Friday, December 28, 2012

"Happy New Year??"

This is the last weekend of 2012 and it is time to reminisce over all the things that have happened over the last 12 months.

We must ask ourselves if things have gotten any better in the last year. We have seen American prestige deteriorate in front of the entire world as our leader has procrastinated in decisions to improve our economic situation, and it appears our bond rating may once again be lowered. Criminal Illegal Aliens are being given more and more rights, while the Constitutional rights of real American citizens are being attacked by leftist lunatics. Our armed forces are being downsized as Iran and Korea collaborate over the nuclear destruction of Israel and America. Our nuclear arsenal is being dismantled to levels of the 1950s, and our President totally advocates those reductions, as he believes weakness is a virtue in the world of global diplomacy. Our Attorney General continues to stone-wall over several charges against him, and he has been backed up by the President in what appears to be a blatant cover-up of spurious behavior in his office, which may be of a criminal nature!

We are already seeing the impact of “Obamacare” on the business community as some companies have already cut hours of full time employees to 29 hours a week or less to avoid excessive costs imposed under the mandate of Barack Obama. The real pain of “Obamacare” is now showing its face in the homes of poor and working class Americans, along with business owners across America.

We have seen the BAD INVESTMENTS of our current administration cost us billions of our tax dollars as political cronies benefit from their relationship to Barack Obama, as friends and campaign contributors! I guess whoever said “It’s good to be the king” knew what he was talking about.

We have been promised more government regulation into our lives, just what we need in a “free” society. In New York, large sodas and fried foods are already under attack, and lunches for children which have been packed at home have been confiscated by some school district “food police”; so much for “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.

Unemployment finally gone to under 8%, but many economists say this may only be a temporary condition as economic indicators remain bleak and GNP is slowing down again.

As our government races toward the budgetary “cliff”, our President has raced off to Hawaii to take a vacation; I’m glad he has his priorities in order; I know he needs his golf game.

Next month, we will see the beginning of Barack Obama’s second term of office, and I don’t see that America will experience much of a change from the last four years except that Mr. Obama doesn’t have to worry about another election and he can press for further moves toward a socialist or communist agenda. He still has Harry Reid in the Senate as an advocate of these spurious policies, and he can still blame the Republicans when they stand up for Constitutional rights.

Some of us will wear party hats and blow noisemakers on Monday night, hoping for a great “New Year”. I will probably go to bed early because I don’t expect any changes for the best as four more years of Barack Obama lies before America. Happy New Year to all of my readers; if that is possible!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Unopened Gift

Next week is the celebration of Christmas all across the world. Our home has a nice tree in our window, filled with lights and ornaments and under the tree are some brightly colored presents waiting to be opened. We have been shopping for all of the foods we will enjoy for several days during this most special time, and I have great anticipation of the upcoming meals. My daughter will be with us and that makes the celebration even better; Italians love family.

All this being said I wonder what most people see as the celebration of Christmas! I am a Bible believing Christian, and Jesus is the foundation of my belief. The Christ Child is the fulfillment of God’s promise to reconcile man and God with the promised Savior, the Messiah. Jesus is the unblemished lamb of sacrifice for all of our sins; something no act of man could accomplish. For the unbeliever this premise seems foolish, but to the Christian who has accepted and studied God’s Word, it is very believable.  

No one can force someone else to believe in Jesus, this is a decision that is strictly between God and the individual. Each of us know ourselves from within, and each of us know our own deepest sins, things we have told to no one; only the Creator shares that knowledge. Those sins are what separate us from Him, and only He can restore us to His righteousness through His Son, Jesus. God allows us to make the choice of accepting His Son, or walking away. This choice is an ETERNAL choice with rewards or consequences.

Other faiths ask for works by the believer to attain a relationship with God, or they believe an individual must be forced into certain belief systems, sometimes at the peril of death. In Christianity, all the “work” has been done by Jesus, in a free offer of grace from God.

John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”. The Babe in the straw bed was here for all of us, as the ultimate gift from God to pay for our sin; no person before or after could have done this.

I don’t know what you may have under your tree, there may be all types of jewelry or electronics, or toys of many kinds; maybe a fur coat, or even the keys to a new car; all of them will be greeted with all the proper OOOS and AHHHS; and that is a good thing!

There may be one gift that remains unopened during this special time, the gift of Jesus. Oddly, the whole reason for all of the celebration is Jesus, and He wants you to open His gift to us. Enjoy all of the food, the songs and the family time you get; don’t pass up the Greatest Gift, and it is totally free of charge!

Friday, December 14, 2012

"Control, or Controlled?"

What does it mean to “be in control”? I know what it means to control your temper, controlling your emotions so you don’t do anything foolish or harmful to yourself or someone else. I know what a coach means when he says he wants to take control in a game situation, and dictate the pace of a game to achieve a victory. I understand what the police do when they control an altercation to avoid an escalation to violence. I have seen farmers do a controlled burning of their fields to clear them for the next planting season.

Over the course of our lives, we try to control most of our actions so our plans work out for us. We control our finances when at all possible to avoid unforeseen expenses and expenditures. We try to control our eating habits so we won’t gain too much weight and maintain a healthy diet. We have a government which exercises controls over many aspects of our lives.

Our Constitution gives us the ability to exercise control over our individual rights with as little government interference as possible; this is a guarantee under our Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments of our Constitution. You could call these amendments the “10 Commandments of America” and you wouldn’t be too far off in that statement. Americans need to control their Congress, and not the other way around!

I did a blog about two years ago about the Bill of Rights and how it has impacted the American character and way of life. Those words are more than just flowery language filled with platitudes; they are a guideline of how to protect our individual freedom from any oppressive government.

Someone once said “A society that sacrifices freedom for security will, in the end, lose them both”, truer words were never spoken.

On the heels of the re-election of Barack Obama, several members of Congress and the liberal media said Rush Limbaugh should be taken off the radio. This type of talk is something we all should fear, whether liberal or conservative; free speech must be guarded at all cost, or we will end up in a land of single opinion with no room for dissent. This policy is only used in countries which follow a dictator and have NO PLACE IN AMERICA!

Recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that “The right controls the news media”. Aside from laughing after I heard this, I was astounded that a so-called educated man said this. I must assume that Mr. Kennedy only listens to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and only watches FOX NEWS and has totally disregarded ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and Headline News. I can’t understand how Mr. Kennedy came to his ridiculous conclusion, as the majority of the media, both print and television. are practically joined at the hip with every liberal viewpoint in today’s political forum. If Mr. Kennedy’s hypothesis was true, then next month we would be watching Mitt Romney take the Presidential Oath of Office instead of Barack Obama.

Media control belongs to the left, and that is unfortunate for all Americans who want unbiased reporting of ALL ISSUES.

We, the people, must exercise CONTROL or we will lose much more than some talk radio hosts; that Bill of Rights we prize so much will vanish into the hands of a master manipulator!

Friday, December 7, 2012


It has been one month since my last article, and I’m still astounded that the American voter made the choice of a continued reign of Barack Obama as President of the United States. What disturbs me the most is the total lack of knowledge possessed by my country’s voters. Slogans, platitudes and foul campaign tactics were the foundation of Obama’s campaign. Obviously, those who voted for him completely disregarded all of the disaster of Obama’s previous four years. We must now face the burden of an additional four years of overtaxing and high government spending, coupled with a decline in security for the people of America. Even Russian President Putin voiced his disbelief at the results of our Presidential election, citing the lack of knowledge our voting public exhibited.

Obamacare is already hurting the American public because of stress on both small and large businesses. Companies are cutting work schedules to under 29 hours for their employees in an effort to maintain a small profitability margin; meanwhile, men and women across the nation must try to find additional work to make up for lost hours of pay.

Obama continues to play “the same old song” of more taxing of the wealthy, which will only stifle investment and economic growth. Economists across the world have voiced concern of this type of policy and it has been reflected in most of the world’s markets. Prices are climbing at the grocery store and unemployment is at a stagnant level showing no positive signs of actual improvement.

The Republicans are showing weakness in negotiations for new reforms of the tax system which doesn’t bode well for business and investment in new ventures to spur growth. If the Republicans knuckle under to Obama’s minions, the next four years may mark the end of a free economy and a move toward government control of every phase of American life. Obama has already said something about ending term limits; perhaps he sees himself as “president for life”. Personally, I feel Obama is enough of a megalomaniac to believe he could rule forever, and some of those who voted him in would be perfectly comfortable with him as a permanent resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I know a country who felt the same way back in the 1930s.

There is talk of government freely looking at personal e-mails of private citizens without the need of a judicial order; bye-bye 1st amendment rights, and gun rights will be right behind that; just like a guy in Germany from a few years ago.

I dread the future under Barack Obama and I know we will have to face it. Those who hate the free market and individual freedom must be doing cartwheels over the re-election of this man, as he may be marking the demise of America and the remaking of “Obamerica”.

I don’t know what the average American can do now; the fringe has taken over our country and the “new normal” has replaced morality and good sense. I hope we can ride out the next four years with as little damage as possible. Pray for America to be guided by God, we need His wisdom. Our Constitution is about to be thrown in the blender; I hope we can keep some of America before our President destroys it!

(I will now blog once a week on each Friday; thanks for your readership.)