Thursday, January 28, 2010


A few weeks ago I caught a bad cold, you know, runny nose, cough, fever, headache, the whole nine yards. I took cold pills, nose spray, vitamins, cough medicine, the whole "drug store"; nothing was giving me relief. I finally reached back to my childhood and tried a home remedy, homemade chicken soup. Now I don't like to brag but my chicken soup is legendary in it's curative powers and it's deliciousness. I went to the grocery store and purchased fresh chicken, carrots, onions, broth, and all the necessary spices to make my magic elixir. I went home and prepared enough soup to cure a regiment, I always cook more than I need a habit I acquired from watching my mother cook for ten people every day. Well the soup did it's job and my cold rapidly lost it's hold on me. I felt 100% better, the magic of home cooking! Now there is a down side to this, leftover chicken soup, not a little leftover chicken soup, quarts of leftover chicken soup. I ate chicken soup for lunch, dinner, snack, and all over again for several days. When I was finally finished with the soup I didn't want to see it again for a very long time. As I stated earlier my chicken soup is very tasty, yet a steady diet of it is quite tiresome. Now imagine a steady diet of something that you couldn't stand, liver, lima beans, or mystery meat from high school(apologies to those who actually like that stuff). Last night I got a major helping of leftovers in Barack Obama's State of the Union Address, and it was mostly liver and lima beans! Once again he dragged up the Bush administration, like resurrecting a rotting corpse. I think all of America is weary of this ploy. He insisted the worse was over yet we still see 10% unemployment with no relief in sight. He demonized partisan politics, yet over the last twelve months the democrats have practiced nothing but partisan politics. He demonized the banks, yet made a plea to them to loan more money to small business. He again wants to tax large investors, a policy that makes no sense if you want investment to spur new business and job growth. He wants to eliminate earmarks, yet his proposed health-care bill smells of earmarks and political buy-offs. He was critical of political pundits, who are opposed to his policies, he believes they are divisive, evidently opposition is un-American. He continues to endorse the fallacy of global warming even after a scandal of managed facts and spurious science, the horror of cap and trade is still in his play book. National security was a bouquet of platitudes with little substance, just a rehash of old policies that have yielded little fruit. He compared himself to John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, at best this is delusional, he is the polar opposite of both of these men who preached smaller government and strong national defense. The main message of Mr. Obama's address was he will continue his leftist policies regardless of public opposition, calling those who refuse to endorse them as obstructionists. In an unprecedented move he even criticized the Supreme Court, one more example of his enormous ego. This speech was a huge plate of Obama leftovers shoved on America's dinner plate. We are supposed to eat it and shut up. For those of you who wanted a tastier dish all I can say is you need a new cook!!

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