Friday, March 22, 2013

"A Petulant Child!"

Did you ever play sandlot football or baseball? Growing up, I spent much of my youth at the local school grounds playing in pick-up games with my friends. We never had enough guys to field complete teams, but we always managed to come to some mutually agreed upon solution so we could play. Usually only one of us had their own baseball or football, and he dictated the length of our games, because without a ball, there is no game.

We never had a referee or an umpire, and our rules were flexible to accommodate the lack of complete teams. There were plenty of disagreements on the field, but the game usually continued despite the lack of officials to control the actions of the play.

Every once in a while the guy who owned the ball got a call he didn’t agree with and he would resort to the statement that “It’s my ball and I’m going home!” At times, he would relent and we would resume play; other times the game was over. When the guy who owned the ball pouted, he wanted to punish the whole team because things didn’t go his way, this was the action of a spoiled child.

Several weeks ago, we went into enforced budget cuts under the “sequester rule” which had been agreed upon by Congress at the insistence of President Barack Hussien Obama.

The Republican House of Representatives made several attempts to offer alternatives to the sequester budget reductions, but no compromise could be reached from the Democrat Senate or the Obama White House; they were completely “stonewalled”!

The sequester rule would make an automatic reduction of 2% of the years’ budget, about two pennies out of every dollar in our BLOATED BUDGET. Obama puts the entire blame on the Republicans, as usual, as Mr. Obama never takes responsibility for anything that is negative in his administration (even though it was his idea).

How has our President handled these cuts? Barack Obama has decided to punish the American people with punitive cuts. He wants to cancel tours of the White House to “save money”; I guess they cost nearly $9,000 per week to the taxpayers. By the way, does anyone know how much it costs for Obama’s golf games or his excessive vacations to Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard? What is the cost of the constant travels across America to make speeches when he has access to all of our homes via television from the White House? These are costs that run into the millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money. He would rather shut down National Parks and cut back on border security than trim the fat out of foreign aid to nations that support the overthrow of Israel.

Like a petulant child, Obama wants to hurt everyone else when things don’t go his way, and he looks for the most hurtful method to inject his venomous punishment on those least able to defend themselves.

This is the man who will be in our White House for the next four years; a petulant, punitive child!!

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