This week is Halloween
week, and I look forward to seeing my kids at my crossing guard corner on
Thursday. I get my share of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, werewolves, cowboys,
princesses, witches and monsters of all types; each with a smile and a bag
ready for free candy. I enjoy doing my part in filling their bags as they cross
my street, each says thank you and continue on their way to collect more bounty
from friendly contributors.
There are no real
monsters walking down my street this week, but there are monsters lurking out
there, intent on draining America’s greatness until America is a lifeless
Dracula was a creature
who sucked the blood out of his victims until they died, or turned into a blood
sucking vampire. Zombies feed on the living, totally consuming them until no
living thing is left.
American taxpayers are
directly being affected by some “blood sucking vampires” and “flesh eating
zombies” that are holding power in our government or hold influence over our
Between 49 and 60% of
the American people are now receiving some type of government entitlement; more
than half of our population is getting a check from Uncle Sam on a regular
basis. My tax dollars, your tax dollars are being used to support many (not
all) people who are “working the system” rather than work for a living, and our
Democrat controlled White House is underwriting this whole swindle.
Count Dracula, better
known as Barack Hussein Obama, has stated he has NO INTENTION to trim public
entitlements and will continue to support the SUCKING of our tax money until
our veins are dry to feed the “zombies” of our society.
The “Count” has many
fellow vampires working for him in Washington who tout extra benefits for
illegal aliens which will be funded by the innocent American taxpayer. One of
the “Count’s” blood suckers, Harry “fangs” Reid, has even said Americans don’t
mind paying more taxes.
Last week I wrote about
the top moneymakers in America, and explained even if we took all of their
revenue for twenty years, we could still not resolve our debt crisis. Do you
think that further taxing of those who are just getting by will actually
provide enough funds for additional government handouts?
We cannot continue to
“feed the zombies” or let more “zombies” in to feed at the government trough.
“Count Dracula” and Harry “fangs” Reid think America is a candy store with
endless “trick or treats” to give away, but the store is running out of candy
at record rates.
America has been the
victim of infinite “tricks” since the “Count” moved his coffin into the Oval
Office, and we have received no “treats” at all. The “treat” of his healthcare
is turning into another “trick” right before our eyes, and will only be a
“treat” for the “zombies” who will receive it as a benefit for sneaking into
our country.
It is time for America
to “drive a stake” into the heart of the “Count” by telling him and his
miscreant followers we have had enough and will throw his followers out next
November. If we don’t do this, we may as well get into a “coffin” of our own,
because America will be DEAD!