Do any of you remember
candy cigarettes; some of them were sugar, and some of them were chocolate? I
even remember a toy cigarette that was filled with powder to simulate smoke. As
kids, we all wanted to act like grown-ups as we puffed on our imaginary smokes;
they were fake, or phony. Magicians cut people in half, or disappear; those
things really don’t happen, they are illusions and may be considered fake or
phony or unreal.
If you order something
online that has a lifetime warranty, you sometimes find out that the agreement
isn’t quite all you expected it to be, it turns out to be spurious, fake,
unreal or phony and we become upset because we were taken in by lies.
Lies are terrible
things as they betray the trust we may hold with someone we respect, someone
who may hold a position of power or authority. A teacher, coach or even a
spouse could lie to you, and the consequences of that lie could affect you
forever, so it is important to be genuine in all dealings; not fake or phony.
Four Americans died in
the Benghazi attack, this is a fact. The Obama Administration told the people
that the attack was prompted by a You-Tube video; this was an untruth which the
Administration clung to for quite a long while, even though they knew it wasn’t
true from the beginning; this Administration endorsed a phony story. The
Americans were REALLY DEAD!
A law enforcement
officer was murdered because of the “Fast and Furious” debacle of the Justice
Department; this is a fact. The Justice Department continues to dodge the
issues of “Fast and Furious” and the responsibility for this DEAD AMERICAN.
This is truth, not a phony story.
The I.R.S. has been
targeting conservative organizations for auditing, as they applied for tax
exempt status, and the practice is pointing toward involvement of high Washington
officials; this is fact; it is real, not phony.
The NSA has been
reading e-mails and phone calls of private citizens with abandon with little to
no probable cause; this is fact, it is real not phony.
Recently our President,
Barack Hussein Obama, has said Americans have been flooded by the media with
stories of “phony scandals” and they should pay no attention to them. I don’t
know about anyone else, but these scandals seem all too real to me and the
President’s statements seem to be quite PHONY!
The President reminds
me of the “Wizard” from OZ who said “Pay no attention to the man behind the
curtain” when it was discovered that the “Wizard” was just a liar who wasn’t
really a wizard at all, he was a PHONY!
The more Barack Hussein
Obama speaks, the more he reveals his true character as a manipulator and a
confidence man who trades in lies and deception to further his agenda. The man
who sits in the Oval Office today is the “man behind the curtain”, not the
larger than life “Wizard” who claims knowledge of all things.
Americans need to see
who is the real “Phony” in America now; we have been deceived too long (not all
of us) by smooth talk and falsehoods; it is Barack Hussein Obama who is the real
“snake oil salesman” and we should stop listening to his “pitch”: it’s PHONY!!!
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