Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"All Tricks, No Treats!"

This week is Halloween week, and I look forward to seeing my kids at my crossing guard corner on Thursday. I get my share of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, werewolves, cowboys, princesses, witches and monsters of all types; each with a smile and a bag ready for free candy. I enjoy doing my part in filling their bags as they cross my street, each says thank you and continue on their way to collect more bounty from friendly contributors.
There are no real monsters walking down my street this week, but there are monsters lurking out there, intent on draining America’s greatness until America is a lifeless corpse.
Dracula was a creature who sucked the blood out of his victims until they died, or turned into a blood sucking vampire. Zombies feed on the living, totally consuming them until no living thing is left.
American taxpayers are directly being affected by some “blood sucking vampires” and “flesh eating zombies” that are holding power in our government or hold influence over our government.
Between 49 and 60% of the American people are now receiving some type of government entitlement; more than half of our population is getting a check from Uncle Sam on a regular basis. My tax dollars, your tax dollars are being used to support many (not all) people who are “working the system” rather than work for a living, and our Democrat controlled White House is underwriting this whole swindle.
Count Dracula, better known as Barack Hussein Obama, has stated he has NO INTENTION to trim public entitlements and will continue to support the SUCKING of our tax money until our veins are dry to feed the “zombies” of our society.
The “Count” has many fellow vampires working for him in Washington who tout extra benefits for illegal aliens which will be funded by the innocent American taxpayer. One of the “Count’s” blood suckers, Harry “fangs” Reid, has even said Americans don’t mind paying more taxes.
Last week I wrote about the top moneymakers in America, and explained even if we took all of their revenue for twenty years, we could still not resolve our debt crisis. Do you think that further taxing of those who are just getting by will actually provide enough funds for additional government handouts?
We cannot continue to “feed the zombies” or let more “zombies” in to feed at the government trough. “Count Dracula” and Harry “fangs” Reid think America is a candy store with endless “trick or treats” to give away, but the store is running out of candy at record rates.
America has been the victim of infinite “tricks” since the “Count” moved his coffin into the Oval Office, and we have received no “treats” at all. The “treat” of his healthcare is turning into another “trick” right before our eyes, and will only be a “treat” for the “zombies” who will receive it as a benefit for sneaking into our country.
It is time for America to “drive a stake” into the heart of the “Count” by telling him and his miscreant followers we have had enough and will throw his followers out next November. If we don’t do this, we may as well get into a “coffin” of our own, because America will be DEAD!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Numbers Game"

Most of you know I’m a fan of the Chicago White Sox, and have been for many years. This year, my beloved Sox lost 99 games in a 162 game season, the worst in the American League: DEAD LAST! When the season finished, the Sox were about 25 games back in the race, an impossible deficit to close; even in a miraculous season these numbers were just too much. If the Sox could have filled their roster with all “Hall of Famers”, it was still a task that was impossible to reach.

The business world has some “Hall of Famers” who achieved great success in the market place.

I will now name the top eight money makers’ worth and the numbers are astonishing!

1. APPLE 183 billion dollars

2. I.B.M. 116 billion dollars
3. Google 108 billion dollars
4. McDonalds 95 billion dollars
5. Microsoft 77 billion dollars
6. Coca-Cola 74 billion dollars
7. Marlboro 73 billion dollars
8.  A.T.& T. 69 billion dollars
When added up, all of these figures total $795 billion, a very nice “chunk of change”. This total is 205 billion dollars short of one trillion dollars: that is more than the top company on the list is worth.

Our national debt now approaches 17 trillion dollars, and it is not approaching it slowly. Let’s look at what 17 trillion actually looks like: 17,000,000,000,000- TWELVE ZEROS.

Each trillion is one thousand billions- each billion is one thousand millions.

If we could liquidate all of the assets of all of the listed corporations each year to pay the national debt, it would take 20 years to come up even!!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!

We are continuing to raise our debt limit like alcoholics on a drinking binge with little thought about the consequences. Democrats and Republicans alike are continuing to shove this debt down the road, pretending it will somehow just get better on its own or disappear.

Barack Obama doesn’t exercise any concern over this impending disaster, feeling that he can tax the business class to the point of being able to remedy this situation. Figures don’t lie! You all can see the numbers in the above list, and there is NO WAY that the business world or the entire wealth class in America can resolve this crisis in any kind of timely manner without a total financial collapse.

America gives away too much money! America is turning into a welfare state that will not be able to sustain itself with continued entitlements to every person who is afraid to work! America can’t give billions of dollars to foreign governments while its citizens continue a downward spiral in their incomes due to these failed policies. America cannot continue to fund 22% of the expenses of the United Nations, an organization that has proved its lack of worth on numerous occasions.

America seems destined to “finish in the basement” of the “AMERICAN LEAGUE” as the numbers show a total lack of responsible management from those in the “front office”.

All of you can see our “team of Hall of Famers” can’t bail us out of this tremendous hole we have allowed to be dug by thoughtless ideologues. If this trend continues, our “team” may be taken over by a “new owner” from “out of town”; and this dream that was conceived by our Founding Fathers will be gone forever!

Fans, it’s up to us to make a change, or our “team” will be destroyed!! Next year, we have Congressional Elections and we need to make a complete change in our “front office” or all of us will suffer the consequences!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Broken Down Gambler"

I used to be a dedicated viewer of “The Sopranos” on HBO when it was first aired. I enjoyed the character portrayals and the action; it was very well written and accurately reflected life in an organized crime family. It portrayed the amoral values that Mafia members had about their business when it came to committing crimes and acts of violence; conscience was never an issue in any situation.

I remember a certain episode when a high school friend of Tony’s wanted to get into a high stakes poker game, and Tony knew that his friend had a problem with gambling. While Tony was napping during the game, one of his men allowed his friend into the game.

Upon awakening, Tony was upset and told his friend to get out of the game, but his friend protested to the point that Tony told him there would be no special treatment because he knew Tony. The friend said “fine” and then proceeded to lose over $50,000 in bad debt.

The game had gone on for several days before it finally broke up, and Tony told his friend he should go home and get some sleep and he would be over in two days to pick up his money.

Two days went by and Tony went to his friend’s place of business to collect, but was met with an excuse rather than his money and the Tony Soprano who was a mob boss took the place of Tony Soprano the friend. After a mild beating, he informed his friend he would be back on Friday for a payment of at least $25,000 and NO EXCUSES.

In the end, Tony’s “friend” lost his business, divorced his wife and had to leave town because he didn’t understand with whom he was dealing! He thought he had a “friend”; big surprise, his friend was a thug!

The United States is in a debt crisis regardless of the outcome of the Congressional debt agreements. It will probably be a deal which will push the debt problems down the road for a short time, but actually solve nothing.

Red China, our chief lender, is watching all of this with great interest; they hold quite a bit of our “bad paper”, actually billions of dollars which we would be unable to pay if China called in our debt. I believe they want us to increase our “debt ceiling” as it will further weaken the American economy and increase the influence of the Red Chinese throughout the world.

Russia is also watching in the wings as this economic bubble is continuing to inflate and our President will, in all probability, look to military cuts to alleviate the ever growing debt while leaving entitlements in place. I’m sure Mr. Putin is happy American funds are going to be spent on “cell phones and food stamps” rather than national defense.

President Obama has stated that the raising of the debt ceiling is no big deal, like that “broken down gambler” writing I.O.U.’s he knows he can’t pay.

Actually, he doesn’t have to pay those mountains of I.O.U. chits, he is leaving them for our children and grandchildren to pay; they aren’t his problem.

Barack Obama has set America down in a “poker game” with the world’s most dangerous “mobsters” and he’s overplayed his hand. How much more money will we throw away on this “BROKEN DOWN GAMBLER”; soon we will all go broke. “Tony Soprano is at America’s door”, what happens next?

Monday, October 7, 2013

"This Might Hurt"

I have to go to my dentist this week for a teeth cleaning. I like my dentist, he is pleasant and personable; he is a baseball fan and he is PAINLESS when he has to do any procedure. I have recommended him to other people because of his skill and amiability.

I used to have a dentist in Chicago named Dr. Freeman, and when we moved away, I felt like I was losing a dear friend as well as a great dentist. He treated my whole family and we all looked forward to our visits with Dr. Freeman.

Dr. Freeman did everything possible to make all of our dental work as comfortable as possible, and he did a great job. His wall was covered with pictures of the children he had treated over the years; all of them were full of smiles, including my daughter. If I could have brought Dr. Freeman with us when we moved, I would have done so, although I like my present dentist. I would gladly go back to Dr. Freeman, a fine dentist who always tried to make his work PAINLESS.

We are now in the midst of the government shutdown, and several things have happened; government agencies and installations have been shutdown or their services have been trimmed back to “bare bones” operations, and the general public has had to adjust to these recent changes.

Last week, a group of WWII veterans were told that they couldn’t go into the WWII memorial in Washington D.C. because of the government shutdown. The efforts of some attending Congressmen stepped in and physically moved the barriers to the memorial allowing the aged veterans inside, regardless of the government forced closure. The idea of keeping these brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines out was abhorrent to all real Americans across the nation.

Several other national monuments were closed; the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument are numbered among the scheduled closures. National parks and campgrounds have all been closed for the duration of this current situation and many American families have been “inconvenienced” by these actions. The House Republicans have tried to relieve these closures and restore funding for these facilities, with little cooperation from their Democrat counterparts.

It seems that the closures have been directed to programs and facilities that would inflict the most pain on the average American citizen, and the blame has been cast toward the Republican House by the Obama White House and the Harry Reid Senate.

The House of Representatives have already offered several accommodations to the Senate Democrats and President Obama without receiving a cooperative effort from either party. Delight in the painful effect on the American public seems to be what the Washington Democrat elitists seem to be enjoying at this time, even though there are other areas that could be trimmed with much less effect on Mr. and Mrs. America. It appears to me that this administration wants to exercise a sadistic policy on the public and then, once again, place the blame on the Republicans who are trying to alleviate this severe situation without compromising their principles.

America is now sitting in its own version of the “dentist visit” and it looks like we have, at least one dentist, who is enjoying the pain, while another want to be PAINLESS.

Watch out America, especially when Barack Obama says “OPEN WIDE”, IT COULD BE VERY PAINFUL!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I usually start my blogs with a short story that I relate to the subject I intend to address. Today, I am just going to jump directly into the mess with both feet.

As anyone who has a radio, television or newspaper knows we are now involved in a Federal Government shutdown due to Congress’s failure to make a deal on raising the debt ceiling.

The Republican House has sent propositions to the Senate which were disregarded by the Harry Reid partisans without even a glance, as those proposals all included provisions to delay or alter Obamacare.

The Republicans have dug in their heels and seem ready to let the “chips fall where they may”. The name calling and blame assignment is in full force on both sides of the aisle as each vilifies the other.

President Barack Hussein Obama is getting ready to go visit some foreign countries in a few days, oddly distancing himself from the snowballing crisis. He has already said publicly that any compromise in this bill will not be considered if it has an impact on the implementation of Obamacare, and if it reaches his desk, he will veto the bill.

As it now appears, Obamacare is already having effects on the American economy. Many companies have already begun moves on eliminating health insurance to thousands of employees; Walgreens is only the first major corporation to do so; others will follow in short order. Several companies have announced the cutting of full time hours in order to avoid the extra costs of Obamacare, and thrusting the cost of health insurance onto those employees who will now have even less money to use for its purchase.

Hobby Lobby has said they may close all of their stores rather than yield to the imposed policies written into Obamacare, throwing thousands of workers into the predicament of unemployment.

Obama is about to leave the country again, to make speeches and drone on about how we can “lead from behind” to nations that laugh at him behind his back.

Where do the priorities of Mr. Obama lie? Should Mr. Obama be addressing people outside the United States when hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, of Americans are now facing financial disaster due to the Affordable Care Act altering their income to the point of spending money they don’t have, or losing their employment altogether?

Maybe Mr. Obama could address all of the folks who will lose their jobs at Hobby Lobby; telling them it is all for the “greater good”, so health insurance can be supplied to illegal aliens at little to no cost. Perhaps Mr. Obama can explain to all of the small businesses that will lose the trade from those folks who lost their jobs for “the greater good”, and the part-time workers they employ who will likely lose their jobs.

We have been driving headlong into fiscal disaster ever since Barack Obama sat down in the Oval Office and it’s about time someone stood up to this arrogant administration. I laud those brave men in the House should stand firm and not knuckle under to the “Spender-in-Chief”.