Monday, January 25, 2010
"A Giant Step Back!"
Jesus told us through his teachings that humility was a key to being a good servant to others. Throughout Jesus's first appearance he exhibited humility while serving the needs of others. Even though He was the son of God He never used all of the power at His disposal to impose His will on those who refused to recognize who He was. Since the beginning of biblical history God has given man the right of free will, choose what you want, it is up to you. Now if we examine the Constitution of the United States we will find out that this philosophy of free will and choice are quite prominently exhibited throughout this document. In the Declaration of Independence we see that our founding fathers believed that certain truths are self evident, that God has given men rights that extend beyond the reach of the government. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and all those who signed a document that was an endorsement to a government that would serve the people, follow their will, and protect their freedom understood the importance of their action on that fateful day. We also see by their actions that they believed in the humbling honor it was to serve their fellow citizens. George Washington could have been president for life had he wished to do that, yet he choose to return to his home after his service. He believed this nation belonged to it's citizens, not to any elite group who felt they knew better than the people. Those who founded this nation had no idea that the people in government would spend twenty or thirty or forty years as politicians. Their view was of a citizen government, run by people from the community who would serve one or two terms then return to the private sector to pursue the dream of America, not career civil servants whose main goal was to perpetuate their longevity in public office into perpetuity. We are now in a very different situation, we have people in government from both major partys whose only goal is to remain in office and use their influence to acquire more individual power for their own glorification and wealth. I wonder what Thomas Jefferson or George Washington would say today as they observed the back-door dealings and the total disregard that is now being shown toward the will of the people of America? Even now after an election that has shown the current administration that the American people are dis-satisfied and upset with the direction the nation has been following a continued arrogance and indifference is exhibited by those who hold power. As you are reading this the current administration is behind closed doors once again trying to force through a health-care package before the people have a chance to examine it, and before a new young senator can take his elected seat. As an American I'm past the point of anger toward this administration, I believe we need to be in survival mode or the United States as we know it will cease to exist. "We the People" will be dis-enfranchised, and the dreams of our fathers will be destroyed. As November approaches we need to protect our Constitution, elect men who understand they are servants who should feel honored and humbled by the office that they have been entrusted to keep. Also they need to remember those offices belong to the people, not to any political party or ideological principle. It is only then that America will begin the journey back to it's roots of freedom and individual liberty. It is up to us to take that first step in a fateful journey. Let's bring America back!
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