Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever heard the term "brutally honest"? Sometimes we are told things that we don't want to hear. Currently "American Idol" is in its new season. One of the staples of this show is its critiques of prospective contestants. There are some new judges on "Idol" this year, and they aren't quite as caustic as Simon Cowell was. Simon was sometimes perceived as the "bad guy" by the viewing public; as his comments were blunt and cutting when a performer's ability wasn't up to the competition. I liked Simon; I believe he was doing those young singers a great favor by "telling it like it is," instead of sugar coating his words. Simon is a legitimate musical heavy hitter, who has promoted and recognized some of the world's most talented artists; he knows his business. By being as honest as he was, Simon alienated some of the contestants and their supporters. Profane and insulting names were sometimes hurled at Mr. Cowell by disgruntled hopefuls after hearing his criticisms of their work. Unfortunately for those contestants, Mr. Cowell was correct in most of his assessments of the observations he was making. As an expert, Simon spoke from his proven knowledge of music; and some folks didn't like it.

Many people know who Mike Huckabee is; former Governor of Arkansas, FOX NEWS commentator and prospective presidential candidate. Mike is also an ordained Baptist minister, qualified to preach the Gospel of Jesus, and a qualified expert on the Christian Bible. I am also a Christian, and I also read the Bible regularly; I believe I know its message and its precepts.

Recently, some churches have opened their doors to Muslim groups to worship in their facilities and there have been arguments over their judgment in allowing this to happen. Mike Huckabee has issued his opinion in this situation and has suffered criticism for his position. Mr. Huckabee said, "If the purpose of a church is to push forth the gospel of Jesus Christ and then you have a Muslim group that says that Jesus Christ and all the people who follow Him are a bunch of infidels who should be essentially obliterated, I guess I have a hard time understanding that." The Muslim group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), have taken offense to Mr. Huckabee's observations. They also believe Mr. Huckabee should do some research before any other statements are made. Be careful of what you ask for, sometimes you get it! I've done research into the Qaran and Mr. Huckabee is well founded in his statements. I have previously written about the precepts taught in the Muslim holy book; the elimination of "infidels" is quite prominent in its teachings. If you really want to get scared, look into Sharia Law and see the abuses it endorses.

I applaud Mike Huckabee for standing up for his principles and beliefs! It's time to throw political correctness out the window. It's time to be honest in our rhetoric. I respect honesty and a forthright attitude. Mr. Huckabee has NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR! I wish more of our leaders were as honest and candid as he! BRAVO GOVERNOR HUCKABEE, HONESTY AT LAST!!

(I will not have a blog tomorrow; day off, See you Monday)

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