Friday, February 22, 2013


Have any of you put something together from printed directions and not have the end result turn out the way you wanted it to?

We all make plans when we go on a vacation, or take on a project, and sometimes those plans don’t always come together the way we want them to. Sometimes a reservation is cancelled or an expected restaurant item has been taken off the menu, or a guest doesn’t show up and all of our plans seem to “blow up in our faces”. If it is someone other than yourself in charge, you can just sit back and watch the calamity; you know it’s like free entertainment, but if it is your plan, then it is something completely different.

Recently we have seen our President complain about the “sequester agreement” which was his initiative. It seems Mr. Obama doesn’t like the idea that his administration put into practice and he now is choosing to put the blame on the Republicans in Congress.

Forced budget cuts will automatically go into effect unless an agreement can be made very quickly, yet Mr. Obama refuses to allow any member of Congress to touch his “sacred cows” to trim our budget.

The directions on Mr. Obama’s plan aren’t turning out the way he intended them too, and he doesn’t want to take the blame for it! Does this sound familiar to you??

George W. Bush has been away too long to be blamed for this problem, so poor Barack must look for another scapegoat for another mistake he has made. Obviously, Mr. Obama won’t take the responsibility himself because, in his view as a self-promoter, he cannot believe he could ever make a mistake, his ego is too large for that. He blames the Republicans AGAIN, even though his Democrat controlled Senate hasn’t passed a budget since he has been in office, when the House has submitted a budget in each of the last four years (who’s to blame here). Each time a budget has been sent to the Senate, it has been discounted by “Dirty Harry Reid” and his gang from the far left!

We are now approaching a 17 trillion dollar debt, yet we are extending benefits to criminal illegal aliens who have committed a crime just by their presence in America. Your tax dollars are being given away while our nation flounders under fiscal mismanagement from Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies on the left.

The real question is this; “Will Americans continue to accept weak excuses and allow Barack Obama to blame others as his plans continue to weaken America?”

Other powers in foreign lands are watching with “hungry eyes” as this inept President moves America closer to the precipice of destruction. Iran, North Korea and Russia are keeping watch on this nation and they will waste no time in pursuing their agendas as they see an Obama America sink into a financial swamp.

The plan isn’t working, and it belongs to Barack Hussein Obama and NOBODY ELSE!! It doesn’t belong to the Republicans or even George W. Bush. Don’t let this master manipulator get away with this; IT”S ALL HIS FAULT!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

"Happy Morons!"

“See the happy moron,
He doesn’t give a damn,
I wish I were a moron,
My word, perhaps I am!”

Are you familiar with the term “totally clueless”? Those who are the victim of this condition are completely unaware of what is going on around them and have no desire to be enlightened to their condition. Some people drive around with their “check engine light” on and never take their vehicle in for service until it gets towed into the shop. They paid no attention to the warning that was flashing into their eyes, but chose to drive merrily into a problem which could easily have been avoided.

Pretending everything will work itself out almost always never works; sometimes action must be taken or disaster will follow.

We have just finished four years of record unemployment, four years of diminishing economic growth, four years of record national debt and four years of loss of American prestige around the world; yet, we reelected the man whose policies brought about this entire calamity. Things don’t seem to be working themselves out. Our unemployment continues to hover around 8% and our national debt is growing like weeds in the tropics. Our foreign policy has shown itself to be an abominable failure, and our President is still surrounded by a series of unanswered questions about scandals which will not just vanish because he wants them too. Oddly, Mr. Obama seems at ease with our national calamities and is confident his continued agenda of tax and spend will remedy all of America’s ills.

On Tuesday, President Obama made his State of the Union Address to Congress, and it is a continuation of all of his previous policies, the same policies that have proven to be completely abysmal over the last four years. The Democrats cheered like gushing teenagers at a rock concert as Obama once again promoted more government spending while the mantra of taxing the rich was behind every message. He continued the veiled threat of loss of benefits if his policies weren’t endorsed, trying to frighten the elderly and the poor. He never used the word “stimulus”, avoiding the stigma attached to that debacle, but it is a stimulus package all the same.

He wants a raise in the minimum wage which will only be another burden to small business and to consumer cost; you will love buying a “Big Mac” for $11.00, without the fries! His discomfort with the military continues as the last “Medal of Honor” recipient declined Obama’s request to appear at the speech; I wonder why?

Are we going to continue driving along with the “check engine light” shining back at us and do nothing to “fix the vehicle”? Are we going to be the “happy morons” who believe everything will “work itself out”?

This President thrives on the ignorance of some of the electorate to support anything he proposes, and America continues to suffer because of this. Unless we let our members of Congress know how we feel, they will continue on the path of the “happy morons”!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

"Reich Leader Obama?"

How would you like to be walking down the street and suddenly get picked up by the police, taken to jail, given a “kangaroo court trial” and then executed? This stuff actually happened in NAZI Germany on a regular basis! The government decided to bypass the justice system and take the law into its own hands.

We have a document that prevents these types of things from happening in America. Our Founding Fathers were very careful in designing a document that acted as “handcuffs” for the people to use on oppressive government. Personal protection of individual rights was a foremost concern by that group of patriots in their construction of our Constitution. The “Bill of Rights” was specifically written for individual protection from the government.

What can happen if we allow the government to go beyond its designated authority and we give up some, or all, of our individual rights and we allow legislation that takes away the original intent of our Constitution? What happens if we allow a leader to disregard the Constitution in order to achieve his personal agenda? The people of Germany allowed this to happen to them, and we all know how that turned out!

Last week, I wrote about the military being asked about firing on American citizens; now I see that we are now advocating drone attacks on “suspected” Americans in foreign countries. This comes from the same administration that wanted the 911 terrorists to be tried in a civil court with Constitutional protection. I find it strange that a Justice Department and a President that were so worried about the rights of murderous terrorists is now advocating the killing of Americans without the same due process these criminals of 911 received! Are some Americans undeserving of their Constitutional rights, while terrorists and illegal aliens are?

What type of alliance is being built by this current administration? Why should someone who has been part of the murder of over 3,000 innocent Americans be treated to “kid glove” prosecution, while someone under “suspicion” is allowed to be summarily executed at the discretion of the government without the benefit of due process?

Barack Hussein Obama is chipping away at our individual rights on a daily basis, while he expands his power far beyond what our Constitution allows. He doesn’t ask for a cooperative Congress as much as he demands that action is taken to further his expansion of the powers of his office. Barack Hussein Obama seems to have a sense of entitlement and almost monarch-like attitude about his Presidency. Most men who assume the office of President of the United States are humbled by their responsibility to the people, yet Barack Hussein Obama seems to be Caesar-like in his execution of power in the Oval Office. Obama called his book “The Audacity of Hope”; perhaps his next book will be called “The Arrogance of the King: an Autobiography!”

Barack Obama continues to shove our Constitution aside; soon it will be off the table altogether and those policies of 1933 Germany will all seem “reasonable” to the “New America”.

Our Congress, both Republican and Democrat, must put its collective foot down before they are nothing more than “window dressing” for a President that is building a tribute to himself with the American people being nothing more than an afterthought! Let’s not turn America into an “Homage to Obama: the New King”!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Weimar Republic?"

Today I will test your memory a bit. What does the name Weimar Republic mean to you? Between 1919 and 1933, the Weimar Republic was the governing body of Germany following the German defeat in WWI; it was a democratic republic, but was badly fragmented. What happened to the Weimar Republic? This attempt to establish a democracy failed as the economy was collapsing under huge unemployment and skyrocketing inflation.

On July 20, 1932 “Presidential Rule” was established in Prussia giving the Chancellor direct control of 2/3 of all of Germany’s police forces. Hitler was Chancellor of Germany by March 23, 1933, when he obtained dictatorial powers over all of Germany, dissolving the constitution and imposing new rules and laws which radically changed the individual rights of ALL GERMAN CITIZENS. There were no challenges to Hitler’s dictates as he totally ignored what was left of constitutional rights. If you disagreed, you went to prison or the gallows. The citizens were now the subjects of the government with no recourse but to follow its’ rule without question.

Last week, a federal appeals court ruled that President Obama’s recess appointments earlier this year were unconstitutional because the Congress wasn’t in an actual recess when Obama overstepped his authority. The opinion voiced is that our current President was “twisting the rules” to make appointments without proper procedure being followed. Our “Unconstitutional President” has vowed to move forward with these appointments in a Supreme Court test. Mr. Obama doesn’t like our Constitution very much, as he stated in the past, he will go around our nation’s most treasured document when it suits him. Does this sound familiar to you?

Last week, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Dr. James Garrow, made public statement that the new “litmus test” for military leaders is their willingness to FIRE ON CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES!!  Remember what I just stated about 2/3 of Germany’s police forces!

In a real or perceived national emergency, the President has the power to impose MARTIAL LAW; this will suspend most of your individual rights for an unspecified amount of time with little to no recourse. Do you see the similarity to SA or Gestapo or SS troops kicking down doors for suspected “disloyal citizens”, and a President asking for U.S. military to have a willingness to fire at AMERICANS!?

This is a President who, once again, has spoken out against FOX NEWS because it criticizes him and his unconstitutional policies; censorship is his agenda.

Like Hitler, Stalin and Mao, our current President wants an unarmed citizenry, although he tries to mask it as a public safety measure. He wants you DEFENSELESS!  For what purpose would a President ask an American soldier to fire on any American on American soil for reasons other than restraining political opposition?

Where is Barack Obama heading with these types of questions toward our military? Is Barack Obama going to have a loyalty oath as Hitler did; not to Germany, but to Adolf Hitler?

Is America going the way of the Weimar Republic? Is our Constitution about to be put into Obama’s office shredder? Will Obama be given the authority to have the right to fire on citizens who he feels are disloyal? Is Barack Obama the next “Great Dictator”?