Friday, February 15, 2013

"Happy Morons!"

“See the happy moron,
He doesn’t give a damn,
I wish I were a moron,
My word, perhaps I am!”

Are you familiar with the term “totally clueless”? Those who are the victim of this condition are completely unaware of what is going on around them and have no desire to be enlightened to their condition. Some people drive around with their “check engine light” on and never take their vehicle in for service until it gets towed into the shop. They paid no attention to the warning that was flashing into their eyes, but chose to drive merrily into a problem which could easily have been avoided.

Pretending everything will work itself out almost always never works; sometimes action must be taken or disaster will follow.

We have just finished four years of record unemployment, four years of diminishing economic growth, four years of record national debt and four years of loss of American prestige around the world; yet, we reelected the man whose policies brought about this entire calamity. Things don’t seem to be working themselves out. Our unemployment continues to hover around 8% and our national debt is growing like weeds in the tropics. Our foreign policy has shown itself to be an abominable failure, and our President is still surrounded by a series of unanswered questions about scandals which will not just vanish because he wants them too. Oddly, Mr. Obama seems at ease with our national calamities and is confident his continued agenda of tax and spend will remedy all of America’s ills.

On Tuesday, President Obama made his State of the Union Address to Congress, and it is a continuation of all of his previous policies, the same policies that have proven to be completely abysmal over the last four years. The Democrats cheered like gushing teenagers at a rock concert as Obama once again promoted more government spending while the mantra of taxing the rich was behind every message. He continued the veiled threat of loss of benefits if his policies weren’t endorsed, trying to frighten the elderly and the poor. He never used the word “stimulus”, avoiding the stigma attached to that debacle, but it is a stimulus package all the same.

He wants a raise in the minimum wage which will only be another burden to small business and to consumer cost; you will love buying a “Big Mac” for $11.00, without the fries! His discomfort with the military continues as the last “Medal of Honor” recipient declined Obama’s request to appear at the speech; I wonder why?

Are we going to continue driving along with the “check engine light” shining back at us and do nothing to “fix the vehicle”? Are we going to be the “happy morons” who believe everything will “work itself out”?

This President thrives on the ignorance of some of the electorate to support anything he proposes, and America continues to suffer because of this. Unless we let our members of Congress know how we feel, they will continue on the path of the “happy morons”!!

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