Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Outright Lies, and Hidden Facts!"

When I was just a boy, I remember times when I or my siblings were accused of different “bad things”. I’m sure any of you who grew up in a large household have heard the words “He did it, Mom!” in regards to some infraction or minor catastrophe. Sometimes we were guilty, and sometimes we weren’t. Unlike the American justice system, we were usually put in a position to prove our innocence, rather than having a presumption of innocence. It is uncomfortable to have an accusation cast against you, especially if it is groundless. Is it best to ignore that accusation, or address its spurious claim against you? If you address it, there is a perception of truth to the accusation by some and if it is disregarded, some will say you are “stone-walling” it. A perfectly innocent person can have his reputation smeared by someone’s vicious slander.

Over the course of the last few days, we have seen Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) spread a rumor that Republican Mitt Romney, the presumptive presidential nominee, has not paid taxes for 10 years. When I first heard this statement, I thought that even Harry Reid wasn’t this much of a low-life, but I was wrong. Reid’s attack was totally unfounded and vicious in nature, only intended to cast a shadow on Romney that had no substance. Barack Obama has feigned some surprise at Reid’s actions, but most people realize Obama must have given some type or tacit endorsement to “Dingy Harry’s” action against Romney.

Mitt Romney has been through all of the battles of attaining his party’s nomination, where every mistake and public action he has made was examined and re-examined ad nauseum. For months, the American people watched debate after debate, and accusation on top of accusation of each potential candidate. Do any of you believe that if there was any possibility that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes in 10 years that at least one of his opponents would have said something previous to this?

Does it seem strange to you that Senator Reid isn’t bothered by Charlie Rangel or Tim Geithner, each of whom had real problems with their taxes, and been investigated by the Internal Revenue Service ?

We are at a juncture in this campaign season where the Obama camp is trying to do anything that will distract from the president’s dismal record in office; even making up stories about his opponent. It seems now that every Democrat is crying out to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns for the last 10 years. Oddly, no one is saying a word about the college transcripts of Barack Obama, which remain sealed; I find this curious. I believe it would be very easy for Mr. Obama to disclose his college records; especially since he has been lauded by the left for his “genius”.

Nobody on CNN or MSNBC or ABC or CBS seem too concerned about this obvious omission from Mr. Obama; isn’t that odd? Bill Ayres, Tony Rezko and Jeremiah Wright have yet to be mentioned by any of the above named news agencies, yet they are prominent in the life of Barack Obama. Any information of a questionable nature in regards to Barack Obama has been scrupulously avoided by all of the above news agencies; we must ask ourselves why?

I believe, before this election takes place, we will probably see most of Mitt Romney’s tax records; but I’ll bet we don’t see Barack Obama’s English grades from college!!

(This is my last blog for one week due to some unforeseen family concerns.)

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