Friday, May 6, 2011


I own two dogs, Simon and Garfunkel; actually they own me. I'm at their beckoned call most of the time, "feed me, walk me, pet me"! Simon is a border-collie lab mix and Garfunkel is a yellow lab, they get along very well, except every once in a while they use my living room for a race track. Both of them take turns sitting on my lap, Garfunkel takes up more of it than Simon does. I, like many dog owners, treat them like my children. I do my best to see that they are well fed, clean and happy; I love my dogs. Sometimes we sit and watch Animal Planet, and see what some people do to helpless animals. I'll admit these shows make my blood boil; the punishment is never really equivalent to the crime, because they are animals. When Michael Vick was convicted of running a dog fighting ring, I believe the proper punishment would have been to put him in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson, and let Tyson beat him until he couldn't stand up; then he would have some idea of what his dogs went through. Perhaps I'm over-reacting; people do over-react.

A couple of days ago, Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC, made a suggestion that, perhaps America over-reacted to the 9-11 tragedy. I was dumbfounded as I read this. In all of my years of life, I can't think of a single moment that had this type of impact on America, short of the Kennedy assassination. Over THREE THOUSAND AMERICAN LIVES WERE SNUFFED OUT! Why would Mr. O'Donnell think America was over-reacting? O'Donnell went on to give a diatribe of how John Kerry would have handled it so much better than George Bush; thank God we didn't find out!

Perhaps Mr. O'Donnell was right; perhaps we should have gone through a period of self examination, wondering why these murderers did this heinous act. Perhaps it was our fault!

Maybe we should re-examine our decisions about Pearl Harbor, or the Holocaust. Perhaps we were over-reacting then too! O'Donnell is not alone with this type of ridiculous logic; he is just the latest leftist moron to promote this "guilting of America" philosophy. This belief that everything is America's fault is ludicrous. Now we are worried about the Bin Laden death photos; what will happen if we show them? I think the best thing we can do is show them! Let the terrorists know what to expect! If you continue to mess with the United States, you will get "TWO IN THE HEAD!" Some say it will put our troops in further jeopardy; I don't believe this will make two cents worth of difference! THEY ALREADY HATE US!! My answer to Mr. O'Donnell is this, "WE ARE NOT GETTING ANGRY; WE ARE GETTING EVEN!!"

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