Friday, August 31, 2012

"Juan Joins the Dividers!"

Do you remember when Juan Williams was fired by NPR? Juan made some remarks about being “uncomfortable” when he saw Muslims on the same plane he was on; the next thing you know is Juan is looking for work! Although I’m a pretty conservative guy, I like Juan Williams because he has always seemed more rational than the average liberal advocate. I expect David Axelrod and Debbie Wasserman Schultz to sound like clueless leftist talking heads, and I’m pretty sure no one with any type of cogent thinking takes much notice of their mindless ramblings.

Presently, the Obama Campaign is one filled with character assassination, name calling, false charges and unfounded rumors against Mitt Romney, and so far it is failing miserably in this strategy. Mitt is a committed Mormon, and he doesn’t have much fodder in his life that could be considered scandalous. Mitt’s biography is open to plenty of inspection, and thus fa,r he is pretty close to squeaky clean; you know, no interns in his office, zero drug use, alcohol or even caffeine. Mitt has a personal record of charity and public service that would be the envy of almost everyone in the public eye. What can be left to say in order to do some political harm to the Romney Campaign?

Ann Romney made a rousing speech at the Republican Convention on Tuesday evening, describing her husband in a personal way that only a wife could know, along with her feelings about women in today’s America and the problems that they face. The general reception of Mrs. Romney’s speech was overwhelmingly positive and has been hailed as the best speech from a prospective First Lady that has ever been given.

As I listened to next day accounts of Mrs. Romney’s speech, I heard good things along with criticism. The most ridiculous thing I heard was a comment about how blond her hair was; I guess that was all the columnist could come up with as a criticism, pretty weak! I’m sure I will hear other criticisms over the next few days that will be just as ridiculous; after all, when you have nothing else, you must resort to insult and personal attack.

I said in the beginning of this article I like Juan Williams, but even Juan Williams can come up with a stupid remark, and I am a little disappointed with Juan. The Democrats continue on their path of division and now Juan Williams has jumped in as he said “Ann Romney…looked like a corporate wife…” he went on to say because of her wealth, she couldn’t identify with the problems of the average American wife and mother. I don’t believe there is much difference in wives and mothers who are concerned with the well being of their families; poor or rich, our wives and mothers always want the best for their children and their husbands. Ann Romney raised a large family and battled cancer, without so much as a whimper. These trials aren’t spoken about too much by the liberal media.

I am sorry that a man like Juan Williams has decided to go along with this “separation of America” philosophy that the Democrats have now pursued. I thought he was a more reasonable man than that, especially since he was so poorly treated by the “tolerant” liberal media. Juan must remember we are all Americans, and we all see the destruction that has been left in the wake of a Barack Obama Presidency, regardless of our economic station. The Bible says “A house divide against itself cannot stand” and that seems to be the campaign of the Democrats in 2012. We should all recognize our commonality as Americans, and the possible damage Obama will do in FOUR MORE YEARS!

(My next blog will be on Wednesday of next week due to the Labor Day Holiday. Enjoy your holiday weekend!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Obama and His Record"

Most people like to be lauded for their accomplishments; it’s nice to hear people say good things about you. In grade school, young children often get “stars” on their early work, before they begin receiving regular grades, and refrigerators are covered with a plethora of drawings and dot pictures displayed by proud parents. The further each child progresses, the more awards and accomplishments we keep as a reminder of their achievements. The walls of my home are decorated with graduation pictures from grade school through grad school of my wonderful daughter; I maintain proud parenthood to this day! I have her trophies from high school athletics and her membership cards from the National Honor Society; at times I think this embarrasses her, but I DON’T CARE!! She has an impressive list of credits to her name, and I believe she will continue on this path; although I may be a bit prejudiced.

We are having two conventions this week from both of the major political parties. I have been spending some time talking about Mitt Romney, and why I believe he is the best choice for America this November. I believe his accomplishments and his values are best suited to lead America out of these dark times.

Barack Obama, the incumbent President, will get the nomination of the Democrat Party; there is no chance of anything else happening there. Mr. Obama will once again have Joe Biden as his running mate, and there is no chance of anything else happening there (sorry America). Thus far, Mr. Obama’s campaign has done little to deal with the actual issues of this election, and spent most of the time trying to give reasons why Mitt Romney isn’t qualified to be President of the United States. Economists, by and large, feel Romney is our best chance to pull out of this horrendous fiscal mess, and further debt from the government would be completely unwise; and the economy is the NUMBER ONE ISSUE.

Let’s look at the last 45 months of Barack Hussein Obama’s term as President.

THE GREEN INITIATIVE: On this issue, America has suffered immensely because of bad investments that have cost us BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. SOLYNDRA is probably the most famous of these debacles, but it is only one in a list that is so long I would have to write an additional article just for them.

CASH FOR CLUNKERS: Perhaps one of the most damaging programs that the working poor have had to deal with since Obama took power. Those people who have lost full time jobs and are forced to make ends meet by taking two or three part-time jobs, have had their ability to purchase an affordable means of transportation taken away from them. The $2500 to $5000 automobile has vanished, along with the safety issues of driving a car that is too old, because some people can’t spend $6000+ on a vehicle. Mr. Obama doesn’t realize that $7.25 an hour won’t sustain a car payment!

NATIONAL DEFENSE: The worst thing Mr. Obama has done is endorsing the START treaty, a calculated rollback of our nuclear defenses to a level equivalent of the 1950s. Mr. Obama has taken every opportunity he could to weaken and reduce our nuclear arsenal, and has made veiled promises to Russia about further reductions after the November election.

UNEMPLOYMENT: America is suffering from the worst period of under employment and unemployment since the Great Depression. Levels of unemployment remain above 8.4% today and the economic outlook points toward a possible slowdown again if Obama’s policies remain in effect. Number shuffling and “creative math” are the only way Obama has been able to try to show some progress, which is minimal at best.

USAMA BIN LADEN: This is the only “bright spot” of the current administration and Obama wants to “steal the spotlight” for his own political purpose; not very Presidential as I see it.

CLASS WARFARE: During the course of the last 45 months, race has been used as an issue to describe nearly all criticism of the Obama Administration, with very little foundation in fact. This policy has caused more harm to race relations in this country that only the “Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan” could have caused more division than Barack Obama. Mr. Obama has made business the villain in his “redistribution philosophy”, when business is the only arena that will create a lasting economic recovery. The philosophy of “blame those who succeed” is foolishness; they provide the jobs!

BORDER SECURITY: This issue has been given nothing but lip service by this administration, which has instead made it easier for criminal illegal aliens to remain in America, and become a draw on benefits to which they should not be entitled.

JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: In all of my years of life, I have never seen a more inadequate excuse for a Justice Department than this one. This department is under two separate Congressional Investigations, and has proven itself to be nothing more than a political tool for the Obama Administration.

This is perhaps the longest article which I have ever written in regards to the President, yet I feel there is so much more we need to say about what has transpired in Washington since January of 2009. We still have unanswered questions about President Obama’s life before his national prominence; things that have been kept hidden from the people and they give me great concern about who Mr. Obama really is, even after these several years. I encourage all of my readers to pursue as much information as you can before November. Mr. Obama’s record SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Fare Well, or Welfare!"

My Mom and Dad were married for over fifty years; my parents were both 22 years old when they wedded. They met in high school and spent their lives in the kind of marriages most people only dream about. Dad was a dedicated husband and father in every sense of the word; his family was always foremost in all of his actions. He was strong, yet sensitive, without losing his masculinity. I believe my mother was the most precious person he ever had in his life, and he always treated her in that way. I guess he was an “old fashioned guy” when compared to the men of today who become “baby daddies” and run from responsibility at light speed. Morality was a little different then, than it is now. Marriage was something considered the moral and proper way to have children and raise a family. There were people who were divorced back then, but that was considered a last resort, as most people wanted to save their marriage. Today, divorce is much more prevalent than in generations past; any excuse seems acceptable for a man and woman to end their marriage. The term “irreconcilable differences” seems to be the “catch all” when people seek to end a marriage; nobody wants to do the work to mend a broken marriage. In the “old days”, people worried about their children before they worried about themselves; now children have numerous “aunts or uncles” who “sleep over” at the homes of their divorced moms or dads. Children suffer the most in a society that endorses the quick end to traditional marriage.

When we look in today’s prisons, we see countless inmates who came from homes where the father was never present, or had several other children with several other women. Most of these men never went to the trouble of getting married and have passed that belief on to their younger generation. This modern lack of a moral code of conduct is one of the main reasons we have swollen welfare rolls and a deluge of unwanted pregnancies.

The “Free Love” of the 1960s spawned the welfare generation and the “Me Generation” that threw responsibility to the four winds. I personally believe that rape became more prominent since those “good old days”, because that “free love” turned women into sex objects instead of possible lifetime loves. Suddenly the term “good girl” was a stigma instead of a value to be desired, a way for a young girl to show how valuable she was to herself; sex was more than exercise with a “yahoo” at the end.

The Republican National Convention starts this week, and it will definitely be a contrast to its counterpart from the Democrats. America has already shown it is fed up with our loose and easy society. People are filling our welfare rolls at record numbers and our President wants to end the work requirement in the welfare program. Our President endorses abortion; he therefore endorses premarital relations, another loosening of our moral code of conduct and a continued weakening of American values.

We have a man in Mitt Romney who has been a dedicated husband and father his entire life, and belief in a good moral compass for America pointed toward individual responsibility for those who choose to become “baby daddies and baby mommas”. He will restore the work requirements of the welfare program, not underwrite a “welfare society”.

Will America go back to the 1950s; of course not, but it will return to a society of responsibility and moral values. If we don’t take the steps necessary to retrieve those lost values, we will lose America in short order with four more years of this “Welfare President”. Which America do you want, one that “fares well”, or one on welfare?

Friday, August 24, 2012


How many of you remember guys called “The Sultan of Swat”, “The Brown Bomber”, “The Galloping Ghost”, “The Georgia Peach”, “The Kansas Comet” and “Sweetness”? Those of us who are a little long in the tooth can name them fairly easily as Babe Ruth, Joe Louis, Red Grange, Ty Cobb, Gale Sayers and Walter Payton. The list of famous athletes with catchy nick-names is virtually endless. We now have “A-Rod”, “Big-Daddy”, ”Co-Co” and “El’ Duque”; better known as Cecil Fielder, CoCo Crisp, and Orlando Hernandez; these names are also followed by countless others in today’s sports arenas.

How did these men earn those nicknames? Nicknames are a way of describing something unique or special about the person of whom you are speaking. Babe Ruth was an easy pick for “The Sultan of Swat”, as he was the inventor of the “home run hitter”, and his record stood until 1961, when it was broken by Roger Maris. Joe Louis was a menacing heavyweight champion who could devastate an opponent with a punch from either hand, thus the name “Brown Bomber” was quite appropriate. Red Grange was so elusive in his running style, it was said it was like trying to “catch a ghost”; he was there, and then he wasn’t! Ty Cobb wasn’t quite a peach though; he was known for his violence on the field toward the opposing teams; but, was held in high regard from his home state of Georgia, and he was a great competitor. Gale Sayers once said “All I need is 18 inches of daylight”, and that was just about right; like Red Grange, Sayers was as elusive as trying to tackle fog. Walter Payton fit his nickname to a “T” as he was so well respected by every team in the NFL, not only for his ability, but for his demeanor as a man; the ultimate team player, Mike Ditka, said “He was the best football player I have ever seen”.

America has had many Chief Executives with colorful and distinguished nicknames. Obviously, we all think of George Washington, the “Father of his Country”. Thomas Jefferson was known by a couple of nicknames, “The Apostle of Democracy” and “The Sage of Monticello”; pretty impressive! Andrew Jackson was called “Old Hickory ‘and “The Hero of New Orleans”; he was a real tough guy! Poor Andrew Johnson, a man clearly over his head as President, was known as “The Grim Presence”. Grover Cleveland was famous for his tendency toward the VETO, was called “His Obstinacy”. Teddy Roosevelt was famous as “The Hero of San Juan Hill”, and “The Lion”; another tough guy. Dwight D. Eisenhower was simply called “Ike”, and that was enough of a nickname for the great hero of WWII. Jack Kennedy was happy with “JFK”, as he was a great admirer of FDR. Lyndon Johnson caught on with “LBJ” and used it in his campaign slogan “All the Way with LBJ”. Richard Nixon got stuck with “Tricky Dick” from a Democrat campaign ad in 1950. Ronald Reagan was called “Dutch”, a name he acquired while a student in high school that remained throughout his life. Bill Clinton was known as “Bubba” and “Slick Willie” as he could slide out of many difficult situations virtually unscathed.

We now have Barack Hussein Obama, and there have been many proposed nicknames for him already. We have heard “No Drama,Obama”, as he doesn’t seem too excited about things going on around him. I would like to propose some names of my own on this subject; how about “The Debt Master”, “Master Spender”, “Constitution Killer”, “The Obamanator” or “Odumba”. I’ll admit these names aren’t very flattering, but they do seem to fit Mr. Obama well, after all, he has vastly increased our debt, worked around the Constitution to achieve his ends, slowed the economy to a crawl, and seems clueless when questioned about significant issues.

Yes, my fellow Americans, people earn their nicknames, and Barack Hussein Obama has certainly earned some “nicknames” from many Americans. What do you think he should be called? I like “Former President” the best!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Distraction Man!!"

What is a distraction?: in football, it is something to cause the defense to move in a direction away from the planned play; slight movement in an effort to pull a tackle or linebacker in the wrong direction and give the quarterback or halfback that split second that is needed to make a successful play. Magicians use distraction to pull the audience’s attention away from the slight- of- hand needed to complete his illusion. Used car salesmen will call a customer’s attention to the paint job or the leather interior of a vehicle in order to distract them from the oil leak or bald tires on a potential sale car.

All in all, distraction is something that is done to take one’s attention away from something important to give the distracter a chance to fool someone into watching something else.

Over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen several distractions from the campaign of President Barack Obama in order to distract the American voter from Mr. Obama’s abysmal economic and employment record over the last 45 months. Failed charge after failed charge has been made about Mitt Romney; all proven to be false, all for character assassination purposes and all to pull attention away from Mr. Obama’s failures as Chief Executive. Mr. Obama has been very careful to avoid facts and statistics about his performance of the last 45 months; I don’t blame him, there isn’t much to cheer about!

In February of 2009, America’s unemployment rate rose to 8.3% and continued to rise to a high of 10% in October 2009; in November of 2009 it dropped to 9.9% and hovered at over 9+% until September of 2011 when it dropped to 8.9%. We are currently at a rate of 8.3%, and it seems to be rising again. This is the worst record of unemployment since the “Great Depression” of the 30s and 40s. Massive government programs have done close to nothing to help our national woes in the employment market. Last month, unemployment rose in 44 states; this is a sure sign that any recovery is stalling and a possible economic downturn may be imminent.

Economic forecasters have predicted that United States poverty levels are on track to exceed that of the 1960s. A 15.7% level is within reach in the very near future; a figure of 47 million Americans may be falling into that statistic with little hope of climbing out of it if Obama’s policies continue.

None of the statistics mentioned above have been spoken about by the current administration; I’m sure you understand why.

The big question is what distraction will Barack Obama use next to pull America’s attention away from our most important issue? Romney has been called a felon, a woman hater, a tax cheat and lately he has even been called a murderer in efforts to keep the public eye away from the real issues that need to be dealt with by his poor administration’s performance, and spurious policies.

America must ask Barack Obama to answer the real questions that he has skirted thus far! We don’t need a “Side Show” of distraction. We need to hear whether he will continue on this path of growing government spending and lack of fiscal responsibility. What can Mr. Obama do to stop this epidemic unemployment that he has done little to remedy? What is the Obama plan for a prosperous America? I don’t think I’ve seen much prosperity since January of 2009; have you? Enough distraction Mr. Obama; straight talk is necessary at this time, if you can do that!

Monday, August 20, 2012

"Protect the Process!"

I have heard America referred to as “the wonderful experiment” in regards to our Constitution and free republican form of government. When the Constitution was signed, its signors said “You now have a republic; if you can keep it”, and that was a very astute statement. There have been quite a few republics over the course of history, and some have not fared too well. There are hungry dogs waiting to leap on any nation that fails to protect its freedoms and rights. If you believe everything will be okay, no matter what, you need to wake up and realize everything seemed okay in NAZI Germany, until everything was not okay; and then it was too late.

Every four years, we get a chance to pick our national leader; not every country in the world is allowed to do that. Many people will stay home, trusting that the right person will get the job whether they vote or not; this is the logic of a fool!

Every four years, we hold conventions from the two major parties to determine who will represent them in the upcoming election. These conventions are huge events held in America’s major cities, and are attended by hundreds of delegates who will elect their nominee. This is a great free exercise in our system of self government, and should be carefully defended from any group or individuals who wish to disrupt the proceedings.

I have written about the New Black Panther Party on earlier blogs citing their role in voter intimidation in 2008. Holding batons at the front of a polling place and hurling epithets at citizens as they entered a polling place was recorded and complaints were made, yet Eric Holder’s Justice Department failed to prosecute the obvious crime, allowing the perpetrators to go free.

The New Black Panther Party was founded in 1989 in Dallas, Texas. Its current leader is Malik Zulu Shabazz, and it has been dismissed as a “hate group” by the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Members of the original Black Panther Party have disavowed any connection with this fringe group, as they consider it a racist organization. This group has been described as anti-Semitic and anti-capitalist and prone towards violence.

On August 12, 2012, Michelle Williams, the New Black Panther’s chief of staff, made the statement that “Republicans hate black people”; this statement was followed with a profanity laden statement of her threats against Republicans in Tampa, implying violent actions against them. She made additional statements saying “Tea Partiers, tea baggers and people who hate black people will not be tolerated!” and also saying “(Republicans), you are being watched by the almighty bird in the sky”, a veiled threat to members of the upcoming Republican Convention.

Ms. Williams is clearly using intimidation and hate speech in her statements toward the delegates of the Republican Convention, yet neither Eric Holder nor Barack Obama have said or done anything to condemn this type of rhetoric and implied threat to the safety of innocent citizens.

We have already seen examples of what the New Black Panthers are capable of doing on a small local level. What could the outcome be if a large armed force appeared at this function filled with overzealous racist fanatics?

Even the largest metropolitan police force is put to a great test when these functions take place, and the most peaceful demonstrators can be quite a bit to handle. What will the Tampa police be able to do with a crowd of belligerent and possibly heavily armed protestors?

It is incumbent upon the federal authorities to supply enough protection to insure the safety of those delegates and any innocent citizen who may be caught in the middle of an armed mob.

If the Klan or Neo-NAZIs had made these same statements about the Democrat’s Convention, what would be the response of Washington? Do your job Mr. President; defend the Constitutional rights of America’s citizens!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Maintaining Quality"

I have been writing this blog for some time now, and I certainly enjoy writing, especially when I feel a passion about my subject. My political views are very obvious to anyone who reads this blog. I believe in the Constitution as it is written; this was the intention of the originators in order for future generations to maintain the free society that they envisioned. The rights of each individual should not be usurped by any government body for any ideological purpose, regardless of so-called good intentions.

We are now in a full blown race for the leadership of the United States of America, and perhaps this is the most important election America has ever faced. Fundamental values are at stake, and the choice made in November will affect our nation for generations to come. Charges have already been launched and spurious accusations are being spread at light speed. As quickly as one charge is proven false, another charge is thrown before the American public.

The only thing that can save America is an educated electorate. We live at a time when everybody has 150 T.V. channels and 15 news stations; 30 second sound-bites are sometimes the only criteria that some people use to decide who they will trust with America for the next four years. Most people will spend more time on deciding which used car they will purchase than on deciding who will be the leader of the only real republic on this planet. Facts are out there, and they must be researched or you may end up with something less than America when it is all over.

I have been doing daily posts for quite a while now, and I appreciate the readership that has been generated. I find myself in an unusual position as I think about the importance of this blog. I always want my facts to be correct; if they are not, then this blog has been for nothing; it will have become propaganda, and I would never want that.

I spend hours when I research any subject which I comment about; it is my way of maintaining integrity in each blog. This election, with its importance, has given me a sense of the responsibility in what I am writing. At this time, I will now limit my posts to three times a week, as I would like to spend more time fact checking before I publish anything for public view.

There is enough groundless character assassination going on already in this election year. This is the dirtiest election I have seen in all of my 64 years of life, and I don’t want to shovel any dirt of my own. This election should be decided on issues and qualifications, not on false accusations.

I hope fewer posts will not be a disappointment to my readers; try to think of it as more solid research for a better blog. Truth is worth the wait, and I always want truth.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

"A Return to Sanity"

I remember when gasoline was 27 cents a gallon, and two dollars could keep me going for a week of travel; hot dogs were a quarter and soda was a dime. My first summer job paid $1.22 per hour for a six day week, and I still gave my Mom $20.00 out of my check for “room and board”. I don’t think we will ever return to those prices or wages again; I also don’t believe we will lose the 40 hour work week, paid vacation and holidays. Some things cannot be altered and some things must be altered. We must keep the good, and discard the bad when we make any decisions in life.

I recently read an article that said the Romney-Ryan ticket will bring us back to the days of the Taft Administration. This is only one article in a series of leftist gibberish that is trying to make Romney and Ryan sound cold, cruel and out of touch with the American situation of today.

Does any thinking person believe that either of these men would return to policies that were against the common good of the American people? Does anyone believe that either of these men would return to slavery or child labor? Only a complete fool could buy into that line of thinking.

If we examine what made America prosperous, we have to recognize the free market economy as our key to a vigorous America. Government driven spending will not bail out an ailing economy; even with all of the programs FDR instituted during his time in office, the facts show that we did not recover fully from the depression until the Eisenhower years, and the New Deal was actually a big bust. Truman did his best to keep us from falling into a new depression by regulating prices, but the free market under the Republicans actually spurred the economic boom of the late fifties into the sixties.

For the last 44 months, America has been under an agenda of massive government spending and we have seen virtually zero recovery. Our government expense toward “green projects” has cost us losses of BILLIONS of dollars, and unemployment is the worst we have had in 70 years! A government healthcare initiative has grown in cost from a proposed price of 900 billion to over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS, and that is just the beginning, as it will only rise. Our Gross National Product is crawling and is being exceeded by our accumulating debt; America, we are “BLEEDING RED INK”! This is not a sustainable situation; we can have a financial collapse if we continue on this path.

I know that the 1950s are gone forever, but there are some things which we must salvage from those years. Fiscal responsibility and less government interference can put us on much sounder economic ground than that upon which we now stand. If the free market is allowed to function properly, employment will rise; if we are not taxed to death, government revenue will rise because of that HIGHER EMPLOYMENT: these are the basic principles of the Romney-Ryan ticket. This is not a return to the 19th century; it is a return to SANITY IN GOVERNMENT!

In November, all Americans will have a clear choice, which is to remain on this downward spiral, or return to those principles which have proven to be the things that have made America the envy of the world.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Just Another White Guy!"

Since the foundation of America, we have had over 40 different men serve as President and Vice-President. Some of those men were tall, some were short, some were thin and some were stout, some handsome, and some not easy to look at, yet, all served their nation. I know our Constitution doesn’t have a clause that disallows any natural born citizen from holding either of the above mentioned offices; gender has nothing to do with the qualifications for those offices, and neither does race, creed or national origin. We now have a President whose background is African; this has been a big issue since Mr. Obama has taken office. Many cheered on Inauguration Day as Barack Obama took the Oath of Office and many people said it was a great victory for America. I’m sure many Black Americans felt proud that day, as a barrier has been crossed in American history. This being said, we must ask a question; is race a key factor in choosing someone to elected office? Has skin color anything to do with the ability to lead the greatest nation on Earth? Is skin color an excuse to deny mistakes and inability to be an able leader?

Over the course of the last 44 months, Barack Obama has said and done things that have done more damage to America than I thought could have been possible by one man in so short a time. Whenever Mr. Obama’s ineptitude is brought before the American people, those who reveal it have immediately been labeled as racists by the liberal media and leftist groups. Racism seems to be the “go to” phrase when Barack Obama is criticized.

I have NEVER used Mr. Obama’s skin tone as a reason to point out his inability to execute the office he holds. If one listens to any credible sources that criticize the President, the words black or African-American are NEVER used, because that is a “FOOL’S LOGIC” and holds no truth. A man is either qualified for his office, or he isn’t.

Last week, Mitt Romney named Wisconsin Congressman, Paul Ryan, as his choice for Vice-President when he gets the nomination at the Republican Convention. I personally like this choice, as Mr. Ryan is a Constitutional Conservative that believes in the free market, traditional family values and a strong national defense. He has been in Congress for 14 years and holds the chair of the House Budget Committee, and also is a member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee; both committees of great influence and responsibility. He is a strong fiscal conservative, and has proposed a budget to Congress in May of ’08; April of ’09; January of ’10, April of ’11 and March of ’12, quite a few more than Harry Reid!

As I reviewed Mr. Ryan’s biography, I was pretty impressed; he even served on his local school board when only a student in High School, was president of his class and even Prom King. Mr. Ryan was a young man who knew who he was at a very young age, and he followed an honorable path to get to his present position.

Since Mr. Ryan has been announced as the chosen running mate for Mitt Romney, he has been described as “Another White Guy” by several pundits of the left and the “usual suspects” from the “Hollywood Crowd”. I guess it is a bad thing to be a “White Guy” if you are on the left; you are somehow unworthy to hold office because of your skin tone. This sounds quite a bit like racism to me, reverse maybe, but racism none the less!

Does this mean that those 40+ men who held those offices since the inception of the United States of America should have been castigated or disqualified because of their skin color? You know they were just “Another White Guy”, and you know how “they” are!!