Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Phony Wizard"

Do any of you remember candy cigarettes; some of them were sugar, and some of them were chocolate? I even remember a toy cigarette that was filled with powder to simulate smoke. As kids, we all wanted to act like grown-ups as we puffed on our imaginary smokes; they were fake, or phony. Magicians cut people in half, or disappear; those things really don’t happen, they are illusions and may be considered fake or phony or unreal.

If you order something online that has a lifetime warranty, you sometimes find out that the agreement isn’t quite all you expected it to be, it turns out to be spurious, fake, unreal or phony and we become upset because we were taken in by lies.

Lies are terrible things as they betray the trust we may hold with someone we respect, someone who may hold a position of power or authority. A teacher, coach or even a spouse could lie to you, and the consequences of that lie could affect you forever, so it is important to be genuine in all dealings; not fake or phony.

Four Americans died in the Benghazi attack, this is a fact. The Obama Administration told the people that the attack was prompted by a You-Tube video; this was an untruth which the Administration clung to for quite a long while, even though they knew it wasn’t true from the beginning; this Administration endorsed a phony story. The Americans were REALLY DEAD!

A law enforcement officer was murdered because of the “Fast and Furious” debacle of the Justice Department; this is a fact. The Justice Department continues to dodge the issues of “Fast and Furious” and the responsibility for this DEAD AMERICAN. This is truth, not a phony story.

The I.R.S. has been targeting conservative organizations for auditing, as they applied for tax exempt status, and the practice is pointing toward involvement of high Washington officials; this is fact; it is real, not phony.

The NSA has been reading e-mails and phone calls of private citizens with abandon with little to no probable cause; this is fact, it is real not phony.

Recently our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has said Americans have been flooded by the media with stories of “phony scandals” and they should pay no attention to them. I don’t know about anyone else, but these scandals seem all too real to me and the President’s statements seem to be quite PHONY!

The President reminds me of the “Wizard” from OZ who said “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” when it was discovered that the “Wizard” was just a liar who wasn’t really a wizard at all, he was a PHONY!

The more Barack Hussein Obama speaks, the more he reveals his true character as a manipulator and a confidence man who trades in lies and deception to further his agenda. The man who sits in the Oval Office today is the “man behind the curtain”, not the larger than life “Wizard” who claims knowledge of all things.

Americans need to see who is the real “Phony” in America now; we have been deceived too long (not all of us) by smooth talk and falsehoods; it is Barack Hussein Obama who is the real “snake oil salesman” and we should stop listening to his “pitch”: it’s PHONY!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Gang Control = Gun Control"


Asian Boys
Jackson Street Boys
Menace of Destruction


The Breed
Brother Speed
Chosen Few
Devil’s Disciples
Hell’s Angels


Almighty Black P-Stone Nation
Almighty Vice Lords
Gangster Disciples
Black Disciples
Black Guerilla Family
Black Spades
Piru Street Boys
Sex, Money, Murda
United Blood Nation
D.C. Blacks
Four Corner Hustlers
Philadelphia Black Mafia


Irish Mob
Winter Hill Gang
K&A Gang


Association Neta
Barrio Azteca
Fresno Bulldogs
Ghetto Brothers
La Raza Nation
Latin Kings
Los Zetas
Maniac Latin Disciples
Mexican Mafia
Spanish Gangster Disciples


Almighty Saints
Aryan Nation
Chicago Gaylords
Nazi Lowriders
South-Side Popes

Over the last two weeks, we have seen the reactions of the George Zimmerman verdict. There have been demonstrations and divisive racial rhetoric from many on the left. President Obama said if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Race Baiter, Al Sharpton has erupted with racist rhetoric to fan the flames of discord all across America. Now our President, Barack Hussein Obama, is once again making more noises about gun control in America. Like his advisors once said “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, it can be a useful political tool to further his political agenda.

The lists at the head of this blog are the names of active street gangs all across America; this is only a partial list. All of those gangs listed are armed and dangerous, and all are using ILLEGAL WEAPONS!

None of the thugs, murderers, rapists and drug dealers listed above use traceable, legally owned weapons to commit their atrocities in America. The above gangs take solace in the fact that there is an administration in power dedicated to keeping their potential victims unarmed and easy prey for their foul deeds.

Americans need to ask this question ”Why the Obama Administration isn’t trying to crack down on the ILLEGAL weapons which are used in countless crimes on American streets on a daily basis?”

Chicago, a bastion of gun control, is rampant with violent street crime involving ILLEGAL weapons, yet the mayor continues to want to limit the availability of weapons to honest, law abiding citizens, who now live in fear from street gangs who basically run their neighborhoods.

Barack Obama would better serve America by trying to eliminate those ILLEGAL weapons that are in the hands of all those street gangs, and he should understand that those street gangs would think long and hard about attacking an armed populace who only wish to defend themselves from those who have no regard for the law.

I’m sorry Trayvon is dead; I’m glad George Zimmerman isn’t; this wasn’t racial, it was self- defense; all the evidence supports the verdict. This has zero business in a Civil Rights lawsuit!

If Mr. Obama wants to get street murder to “go away”, he ought to pay more attention to those who are actually committing those murders and leave honest Americans alone.

I am an armed American, and I will protect myself from intruders and those who threaten me or my family; my weapons are LEGAL!!



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"vacation, back in two weeks!!"

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Designed by Monkeys"

Did any of you ever see the inside of an automatic transmission? I know most people haven’t, but believe me, there are enough parts in there to baffle any professor or Ph.D.! The engineers who designed those transmissions had to know what they were doing in order to construct a machine that does all the things that a transmission needs to do. Those guys must be geniuses!  

It’s a good thing experts design those things, and it’s a good thing all that stuff is thoroughly tested before it is placed in the vehicles that you and I purchase, usually for a large amount of money! 

When those parts are tested, a crew of engineers and mechanics go through the entire assembly with a “fine tooth comb” to make sure everything works without a snag or hitch to their performance. I believe there are no parts in a transmission that are extra or unneeded for its proper operation. You can’t just leave out the parts you don’t like to reduce production costs. If monkeys designed a transmission, I guess you could have quite a few parts you didn’t need; but who wants a monkey designing parts for their car? Monkeys don’t know anything about cars!! 

Over the last couple of weeks we are seeing more bad news about Obamacare. It seems that it is turning into the overblown spending monster that it was feared to be at its conception. There are clauses in this 2000+ page bill which just don’t seem to work in the real world without causing disaster in the operation of businesses all over America. 

Now the Constitution is a funny thing; if you implement a law, you are obligated to enforce that law in its entirety, and are not allowed to “edit out” the parts you don’t like, even the parts that don’t work! Our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has decided to “delay” enforcement of some parts of his health care debacle, as there is a Congressional election next year; he doesn’t want any “bad press” about Obamacare. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, what he wants to do is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! Once again, Barack Obama is over-reaching his authority!! Once again, the Obama agenda is being manipulated to fool the American citizen. Once again, Barack Obama is disregarding the United States Constitution.
This 2000+ page bill that was “passed before it was read” is showing some design flaws which those “experts” in the Democrat Congress that passed it didn’t notice. I guess that perhaps those Senators and Congressional Representatives should have “read the bill” before they passed it! It sounds a bit like the “monkeys designing the transmission” to me.
America doesn’t have the finances to support the farce that Obamacare is turning out to be, and that is becoming clearer as each day goes by. Obama and his minions are now looking for bandages to patch up their mess before the next election.
Obama continues to smile while all the warts of his plan are being exposed to America. He believes his “charm” will cover his multitude of mistakes.
Think about this; if there isn’t enough money to fund this monstrosity, where will that extra money come from; could it be from the American taxpayer? How much more of your money will be sent to “feed the monster”? Obamacare is only part of the money eating programs that Obama has initiated under his leadership; wait until you start paying the freight for all those “new citizens” we will be letting into America.
Yes, my fellow American, this machine was “DESIGNED BY MONKEYS”!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Independent-Independence: 1.State of quality of being independent. 2. Freedom from control, influence, support, aid or the like of others. 3. Self-governing. 4. Not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood). 5. Showing a desire for freedom. 

The above definition appears in Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary as in reference to independent and independence. This sounds pretty simple as we read it, yet independence has different meanings to different people. A teenager believes independence means freedom from the restrictions applied by their parents. A senior citizen feels independence is the ability to live without interference from their children. HMMMM! Those two things sound oddly similar!

In 1776, independence meant splitting from an over-reaching monarch in England and forming a nation where each citizen had a chance to shape his own destiny without a government that monitored every move those citizens made; it meant a government that was designed to serve all American citizens without intruding into each individual’s freedoms.

On July 4th, people all across America will be celebrating “Independence Day”. We will see parades and fireworks in nearly every town and city in America. We will consume thousands of tons of hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken, nachos, potato chips and vats of cold slaw and potato salad. We will drink enough soda and beer to float an aircraft carrier, and eat so much ice cream we could form an iceberg big enough to sink the Titanic a second time. On this day, it is great fun to be an American!! 

The big question is “How many Americans really understand what our independence means?” We have more people engaged in some type of government aid now than at any other time in American history. We have more children dependent on food stamps and financial aid than there were during the “Great Depression” of the 1930s. We have an administration that has encouraged people to remain on extended benefits on unemployment compensation and extended those benefits to an unprecedented length. We give benefits to those who are in America ILLEGALLY without a second thought and our Congress seems ready to give them even more benefits at American taxpayer’s expense. Now we will have even more people dependent on the government for their “daily bread”.

How many people understand what our Founding Fathers were trying to accomplish way back in 1776? It seems folks today want to get as much as they can for as little individual effort as possible, and if they can get the government to pick up the tab, then more power to them. 

We have a President who wants a system of government that will control nearly all aspects of an individual’s life, and is willing to monitor everything those individuals say, even in confidential communications.  

Our Founding Fathers designed a system which allowed every man and woman to reach for the stars if they had the ambition to do so. They designed a government whose main duty was to maintain security and freedom, not a government that infringed on the free market economy that would make America the showpiece of the world.

We would all be well served this week if each of us would read something about the principles of our Founding Fathers, and the dream they had for every American; not a nanny state, but a citizenry dedicated to inventiveness and ambition without restriction, independent from a “Big Brother” government. Celebrate the America of Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and Washington; it is a lot better than an Obama Utopia by a long shot!!