Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Numbers Game"

Most of you know I’m a fan of the Chicago White Sox, and have been for many years. This year, my beloved Sox lost 99 games in a 162 game season, the worst in the American League: DEAD LAST! When the season finished, the Sox were about 25 games back in the race, an impossible deficit to close; even in a miraculous season these numbers were just too much. If the Sox could have filled their roster with all “Hall of Famers”, it was still a task that was impossible to reach.

The business world has some “Hall of Famers” who achieved great success in the market place.

I will now name the top eight money makers’ worth and the numbers are astonishing!

1. APPLE 183 billion dollars

2. I.B.M. 116 billion dollars
3. Google 108 billion dollars
4. McDonalds 95 billion dollars
5. Microsoft 77 billion dollars
6. Coca-Cola 74 billion dollars
7. Marlboro 73 billion dollars
8.  A.T.& T. 69 billion dollars
When added up, all of these figures total $795 billion, a very nice “chunk of change”. This total is 205 billion dollars short of one trillion dollars: that is more than the top company on the list is worth.

Our national debt now approaches 17 trillion dollars, and it is not approaching it slowly. Let’s look at what 17 trillion actually looks like: 17,000,000,000,000- TWELVE ZEROS.

Each trillion is one thousand billions- each billion is one thousand millions.

If we could liquidate all of the assets of all of the listed corporations each year to pay the national debt, it would take 20 years to come up even!!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!

We are continuing to raise our debt limit like alcoholics on a drinking binge with little thought about the consequences. Democrats and Republicans alike are continuing to shove this debt down the road, pretending it will somehow just get better on its own or disappear.

Barack Obama doesn’t exercise any concern over this impending disaster, feeling that he can tax the business class to the point of being able to remedy this situation. Figures don’t lie! You all can see the numbers in the above list, and there is NO WAY that the business world or the entire wealth class in America can resolve this crisis in any kind of timely manner without a total financial collapse.

America gives away too much money! America is turning into a welfare state that will not be able to sustain itself with continued entitlements to every person who is afraid to work! America can’t give billions of dollars to foreign governments while its citizens continue a downward spiral in their incomes due to these failed policies. America cannot continue to fund 22% of the expenses of the United Nations, an organization that has proved its lack of worth on numerous occasions.

America seems destined to “finish in the basement” of the “AMERICAN LEAGUE” as the numbers show a total lack of responsible management from those in the “front office”.

All of you can see our “team of Hall of Famers” can’t bail us out of this tremendous hole we have allowed to be dug by thoughtless ideologues. If this trend continues, our “team” may be taken over by a “new owner” from “out of town”; and this dream that was conceived by our Founding Fathers will be gone forever!

Fans, it’s up to us to make a change, or our “team” will be destroyed!! Next year, we have Congressional Elections and we need to make a complete change in our “front office” or all of us will suffer the consequences!

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