Were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin or George Washington extremists? Were the words used by these men inflammatory toward others? Was Jesus an extremist? Did the words Jesus used cause others to become enraged or hateful?
I am a “constitutionalist” and a Christian, and I follow the words of Jesus, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, so I guess I’m some type of extremist too.
Jesus preached about obedience to God and His laws, and to love one another as you love yourself. I don’t quite understand what makes the words of Jesus so “inflammatory” or “extremist”;, but some folks do.
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington used words that condemned oppression and lauded free expression and equal opportunity for all Americans, and they included those words in the United States Constitution; that Constitution says all men are to be treated equally under the law, and all men have the right to express their views without fear of retribution from the government. Obviously, words that “incite” or preach hatred toward others are subject to scrutiny.
During the administration of George W. Bush, there were many instances of words that were less than flattering, and sometimes bordering on “character assassination” in regards to our former Chief Executive. Images of George W. Bush portrayed as “Hitler” were rampant from those who opposed the President. President Bush never answered these type of attacks in kind; he was, and still is, a “class act” and totally Presidential in his actions.
Most of you probably know the name Louis Farrakhan as the head of the radical Nation of Islam. Mr. Farrakhan has made more “hate the white man” speeches than there are grains of sand in the Gobi Desert. His speeches are famous for their content of discontent with America. I’m sure groups like the “New Black Panthers” hang on Mr. Farrakhan’s every word, as they are quite unhappy with America too. They have also preached about violence against what they call “White America”.
Louis Farrakhan is endorsing an e- book which is condemning some of the images that have been projected about President Barack Obama over the last several months. There are the usual moronic racial pictures which indicate the low I.Q. of those who post such images, and as an American, I also condemn the idiots who trade on racial hatred; their words and images should be dismissed completely so they can go back to making their French fries!
There are other images that should not be discounted, those images of real political significance which show Barack Obama in the company of some infamous socialists and communists, and his political philosophy certainly merits his image to be shown along with those who came before him. Obama’s own words told of his gravitation toward militants and socialists while attending college (you can easily find this information).
Farrakhan, who is a “peddler of hatred”,must feel you should only peddle his form of hatred, and Barack Obama is “off limits” to any type of criticism.
All standing Presidents have been open to political attack; it comes with the territory. For whatever reason, Barack Obama wants to be exempt from honest criticism from any person or organization. Perhaps Mr. Obama doesn’t have the personal fortitude of George W. Bush, perhaps his skin is too thin (not a racial remark).
If you are a critic of Barack Obama, I hope you criticize him for being a really bad President who is a danger to America, and not something as stupid as pigmentation.
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