What does it mean to “be in control”?
I know what it means to control your temper, controlling your emotions so you
don’t do anything foolish or harmful to yourself or someone else. I know what a
coach means when he says he wants to take control in a game situation, and
dictate the pace of a game to achieve a victory. I understand what the police
do when they control an altercation to avoid an escalation to violence. I have
seen farmers do a controlled burning of their fields to clear them for the next
planting season.
Over the course of our lives, we try
to control most of our actions so our plans work out for us. We control our
finances when at all possible to avoid unforeseen expenses and expenditures. We
try to control our eating habits so we won’t gain too much weight and maintain
a healthy diet. We have a government which exercises controls over many aspects
of our lives.
Our Constitution gives us the ability
to exercise control over our individual rights with as little government
interference as possible; this is a guarantee under our Bill of Rights, the
first ten amendments of our Constitution. You could call these amendments the
“10 Commandments of America” and you wouldn’t be too far off in that statement.
Americans need to control their Congress, and not the other way around!
I did a blog about two years ago about
the Bill of Rights and how it has impacted the American character and way of
life. Those words are more than just flowery language filled with platitudes;
they are a guideline of how to protect our individual freedom from any
oppressive government.
Someone once said “A society that
sacrifices freedom for security will, in the end, lose them both”, truer words
were never spoken.
On the heels of the re-election of
Barack Obama, several members of Congress and the liberal media said Rush
Limbaugh should be taken off the radio. This type of talk is something we all
should fear, whether liberal or conservative; free speech must be guarded at
all cost, or we will end up in a land of single opinion with no room for
dissent. This policy is only used in countries which follow a dictator and have
Recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said
that “The right controls the news media”. Aside from laughing after I heard
this, I was astounded that a so-called educated man said this. I must assume
that Mr. Kennedy only listens to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and only
watches FOX NEWS and has totally disregarded ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and
Headline News. I can’t understand how Mr. Kennedy came to his ridiculous
conclusion, as the majority of the media, both print and television. are
practically joined at the hip with every liberal viewpoint in today’s political
forum. If Mr. Kennedy’s hypothesis was true, then next month we would be
watching Mitt Romney take the Presidential Oath of Office instead of Barack
Media control belongs to the left, and
that is unfortunate for all Americans who want unbiased reporting of ALL
We, the people, must exercise CONTROL
or we will lose much more than some talk radio hosts; that Bill of Rights we
prize so much will vanish into the hands of a master manipulator!
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