Friday, April 11, 2014

"Barry's "World's Dumbest"!"

Have any of you reading this ever had an embarrassing moment? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about; the trip at a family gathering, or knocking over a dish or table at one function or another. Nobody likes to look foolish in front of others, especially strangers; we always want to maintain our dignity and our image and, we want everyone to forget our mistakes and undignified moments.

There is a show on TRUTV called “World’s Dumbest” which features people at their worst moments, be they brawlers, partiers or criminals, I’m sure none of these folks are too proud of these “screw-ups” caught on video, to be remembered forever.

Don’t we “grin and bear it” when a friend or relative brings up those “blasts from the past” that make everybody laugh at us just one more time?

On April 11, 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama made an announcement about a 100 million dollar research project to help people restore and maintain their capacity to remember things. I know this was so we could all remember “Where did I put my keys?”, but it may also help us not to forget some other things that have transpired over the course of months and years.

Let’s go back to the election of 2008; I remember some “thugs” outside a polling place trying to intimidate voters who were entering. Later on, charges were leveled against them, and the video was damning, yet Eric Holder never pursued prosecution; I often wonder why.

I remember the “Green Initiative”, where government money was spent on countless “green projects” like SOLYNDRA and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost on bad investments, and sometimes fraudulent investments.

I remember “If you like your doctor you can keep him” and “If you like your plan you can keep it.” It turns out none of that was the truth, people are losing their coverage on a daily basis and a very few are able to keep their doctors as well.

I remember Eric Holder unable to remember facts about “Fast and Furious” in front of a House Committee, even after e-mails showed he really knew something about this “deadly scandal”.

I remember some dead Americans in Benghazi that this Administration said died because of a video, even after facts were shown that weeks before they asked for extra security because of a volatile “terrorist situation”. Well after these facts were revealed, the Obama Administration continued to advance the “tale of the video” as fact.

I remember Hillary Clinton telling a House Committee, “What difference does it make…” about those poor murdered Americans. She believed it was “time to move on” about this incident; odd words for someone who aspires to the Oval Office.

Memory is a funny thing, sometimes it fades with time, and sometimes it is “branded into our minds”, depending upon how important those memories are to us.

I wonder if President Obama is now regretting that $100 million he spent on helping people to remember things. There are certainly a few things Mr. Obama doesn’t want Mr. and Mrs. America to recall too easily.

Maybe one day there will be an episode on “World’s Dumbest” that will “highlight” some of Mr. Obama’s “screw-ups” for all of America to watch one more time. It’s too bad these “screw-ups” aren’t very funny!!!

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