used as a tool for political purpose. It is not a method for expansion of a political base. It is a precious gift that one must acquire through legal, approved procedures in an established system. When we use citizenship for a lesser reason we do a disservice to all those who came before, who saw America as more than a job across the river.

A criminal act is not the way to enter our nation, and we should not reward a criminal act with a fast track to citizenship. Doing this would be an affront to all of the "Vincenzos and Angelenas" that came to this country with respect for her laws and her heritage.

Enter legally and learn the rules, it is special to be an American!

Monday, March 29, 2010

" Peace Through Strength?"

Barack Obama made a surprise visit to the troops in Afghanistan over the weekend as some window dressing to bolster his fading polls. I find it interesting that now he wants to show troop support after the endless months it took for him to send additional troops to permit the ground commanders to pursue victory in a timely manner. A dove at heart Obama isn't fooling this old soldier with his phony publicity agent appearance. I wish I could read the minds of those ground troops as they stood around listening to Obama's feigned enthusiasm. Those of you who buy into this "showboating" by Obama need to examine the last fourteen months of Mr.Obama's term in office.

In Eastern Europe he has neutered our defense systems, effectively leaving our allies hanging out to dry. He has gone on a world apology tour kneeling in front of the entire world saying how sorry we were for our nation defending itself in the face of radical Muslim attack, and we would definitely check with everybody else before we defend American citizens again.

Obama has done virtually nothing about the situations in Korea and Iran other than make noises about sanctions that do nothing but elicit amusement from our enemies. He has taken our only legitimate allie, Israel, and treated her with an attitude of disdain and insult. While Israel builds homes, Iran enriches uranium for nuclear weapons; yet Israel is called on the carpet by the "court jester" Biden.

Nothing has been done since late last year about Iran's quest for nuclear weapons. Two bills have been shelved which called for severe sanctions against Iran. Both bills have been stone-walled by the house and senate democrats at the behest of the Obama administration. We must ask ourselves what would the motivation be to delay sanctions against a rogue nation that poses an immediate threat to our most staunch supporter in a turbulent middle east?

The Russians and the Red Chinese have already said they were cool toward sanctions against the Iranian aggressor. Where does this put Barack Obama? We have been weakened to the point of now having to submit to the will of other nations in our foreign policies. We now have fewer nuclear weapons then Russia, we have dismantled much of our Eastern European defense shield; and we are now reticent about sanctions against a lunatic radical.

"Peace through strength" were words used by Ronald Reagan, they seem to have been forgotten by the current administration. This type of weakness must be considered before the next election. As Americans can we continue along this road of submission to other powers? What will be the outcome of this type of diplomacy? We can't afford four more years of Barack Obama. We don't need America castrated!

Friday, March 26, 2010

" B.O. and F.D.R."

Yesterday President Obama made another speech in the line of unending speeches that he makes promoting himself. It has become quite tiresome watching the continuation of the 2008 campaign. Obama only panders to his base and I believe he does this just to hear his name called by his adoring disciples. He was smiling like the "cat who swallowed the canary" as he spoke to his cheering followers, you could almost see him absorbing the cheers directly into his enormous ego. I find it odd that this same man wouldn't dare address those who oppose his questionable agenda in the public forum. When he is challenged he becomes visibly upset; as if no one has the right to question his philosophy, he feels he is omnipotent.

This attitude of superiority has been shown in the past by other leaders in history. Now I'll bet my friends on the left are expecting a comparison to Stalin, Mao, or Hitler. Well here is the surprise. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the personification of the self absorbed leader. This man took our constitution and twisted it into shapes that would be the envy of any contortionist. Free trade, interstate commerce, and wage controls were just part of FDR's agenda of change. He also wanted to manipulate the Supreme Court. In 1937 Roosevelt tried to implement the "Judiciary Reorganization Act", which would allow additional judges to be added to the court for each member of the court who was 70.5 years of age or older up to six additional judges. This was Roosevelt's way to add liberal judges to the system and disrupting the balance of power of government. I know many of my leftist friends will say Roosevelt took us out of the "Great Depression", when in actuality WWII was what put America back to work. The public works programs didn't do much to stimulate the economy and most of them were found to be unconstitutional, thus the reason FDR wanted to " pack the court". The actual recovery of the "Depression" came after WWII during the Eisenhower administration when the men returning home went back to school and entered the business world and the free market was now in full swing. Tax cuts, and investment from the private sector brought America into a new era of prosperity.

I know all of the disciples of liberalism will bristle at these revelations because Roosevelt is a god to them. Isn't it interesting that the amendment on term limits was passed as soon as FDR was out of the picture.

Now we have another man in office who wishes to manipulate the constitution, and the judicial system. The difference is that over 70% of the people have shown that they don't like his policies. He continues to smile as we see no real improvement in the economy, yet he says the worse is over. He actually taunts the people as he believes they will do nothing.

America we need to exercise our own version of term limits, in November 2010 and in November 2012. Lets restore the balance of power to America, it belongs to us!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

" Who Am I ?"

Recently I have seen many statements talking about conservatives and their beliefs. We have been described as NAZIS, bigots, war mongers, racists, hard hearted, homophobic, intolerant,and so many other derogatory terms I don't believe I could list them all. I will admit every political philosophy has its' share of "fringe nuts", yet this blanket character assassination of everyone who holds conservative beliefs is ludicrous. I have real conflicts with liberal philosophy, yet I am sure most on the left don't have pictures of Mao, Marx, or any of the bomb throwers of the past hanging on their living room walls.

I would like some time to talk about basic conservatism. We believe in small central government, much like the founders of this country, I believe Thomas Paine said," the government that governs the least governs the best..", individual freedom is much better served with the least government interference. Taxes; where do I start, we believe in a tax system that supports only constitutional use, and the reduction of unnecessary tax for contrived purpose. Economics; we believe in the free market with limited restraint except in the case of spurious practices. Military; we want a strong military, well trained and well funded. Who can argue with this? Secure borders; as our constitution decrees our borders should be secure; not porous. Immigration should be regulated and done through the accepted legal means only. This has worked for over 200 years and there is no reason to change it now. Firearms; the 2nd. amendment is perfectly clear on this issue. As a firearms owner I am firm in this belief. If we get rid of "black market" weapons we will be much better served on firearms issues. Judicially we believe in strict fundamental interpretation of the constitution as intended by its' framers; not a tool for activist judges. Religion is a personal right; do what you like as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. We believe in the right to life for the unborn; period! Foreign policy should be supported by a strong military willing to aid our allies and keep our nation secure from any who would attempt to infiltrate and destroy.

The above stated principles are held by most conservatives as their basic precepts. We don't want an octopus government reaching into every aspect of our lives; and we don't want our constitution used for something other than the framers intentions. Perhaps now those who hate conservatives so much will better understand us. It is my hope this may reduce the name calling and increase intelligent debate. Let us speak from knowledge, not conjecture and prejudice. Isn't this what our founding fathers intended?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

" 2 + 2 is always 4!"

I have never been a fan of math, not my strong suit in school. I'm not a moron, I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide with the best. I have friends who were "math heads", they love the logic and uncompromising answers that math provides. Precision, accuracy, unalterable conclusion; this is the ultimate goal of a mathematician. We've all heard the term, "You can't argue with the numbers!",and "2 + 2 is always 4". As a responsible person I believe I should live within my means, avoiding expenditures that are unnecessary or foolish. As an example, I would love a 52" television with surround sound and a gigantic cable package with unlimited sports, yet, I would be exhibiting poor judgement by running out the door and committing plastic suicide and purchasing these frivolities. We do keep a credit line but our balance is usually at zero; we are careful with our money. Credit is a useful tool when used properly; when it is abused it ruins lives. I've tried to pass this logic on to my daughter and to my delight she took my council to heart and lives an intelligent financial life.

Our government has not lived a responsible financial life for a very long time; so long in fact that they have abandoned all logic when it comes to taxpayers' money. We are in grave financial territory as a nation because of a free spending government and the encouragement of a free spending life style our government has encouraged. Financial institutions were pressured into loaning money to poor risks for property that those borrowers really couldn't afford. When the economy began to dip these spurious practices came home to roost and people started losing their homes. The government is the real culprit in our real estate crisis, they pushed these loans in the pursuit of social equity rather than common sense.

We have now committed a sixth of our economy to government regulation, this same government that has plunged us into the current financial crisis. Accountability is only a rumor in Washington. Historically government programs never operate within their budgets very long; I believe it is because they don't spend their own money. Misguided ideas about social justice and an open ended spending philosophy will damage this country; perhaps beyond repair.

It is my hope that come November America will choose a path of fiscal responsibility and ethical conduct in legislation. Over the last twelve plus months we have seen what free spending and questionable ethics have already done. Let's push for a common sense America before it is too late!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

" Words"

In November of 1969 a young handsome Italian soldier was returning home to O"Hare field after spending some time in the care of Uncle Sam. On the plane this young handsome Italian soldier spent some pleasant hours exchanging stories with some fellow soldiers who had become more than friends over the course of time. There were four of us aboard the flight home, two from Chicago and two from downstate Illinois. When the plane touched down there were never four more excited passengers leaving that plane ever in history. The guys called me "Chicago Joe", as I always compared everything I ate to the food in Chicago, and other food always fell short! We went downstairs to get our duffel bags, I stopped to light a cigarette but didn't have a match. I looked around for another soldier and a civilian stepped in with a lighter and a handshake. Back then a handshake to a soldier was rare. I was really touched and thanked him, he just smiled nodded and looked at my name tag. "You Italian?", he said "Yes", I replied; then he said something that still makes me laugh, "Go get some real food trooper!" he shook my hand and then walked away. Eventually my duffel showed up and I carried it upstairs to the terminal. As I walked across the terminal something else happened I will never forget. One of the "great unwashed" walked up to me, stared me directly in the face and through His bad breath he hissed "BABY KILLER". I don't ever remember being angrier in my life before or since then I was that day. This smelly low life was judging me. At that very moment two Chicago Police Officers were passing and they heard it all. In almost cartoon fashion they each took an arm and lifted "smelly" off the ground, looked at me, and one said " We'll take it from here Pal!". I don't know what happened to the hippie and honestly I don't care.

We throw words at people every day without thinking about their consequences or their power. Some of us are more polite than others in the words they choose, yet even the most eloquent words cut closer than a surgeon's knife. Conservatives and liberals alike have been attacked with a verbal assault of name calling in its worse forms. I am as guilty as anyone else in this practice, and I regret those instances of poor choices of words to describe those whose opinions differ from mine. When we abandon reason and logic in the expression of our points our points lose their validity.

As a conservative I urge all of my fellow conservatives not to resort to name calling and vehement rhetoric when making a point. This practice will only hurt our efforts in trying to restore America to its' ideals and principles. Facts and calm demeanor will always be more powerful than "school yard" taunts in convincing others. When you contact your representatives about the performance of their duties, be businesslike, it will make more of an impression. We carry words around a long time. Believe me I know!

Monday, March 22, 2010

" Stealing the Dream!"

The Titanic, the Great San Francisco Earthquake, the Civil War, the reign of Nero, and now we have Obama-care to add to the list! Yes this is a disaster of "Biblical" proportions. We have seen our nation stolen from its' people. The process of legislation has been twisted and perverted to suit the will of a self absorbed ideologue. Our "elected" representatives have chosen to defy the will of Americans who overwhelmingly have shown their disapproval of this abortion of a bill.

What is next? Have we lost America? What is the new name of America? Are we now the United States of ACORN, or the United States of George Sorros, or the United States of SEIU; because "of the people , by the people" has surly been ignored and usurped by Obama's "special friends".

What is going to disappear next? Will Chavez lover Mark Lloyd force a bill through that will abolish that "free speech" that he dislikes so much? Will Obama's communist buddy Van Jones find a way to criminalize capitalism, his pet hate? Perhaps the new heroes of the administration will be Chairman Mao, and Che Gueverra. Perhaps Obama will appoint Bill Maher as his next Press Secretary, or chief political advisor; he believes in forcing legislation through. Maher says the average American is stupid and should really have no voice in government, kind of like our current Congress.

As a veteran I am more than appalled by the action that has been taken by this Congress as they have chosen to hold the Constitution up to a carnival mirror in order to push forward an agenda that is in clear opposition to it's constituents wishes. "Protect and defend the Constitution" has been changed to "push and force policy no matter the cost of loss of freedom".

I believe that Washington and Jefferson would never have conceived in their wildest dreams a government administration and a Congress so arrogant as the one which now sits in Washington. Our founding fathers believed that they served at the pleasure of the people. There are several names in history that believed they were better equipped to decide what was best for their people than the people themselves. I won't start listing names to sensationalize my analogy; any person with passing knowledge of history will easily identify those men.

We have little choice left as Americans, only November is remaining to cast out these elitists, these imposers, these destroyers of American principles and ideals. If we fail to act our children and grandchildren will never again see the America that their fathers and grandfathers fought and died for. Now is the time for a real "change you can believe in". "Sic semper tyrannis".

Friday, March 19, 2010

" Rights, Where Do They Come From?"

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

These words are the second line of the Declaration of Independence. I'm sure most Americans have heard these words hundreds of times, yet how many times have we taken the time to really examine them?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident"; we don't need any further validation, these truths stand on their own merit, no man can question them!

"that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL", the word created is the key word in this phrase; it validates the belief that the composers of this document believed in the sovereignty of God as the ultimate granter and guarantor of our rights.

"that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights", Creator again is used to show the reverence the writer has for one who is larger then himself, that man has possession of rights not granted by man, but given by God and these rights are irrevocable.

"among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", when the word among was used it was a qualifier, suggesting that their are other rights given by God that have not been presented in this document yet they still exist.

There are people in our society today that believe our rights are something granted to us by government mandate; something that man has granted man. If one believes this then all rights can be revoked by man. When government replaces God nothing is guaranteed, anything can be legislated away by the acts of other men.

Thomas Jefferson knew too much power would corrupt any man and that is why he defined our rights as things given by God, not gifts from government. I feel our current leadership has begun a process of usurping what Jefferson has defined as rights that were "God given". Choice is quickly becoming governmental choice, life and liberty, are now being redefined by Congress. Where this will lead is up to the American voter. If we yield rights given by our Creator to the government we will lose the America that Jefferson laid at the foot of every citizen!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Are We Aboard The Caine?"

I, like many other Americans was sitting in front of my television watching Bret Bair interview President Barack Obama. I highly doubt if any of us will ever see Barack Obama on FOX ever again. He didn't like being on the spot!

As you all know I love old films, the acting was better, the plots were more interesting, and for the most part the talent was better. Humphrey Bogart was a favorite of mine, and one of his greatest performances was as Captain Queeg in the "Caine Mutiny", a movie adapted from a best selling novel by Herman Wouk. I read the book before I saw the movie and as always the book was better. Wouk pulled out each character to reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings during a time when every decision was integral to the survival of possibly thousands of people. Captain Philip Queeg was a veteran of naval battles of WWI and the north Atlantic in WWII, he was given command of the Caine. It doesn't take long to see that Capt. Queeg is edgy and uncomfortable in his new command; it later becomes obvious that Queeg is burnt out, he has seen too many battles, too much death, too much fear; he is worn too thin. Over the course of the first weeks of his command Queeg exhibits some disturbing behavior in his decisions and some of his officers begin to see that their new captain seems to be coming undone before their very eyes. Later, during a monsoon of great force, Queeg becomes frozen in terror on the bridge of the Caine. The first officer assumes command and turns the ship; he is later accused of mutiny by Queeg, who feels he has suffered with a disloyal crew and a sloppy ship. The climactic scene of the film is when Queeg takes the stand to testify. Under questioning Queeg unravels in front of the court martial board, this was Bogarts finest moment as he evoked both the ravage of his mental disturbance and realization that there was something wrong with him.

Yesterday we saw Barack Obama in an unusual situation, an interview over which he didn't have total control, and he didn't like it. Similar to Capt. Queeg Mr. Obama became visibly disturbed by pointed questions that challenged his viewpoint, his expression changed, he exhibited impatience and mild anger. Barack Obama doesn't like his world tampered with by anyone.

I'm not saying our president has mental problems; what I am saying is our president is a man who refuses to have his decisions examined by anyone. He has a feeling of omnipotence, he believes he cannot possibly be wrong.

America we are heading into a health-care "monsoon" and our "captain" is refusing to turn the ship. I only hope Barack Obama isn't America's Captain Queeg!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

" Legacy?"

My Dad wasn't a wealthy man in a monetary sense. We always had food on the table and shoes on our feet and a warm bed each night which is more then a lot of people had, yet Dad didn't do much foolish spending. He couldn't save much as raising such a large family was a costly task, and many feet need many shoes. All in all I wouldn't trade my childhood with anybody, even a millionaire's son. We were happy, healthy, and well fed; what could be better?

When my Dad passed he didn't leave an opulent estate as far as dollars and cents goes; he and Mom were getting along on his union pension and Social Security. My wonderful sister and her husband converted their basement into an apartment and Mom and Dad spent their last years with them. I will be forever grateful to them for making Mom and Dad comfortable in their home surrounded by family. Money was never an issue for them, it was always about doing the right thing; a real example of integrity and love.

After Dad died I was up visiting Mom, she was going through Dad's things and asked what I might like I asked for his hats; my Dad loved wearing hats as do I. She said I could have them all and I walked out of her bedroom with a large box filled with hats of all kinds. Unlike
dad I've kept most of my hair so hats weren't a necessity, yet by wearing those hats I feel a little closer to Dad, as those hats were always on his head and they were almost an extension of him. My legacy from Dad consisted of two things; great love of family and a box of hats, both of which are more valuable then anything the world has to offer me.

What is a legacy? It is what we leave behind us when all that is left is memories of a life lived. What is the legacy we are leaving to the future generations of America? As of today we face a crisis of debt, unemployment, high taxes, and loss of position as leader in the free world. We are watching our Constitution being subverted to serve the ambitions of a Chief Executive that has no regard for the people he was elected to serve. Is the legacy we are leaving to our children going to be the demise of America as we know it? Barack Obama is definitely marking his legacy on America by his subversion of the dream of America, by his egocentric quest to impose his ideals on the United States regardless how much they are opposed by the people.

Most men seek the Presidency to serve others, Barack Obama sought the Presidency to serve himself! He has been on a quest to feed his ego, to showcase his perception of how he will shape America in his image.

We can ill afford more of Barack Obama's treading across our Constitution like a doormat. We must decide America of how much more we can tolerate from an administration that chooses to serve itself rather then the people. If we don't do something very soon all we will leave our children is a box of empty promises and broken dreams!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

" Will America Get Pinned?"

From the time I was a young boy I've been a wrestling fan. I remember staying up late and watching the likes of "Killer Kowalski","Georgeous George", and "Haystacks Calhoun" thrill me with their ferocity and courage in the ring. Sometimes my Dad would pick me up and "slam" me into our mattress, we had a great time back when all t.v. was black and white. As I grew up I continued to watch my ring heroes, "Baron Von Ratchke", "Yukon Moose Cholack", and "Ernie Ladd" were early morning fare for me on Sunday and I rarely missed a show. I later passed on my "addiction" to my little girl, we would spend many hours watching "Hulk Hogan","Macho Man, Randy Savage", and " Andre the Giant". The "high point" for Gina was when we surprised her with a live show at the Rosemont Horizon where the "Hulkster" took on "Killer Khan". I'll never forget the look on her face when she realized what was actualy going on that night, as I picked her up I could feel her little heart pounding in her chest. One of our favorite "bad guys" was Ted DiBiase, better known as "The Million Dollar Man". His catch phrase was " Everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man", his claim was he could buy anything or anyone. He even bought the "title" from Andre the Giant on nation wide television. In actuality Dibiase is a great guy who often makes appearances at churches giving youth groups talks about doing the right things in life, and choosing the right path, but his wrestling image still follows him around.

In the very near future our Congress will be taking a vote on Obama-care. This is in all probability the most talked about and least understood bill ever to be addressed by our legislature. Our own "million dollar man", Barack Obama, is at the spearhead of the "sell job" of this debacle. All opponents of this travesty have been hit with a barrage of shells from all sides by Obama's minions. Most of us who have been following this issue have seen the blatant attempts to buy votes with gigantic sums in funding to specific states for pet projects and vague promises of judicial appointments for relatives of some legislators. I'm sure we are aware of the threats that are available for Pelosi to wield as the Speaker of the House, and I'm sure she is not above using them. Barack Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are "tag teaming" to gain a victory over the American people. Integrity is being challenged on all levels as the "hard sell" is pressuring Congress to submit to Obama's will.

America now we must wait and watch the process; we must judge the integrity of our elected officials. Over the next few days we must decide who will yield to pressure and who will stand up in the face of adversity. We will now see who found his price from "the Million Dollar Man"!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

" 3:10 to Yuma, Them or Us!"

I like western movies, "True Grit", "Tombstone", "The Shootist", and "My Darling Clementine" are just a few of my favorites. I could probably list more than five hundred "cowboy pictures" that I have viewed over the course of my life; I've enjoyed all of them. At times these films are very basic, you know "good guys" vs. "bad guys" with a moral that "cheaters never prosper". Sometimes the plots are more complex, movies where the hero isn't quite "lily white" and the villain isn't completely evil. Last week I rented the remake of "3:10 to Yuma"; I saw the original movie numerous times and I really enjoyed it and I was interested if the new cast could add anything to an already fine film. I was pleasantly surprised by the new film, Glenn Ford was the original villain, and he was great as the amiable bad guy, yet Russel Crowe was even better in the role as the character was given great depth as we saw insight into why the "bad guy" became a "bad guy". During the film we saw Crowe as a leader whose men would follow him blindly into any situation. His character is captured and is being transported to a rail station for transport to Yuma for trial and the gallows. Over the course of the trip Crowe establishes a relationship with one of his captors, the owner of a small ranch who needed the transport money to save his ranch; he also knows his men will do whatever they have need to do to gain his release. The climax of the film is a huge gun battle all the way to the station. Finally reaching the train Crowes men close in and Crowe"s captor is fatally wounded. Crowe's men have faithfully done what Crowe knew they would do; their reward was Crowe mercilessly gunning all of them down, they had served their purpose.

We are being confronted by a situation similar to "3:10 to Yuma". The people of America are represented by the small ranch owner, struggling to keep our lives together through difficult times, the "wolf is at the door". Our community is continually being accosted by the "gang". The leader is an amiable type, easy manner, quick smile; yet deadly in his pursuit of what he wants. This "gang leader" wants his health-care, no matter what the cost and he is willing to sacrifice anyone to attain his goal. Over the last several months we have been taking that trip to the train station and we have been engaged in a virtual gun fight with all of Obama's henchmen. Reid, Pelosi, the "lab coat guys"; a constant attack of verbal shot-gun blasts aimed at the American people. Now the gang leader has his men lined up to take the "big fall" so he can achieve his ends; even though it will practically guarantee his "gang" will be slaughtered in November.

It is up to us as Americans to make sure that the "gang leader"gets on that train to Yuma Prison and serves his sentence. We can be "gunned down" or we can put him on that train, there is no third choice America!

Friday, March 12, 2010

" Empty Promises?"

Did you ever join a club or group when you were younger, like the Boy Scouts or a fraternal group like Jaycee's? Usually there is some type of pledge that accompanies you joining the organization. I remember the "Our Gang" comedy shorts, one episode I remember in particular was when the boys formed the "He-man Woman Haters Club", it was hilarious as Spanky and Alfalfa traded comments about how they didn't want anything to do with girls; until Alfalfa ran into Darla, then Alfalfa's pledge went out the window as he rolled his eyes and clutched his heart over Darla's beauty. Alfalfa forgot his pledge in pursuit of his own feelings.

Article II of the United States Constitution
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States,
and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States"

Article VI of the United States Constitution
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

The above oaths, pledges, promises, are taken by our president, senators, and congressmen when they enter office. These promises should not be entered into lightly; they are a pledge to the people of the United States to protect and follow the precepts of the Constitution upon which all of our laws and freedom are based. When political interest takes precedence over the will of the people the promises of the office holders are being breached, the trust that they have been given is in question.

It would well serve those who now sit in those seats of power to reexamine those promises that were made on the day they entered office, and the gravity of their decisions.

Over the next few days it appears that our Congress is about to force a health-care bill the people don't want by manipulating the Constitution for political purpose. This is an abuse of the public trust, and a perversion of our Constitution. If this twisting of government continues what can we next expect to see from this Congress and this Presidential administration?

We must now be more aware then ever before about the acts of our elected officials; it seems their promises don't extend beyond their politics. I believe Mr. Obama and his fellow Democrats need to read their pledges again and ponder each word. "Protect and defend the Constitution"!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

" Never Again!"

In 1963 I was a sophomore in high school, the country was riding on a high note, optimism was the general order of the day. Just a year earlier during the week of October 27th. our President showed the Soviet Union what strength and resolve we had as he stood up to Nikita Khruschev and said we would not tolerate Soviet missiles in Cuba. As we waited on the brink of nuclear war our young President stood firm and the U.S.S.R. blinked first, and withdrew her missiles. Our collective chests puffed out in pride at the commitment our leader showed in the face of an imminent threat from a hostile regime. Just a year later I walked down the streets listening to songs like the Ronettes "Be My Baby" or the Four Seasons "Walk Like a Man" anxious about my upcoming 16th birthday and a drivers license.

On November 22nd it was sunny and warm for Chicago in the fall. At mid-day I was at lunch when Mr. Grady, one of the gym teachers came into the cafeteria with the news that President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas, he had few details and we were all stunned. Not long afterwards in my English class our Principal made an announcement over the p.a. system; President Kennedy was dead. There were tears and disbelief, how could this happen when things seemed to be going so well. Our nation suffered a loss it still feels to this very day. I hope we never experience this again.

Yesterday a periodical called "World Net Weekly" had a cover which depicted President Obama with a large bullet hole in the center of his face! The comments used about it were "provocative, eye-catching, and unapologetic". I think they forgot terms like irresponsible, idiotic, and stupid. As anyone who reads my blog knows I am not a supporter of Mr. Obama's administration and I am not shy about my criticism of his policies, yet I will never endorse the violence that an irresponsible periodical has used to titillate the low foreheads who believe in violent actions to make change.

As an American and as a conservative I am disgusted by this type of exploitative and dangerous journalism, if one can call this journalism. There are enough lunatics out there now without adding to the number by giving passive endorsement to the violent mental midgets who take pleasure in the idea of murder to achieve their goals. We don't need a repeat of November 1963 in our nation, and we don't need to give fringe thinkers any more ideas.

I hope Mr. Obama is a one term president, but I want him to leave office in a healthy and fit state. Although we don't agree on very much I must say this I believe he feels he is doing what he believes is best for America. If one doesn't agree with him then show it at the ballot box, that is the American way to bring about change, any other way corrupts the principles we should all support. God Bless our nation.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

" Class Reunion"

I've been out of high school over forty-four years (this looks scary in print), I didn't attend my last reunion a few years ago as it conflicted with some work issues; I did attend my 25th. reunion several years ago. I was happy to see some old familiar faces, and I was still in pretty good shape and kept my hair, although it was more "blond". I remember when I walked into the lobby of the hotel I heard my name called out from across the room; it was my friend and former class president John. We greeted each other with a warm embrace and handshake. We exchanged stories about Mrs. Stones English class, where I was threatened with several trips to the "office" for my random comments; although they were humorous they were not well received by Mrs. Stone. As I moved further into the hotel I met my old buddy Dave, we were on the wrestling team together and we spent the better portion of two hours talking about our old coaches and team mates. From there I ran into two friends Vito and Benny; they used to work for "Arnie's Beef Stand" and if I went there after closing they would feed me for nothing, a great benefit for a hungry teenager. Over the course of the reunion I ran into several people and had a very good time, yet there were some people of whom I had no memory and when I asked others who they were they couldn't remember them either. I found this to be very sad, people lost, forgotten friends.

Over the last week or so there has been a story in the news about the revision of history text books. It seems that there are factions that want to delete some names and events from the new books as they feel they have become irrelevant in current history. History is the one book that should continue to get larger, as history is made every day, just read the newspaper. Some of the names that have been called into question are Daniel Boon, Thomas Edison, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. I could go on and on about the contributions of the above names have made in the history of the United States, but who wants to read a six page blog. When we start deleting history we are moving into very dangerous territory; what is coming next? Book burning, getting rid of those ideas that don't go along with what the current pressure groups want the public to see; Hitler loved this idea!

Here's a few other names we might want to consider deleted from history. How about that pesky Thomas Jefferson, or Socrates, or Martin Luther, or John L. Lewis. You see when we start to pick and choose what is important we do a tremendous disservice to our children and to our duty to our heritage. We all have much to learn from those that have come before us, we cannot afford the arrogance of dismissing the contributions of the people who have been instrumental in the development of America as we know it.

Let us remember all who have given us something of value in our growth as a nation. Let us not forget anyone in the corner who were part of our nation's "class reunion". If we lose our memory of past contributors to America, we may lose America!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

" Tattle Tale!!"

Did you ever get caught doing anything you weren't supposed to be doing? As a child I'm sure most of us went through a situation like this. Being called on the carpet for a misdeed or misbehavior is never any fun. My grandmother used to make the best candied sweet potatoes on planet Earth. Every Thanksgiving she would prepare them a day before the "big meal" and store them in our downstairs refrigerator, to be heated up on Thanksgiving. This was a great temptation for a ten year old walking appetite, especially when all I had to do was sneak down to the basement, open the fridge, and steal the forbidden delights. Well at that particular Thanksgiving I was really obsessed over those sweet potatoes and I made several trips downstairs to sample the hidden treasure. Little did I know one of my brothers or sisters was monitoring my movements with the proficiency of "James Bond". I found out later from my Mom that my "crime" had been revealed by one of my siblings, whose name remains a secret to this day. I'll never find out who that "stool pigeon" was. Back then there was nothing worse than being a "tattle tale"! To have one of "my own" turn me in really hurt, in more ways then one!

Last week a New York congressperson resigned, his name is Eric Massa and he has been very vocal about the situation involving his resignation and the events by which it was surrounded. I'm not familiar with the circumstances surrounding Massa's resignation so I am unable to make any comment about the particulars. Like most politicians I'm sure he is not "pure as the driven snow", there is probably some substance to his charges or he probably wouldn't have turned in his "quitting papers", yet I can't help feeling there is more involved then the surface situation is showing. Massa claims he was coerced into resigning by Rahm Emanuel when he refused to support Barack Obama's health-care proposal. Now Massa has revealed an alleged conversation with Emanuel saying he was accosted in a shower stall and threatened in a verbal and physical assault over his reticence to support Obama-care. Massa made a statement to the press recently about Mr. Emanuel saying, "Rahm Emanuel is the devil's spawn...he is an individual who would sell his own mother to get a vote...he would strap his children to the front of a steam locomotive.."! Explosive words probably not welcomed by the Obama administration, especially from a democrat.

If there is any truth to what Massa alleged it opens a window into the inner workings of the White House that is quite disturbing; it gives us another example of Chicago "strong arm" politics being used as standard procedure by our Chief Executive to impose his will on others. I'm sure Barack Obama and his cohorts are unhappy with the "stool pigeon", Massa, for telling tales out of school; you know "not for publication".

This is one member of Congress, how much more is happening that the general public doesn't know about? We could use a few more "tattle tales" to find out what is hidden beneath the facade of Barack Obama's image!

Monday, March 8, 2010

" Eye Exam"

Once a year I must go to my eye doctor for a regular examination and be checked for cataracts, as I have mild diabetes. I know this is necessary so I grudgingly submit to good sense even though personally I hate having my pupils dilated. I will be unable to drive home so my lovely wife is going to be my designated driver for the day. If any of you are unfamiliar with the procedure it goes like this; first there is a regular eye exam, you know looking at the chart, then drops are put in your eyes and you wait what seems like a lifetime for your pupils to dilate. The more you dilate the more light enters your eyes until light of any kind puts you in mind of a mole put in front of an atomic blast. All things are put in complete light to the point of it being painful. After the exam I will put on dark glasses and my wife will lead me around like a guide dog until late evening, as it takes a while for the effects to wear off. I spend a little time cursing and complaining about the treatment, yet I know it is for my own good.

America is being barraged with more and more scandal from Washington. Charlie Rangel just stepped down from the "ways and means" chairmanship until charges of tax fraud are resolved. He is the latest is what seems to be a deluge of scandal that is constantly erupting from our seat of government. Most of this type of behavior has been uncovered by people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX NEWS. This abuse of office is not limited to the democrats there are plenty of republicans who share the spotlight too. Perhaps the revelations of investigative reporting can be painful at times it is something that is necessary for the good of the people to have their "pupils dilated" in the public forum. We need all the light in to reveal exactly what is going on and hold those accountable for their actions whose behavior is questionable. Conversely our public servants need their eyes opened to the reality that the people of America are watching them, even when the facts revealed are not to their liking.

Medical treatment is not always pleasant, yet it is sometimes very important in the curing of terrible disease. At times we want to curse the doctor when the treatment is uncomfortable. We have seen people like Beck and FOX demonized by those who find the "light" they shed unpleasant; the "treatment" hurts.

It is time for America to take the "medicine" and the "treatment" no matter how unpleasant it might be. We must remember that no matter how bad the "medicine" may be, the "disease" is much worse. Let us stop cursing the "doctors", they are just doing their jobs. America it is time we get "dilated"!

Friday, March 5, 2010

" Are We There Yet?"

I love football and baseball; I've spent countless hours watching the "Bears" and the "White Sox" over the course of my life. All of the hours were not pleasant, but that's part of being a fan. My good wife feigns interest and will watch along with me until I begin to watch teams other than the "Bears"or "Sox", that is where her loyalty stops. I don't blame her, sports are not her thing she watches for me.

My wife is perhaps the greatest shopper on this or any other planet. Her search for sales are legendary, and over the course of our marriage I'll bet she has saved us thousands of dollars. Her face glows when she makes a good deal at the store, kind of the way mine does when I see a touchdown or a great catch in center field. I feign interest in her victories at the mall as I know it is important to her.

About this time of year we start to talk about vacation, and each year we have a little dance. It goes like this "where should we go?", I reply, "how about Canton Ohio or Cooperstown?". She will look across the room with one raised eyebrow and one side of her mouth turned down. I will then dramatically plead my case, which I know will fall on deaf ears. She knows I'm not serious and I know I wouldn't put her through a trip to either of the "halls of fame" because it would be my vacation not ours, just as she wouldn't expect me to enjoy a trip to the "Mall of America". We want a trip that is what we both want; not have one that only benefits one of us. This type of behavior is what makes my marriage work as well as it does; it is not one-sided.

Barack Obama wants to take us on a trip that we don't want to go on. He is bound and determined to go his way regardless of the fact that America doesn't. We had a phony "health-care summit", a dance that was choreographed to make it appear that Obama is trying to be bi-partisan when in reality he was just executing a sham. This is the worse type of deception purporting this to be a forum when in reality it was pre-scripted to give the impression that the Republicans were obstructionists. Then it was followed up with the "lab coat guys" at the Obama propaganda speech selling his health care debacle one more time. He is now engaged in trading judicial appointments for votes in an attempt to insure passage of this spurious legislation. If this is not illegal it is surely unethical. Are these the acts of a "statesman" or a "cold blooded deal maker"?

Is America being taken on a vacation it doesn't want to go on? Are we being pulled down a road that we don't wish to travel because of a selfish agenda that Obama feels is his "legacy"? I, for one, don't like Obama's "vacation plans" for America. He has totally ignored what the people want in the pursuit of his own selfishness! Where will he take us next; what will he do next to promote himself at the expense of America? As an American ,I feel we need a new travel agent, perhaps in 2012 we will get one!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Where is America headed? What does the next generation have in store for the future of our nation? I'm a little concerned about the coming generation; they have given evidence of being ill informed, basically clueless, about our government and our constitution. When I was in school about 10,000 years ago we were required to pass a "constitution" test or we could not graduate. Our teachers took this test quite seriously, we prepared for weeks and we became well versed in the "balance of power" in our republic, and the duties of each office from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government.We were even required to know the names of our governmental leaders, and our teachers were very adamant about this fore they believed in an educated electorate. I remain thankful for their efforts to this very day as they did me a great service and made me a better citizen.

Last night on the "Tonight Show" Jay Leno had some young people on his show in a sketch that was quite disturbing. The young people were not coached, but were giving answers to the best of their ability about our government and it's leaders. Although the audience found this very funny it was actually a terrible indictment of our educational system. Not one single person knew who assumed power in case of the death or incapacitation of our chief executive. Some said the runner up in the last election would take over, others said Sarah Palin (not a bad idea), still one said the vice president's wife! What is happening to our youth!?

The sad commentary about all this is these young people are representative of the majority of American youth of today. These are the same young people who voted for "Change You Can Believe In". An uninformed electorate, ignorant of the precepts of our constitution, have put a man in the most powerful office on this planet and they have no idea of what his powers are or how he intends to use them.

Every time there is a budget cut the first place to suffer is education, we are cutting our own throats. We spent billion of dollars to take pictures of Mars that would have been much better spent on assuring that our progeny understood the works of our government and the principles of our constitution. The only way we will retain our place as the world's leader is to make sure we have a strong educational system. It will be very easy for unscrupulous influences to infiltrate our government if we continue down the road of lowering our standards in education.

Instead of concentrating on a health-care plan America doesn't want our president and our congress should be focused on bringing America back to it's prominence as the respected leader it is supposed to be.

Let's concentrate on educating our children, let's get back to the days when history and patriotism were in vogue. Our children know all about "The Amazing Race",or "Survivor", or the latest singer dropped from "American Idol" then they know about their own heritage as Americans. We must act quickly or we will see America disappear before our very eyes; and our children won't even realize it!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"America's Top Ten List"

Although I'm not a fan I know David Letterman is well known for his " Top 10 List", which pokes fun at one subject or another. Over the course of years I've heard some of these comments, I've found some funny and some insulting and in poor taste. He has had lists about many subjects such as " Most lovable pets in movies", "Best Yo' Mama Jokes","Greatest Geeks of All Time", and "Not so Great Things About France". All of us like the fun of a good monologue, and Letterman's Top Ten has become a staple of American humor.

Today I would like to address another "Top Ten List"; the first ten amendments to our constitution, or as they are fondly referred to " The Bill of Rights". I won't write them all out word for word, but I will try to hit the meanings briefly as I believe many Americans don't really know them.

1.Free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly.
...The government cannot inter fear with any of this no matter what as long as your peaceable!

2.Keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
...We have the right of self protection not only from criminals but also from an oppressive government, this is not open to interpretation, it is a RIGHT!

3.Forced use of your property by the government.
...The government cannot come into your home and use it for their own purposes, you have dominion over your own house!

4.Unreasonable search.
...The government must show cause for a search, no one can crash your doors without reason!

5.Double jeopardy, self incrimination, due process, seizure of property.
...You can only be tried once for a crime, not continually be persecuted, you don't have to testify against yourself in a court proceeding, and the government can't confiscate your property that is legitimately owned!

6.Speedy trial, impartial jury, informed of charges, right to counsel.
...Never languish in jail, judged by your peers, knowledge of alleged crime, right of an attorney.

7.Trial by jury, and right of appeal.
...Judgement by fellow citizens, and the ability to appeal that judgement.

8.Excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment.
...Even handed treatment to all in judicial punishment, equality in justice.

9.Retention of God given rights
...Freedom of rights not designated above but are understood as human rights over which the government shall not have control.

10.States Rights
...Those rights that are given to our states in the governing of their own residents and are not the responsibility of the Federal government.

These rights are not negotiable, and they are not a comedy monologue. I urge everyone to get a complete copy of the "Bill" and see completely what your rights are. They should not be tampered with by any administration. These rights are what makes America, America!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Rube Goldberg and Duct Tape!"

I love to laugh, just ask my wife or daughter. Mel Brooks, Red Skelton, Bill Cosby, Bob Hope; the list is endless. Some of you may have heard of Red Green; he has a show that originates from the "Possum Lodge" where Red is the proprietor. One of the segments of the show is usually Red designing some weird device such as a "perpetual motion machine", a "cloud seeding cannon",and a "water powered car". The construction of these contraptions required huge amounts of duct tape and great imagination. Oddly enough they all seemed plausible in their explanation. When demonstrated they were hilarious in their operation. Those of you who are a bit older may remember the name Rube Goldberg, he was a cartoonist who was famous for cartoons about convoluted devices so ridiculous in their design that the term a "Rube Goldberg operation" became part of our national language when describing a complicated mess. Rube designed the "self-operating napkin" and the "automatic parachute opener"; both unbelievably complicated and both hilarious.

Most of us appreciate the above described humor, after all how many of us have tried to figure out short cuts on a project and repaired things in our own homes with some "unusual" inventive techniques, and sometimes with disastrous results.

In the last few days our "fearless leader" has made statements about his health-care proposal and his intent to pass it regardless of the wishes of the people of the United States. We over the past several months have watched this monstrosity of a bill grow with exponential ferocity. Each representative, each senator, got their "piece of the action" on this molesting of the American taxpayer. The bill masks itself in the guilt of provision to those who can't get insurance on their own, when it's real purpose is creeping government control of the insurance industry. Real reform has been ignored by Obama and his minions as he has applied pressure to his democrat controlled congress to force this bill into law. Over seventy percent of the people have expressed their opposition to this plan.

With unemployment at record levels, with Iran developing nuclear weapons, why must we rush into a program that the American people want re-examined? Are there not more pressing issues confronting our nation?

We need to take a new look at this "Rube Goldberg" bill; how much "duct tape" is being used to hold it together? C'mon Mr. Obama, what's the rush?

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Personal Message"

Over the weekend there was a massive earthquake in Chile; last month there was a massive earthquake in Haiti; a few weeks earlier we had tremors in Illinois. Most people will chalk these events up to earth doing what the earth does. There is evidence that this could all be the natural movements of our planet behaving the way it has for thousands of years; nothing to be concerned over.

I am a Christian, I don't often advertise this in my writing as I believe your faith is something you must live out and allow others to inquire about rather than give the impression of being "preachy" about my faith. I personally believe most people are alienated by those well meaning folks that "get in your face" about Jesus and his teachings and his sacrifice. I'm one of those people who believe the Bible as it is written. It is very clear about what is prophecy, what is history, and what are parables (illustrations) for the readers. I believe this book is the only Anointed Word of God. I'm sure there are many of you who may take umbrage with this statement and that is your right, as the Creator gave us all free will; yet I would be remiss if I didn't use this forum to give what knowledge I have received from the Bible to all who may read this.

To many believing Christians the reforming of Israel in 1948 was a benchmark in prophecy; it represents the beginning of the generation that will witness the return of Jesus and the final judgement of the Lord on the world He created. Matthew 24:7 says" For nation will rise against nation, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes" verse 8 says,"all these things are merely the beginnings of birth pangs." I believe that we are in the time of biblical prophecy, you may disagree, I feel duty bound to say these things because failing to do so would be a disservice to all of you and to my God.

Faith is the belief in things not seen, now those unseen thing are starting to be revealed to all of mankind to see. Many of these happenings will be explained away and put aside by the world, some will discount what is happening as the natural order of things. I am making a request of all of you who read this. Please take the time to look further, find a Christian that you trust, get a Bible with a translation that is easily read and address the scenario I've presented to you today. Don't take my word for any of this, please make your own inquiries and then decide for yourself.

Usually I have a current political message; some things transcend politics, are more important than our worldly concerns. I will not use this again for a Christian forum, I just wanted to make sure I didn't let everyone who reads this miss a chance to consider Jesus. I hope all of you have a blessed day, and thank you for listening.