Monday, February 28, 2011

"JFK and Dutch Had The RIGHT IDEA!"

I really like boxing. I remember watching Sugar Ray Robinson on "Gillette Friday Night Fights" with my Dad. Dad said Ray Robinson was the best fighter he had ever seen; he had speed, balance and could knock you out with either hand. He held welter-weight and middle-weight titles. Anyone who got in the ring with Sugar Ray knew they were in for a fight. Ray believed in strength and ring general-ship; always be ready; never let your opponent get the upper hand; make him fight your fight. In a boxing ring, weakness or perceived weakness never works to your advantage. Weakness gives your foe a chance to move you and intimidate you; a good fighter never wants to be put in that position.

Jack Kennedy was put in the position of a challenge by the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK chose to deal through strength. He used the might of the United States Military by putting a blockade around Cuba and telling the Soviets any attempt on any nation in our hemisphere would be treated as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, and a full retaliatory response would be made. Peace through strength! Reagan simply put the Soviet Union out of business; he told Gorbachev we would not be beaten, and then proceeded to grow the American military and our missile defense systems. The Soviet Union folded like a cheap deck chair! Peace through strength! A show of military power is all a totalitarian regime understands. Terrorists are no different than dictators; they don't respect weakness!

The Middle-East is now an inferno; governments are falling like dominoes; radical groups are sabre rattling, fanatics are having a field day and the United States is sitting on her hands, clicking her tongue and pointing her fingers at those without any real decisive policy of strength. We have a man in our White House who is afraid to make a real decision for fear of being chastised by the rest of the world. I believe Mr. Obama was never ready to be the President, and his action during the current crisis is proof of his inability to command during times of crisis, both foreign and domestic!

We are now facing times which are more stressful than any other in our history; the last thing we need is a weak man in leadership. I thought Jimmy Carter was weak, but he is "Hercules" next to Barack Obama. We should have our ships sitting outside the Suez Canal, and off the coast of Korea, and they should all be on full alert status. Mr. Obama has allowed this situation to get completely out of hand and is being manipulated by his opponents. JFK and Ronald Reagan would have never been caught like this; they would never have allowed America to drop its guard. We now deal from weakness; this is not the American way! We are now going to pay the price for inexperience and weakness! I don't think any more "apology speeches" or "yes we can" slogans will help. Mr. Obama needs a quick course in "cajones"! PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH WORKS!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever heard the term "brutally honest"? Sometimes we are told things that we don't want to hear. Currently "American Idol" is in its new season. One of the staples of this show is its critiques of prospective contestants. There are some new judges on "Idol" this year, and they aren't quite as caustic as Simon Cowell was. Simon was sometimes perceived as the "bad guy" by the viewing public; as his comments were blunt and cutting when a performer's ability wasn't up to the competition. I liked Simon; I believe he was doing those young singers a great favor by "telling it like it is," instead of sugar coating his words. Simon is a legitimate musical heavy hitter, who has promoted and recognized some of the world's most talented artists; he knows his business. By being as honest as he was, Simon alienated some of the contestants and their supporters. Profane and insulting names were sometimes hurled at Mr. Cowell by disgruntled hopefuls after hearing his criticisms of their work. Unfortunately for those contestants, Mr. Cowell was correct in most of his assessments of the observations he was making. As an expert, Simon spoke from his proven knowledge of music; and some folks didn't like it.

Many people know who Mike Huckabee is; former Governor of Arkansas, FOX NEWS commentator and prospective presidential candidate. Mike is also an ordained Baptist minister, qualified to preach the Gospel of Jesus, and a qualified expert on the Christian Bible. I am also a Christian, and I also read the Bible regularly; I believe I know its message and its precepts.

Recently, some churches have opened their doors to Muslim groups to worship in their facilities and there have been arguments over their judgment in allowing this to happen. Mike Huckabee has issued his opinion in this situation and has suffered criticism for his position. Mr. Huckabee said, "If the purpose of a church is to push forth the gospel of Jesus Christ and then you have a Muslim group that says that Jesus Christ and all the people who follow Him are a bunch of infidels who should be essentially obliterated, I guess I have a hard time understanding that." The Muslim group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), have taken offense to Mr. Huckabee's observations. They also believe Mr. Huckabee should do some research before any other statements are made. Be careful of what you ask for, sometimes you get it! I've done research into the Qaran and Mr. Huckabee is well founded in his statements. I have previously written about the precepts taught in the Muslim holy book; the elimination of "infidels" is quite prominent in its teachings. If you really want to get scared, look into Sharia Law and see the abuses it endorses.

I applaud Mike Huckabee for standing up for his principles and beliefs! It's time to throw political correctness out the window. It's time to be honest in our rhetoric. I respect honesty and a forthright attitude. Mr. Huckabee has NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR! I wish more of our leaders were as honest and candid as he! BRAVO GOVERNOR HUCKABEE, HONESTY AT LAST!!

(I will not have a blog tomorrow; day off, See you Monday)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Real Heroes!"

What is a hero? We have quarterbacks, pitchers, boxing champions and legendary lawmen; all are considered heroes by one segment of America or another. Jim Thorpe, Lou Gehrig, Walter Payton and Rocky Marciano all hold the title of hero for many people, and to some extent they are all heroes. We have the "working class heroes"; those people who get up every morning and trek off to work in order to provide their families with food and shelter; even if they can't stand their jobs!

Do any of you know the name Al Schmid? It's not a "household name" to most Americans; it is to most Marines. Al fought on Guadalcanal during WWII. Al fought with a valor and courage that most people don't have: Al was posted in a machine gun nest, feeding rounds into the weapon for the gunner. The gunner was stricken with a head wound, which later proved fatal, and Al was blinded by a Japanese grenade. Although blinded, Al continued to fire his weapon, while being directed by his wounded comrade, throughout the battle. Firing blindly for an entire night is a situation most of us can't comprehend. In the morning, the body count was over 200 dead Japanese! Al received the Navy Cross for his actions; a truly heroic act in the defense of his country. That, my friends, is a hero! Those who sacrifice life and limb for us are the true heroes in this nation.

Do you know the name Anthony Maschek? Most of you probably don't; but I will now enlighten you. Anthony is what most people would consider a regular guy, no "Superman S" on his chest. He is also a war veteran of the Iraqi conflict. Anthony was shot 11 times, lost a leg, and spent two years in the hospital recovering from his wounds! After this ordeal, Anthony could have chosen to pull away from the public eye, having done more than his duty to America. What did Anthony choose to do? In a debate over the military ban at Columbia University, Anthony chose to speak. It seems courtesy is not a prerequisite at Columbia; this war hero was booed and hissed by the crowd of his "fellow students". As I listened to their jeering insults, I became sickened. Those people who preach tolerance and understanding showed who they really are; closed minded, disrespectful and intolerant fools! Some of the crowd shouted the word "RACIST !" What were they thinking? As Americans, we must ask ourselves "what are the values being taught to today's youth?" Men like Anthony took the step most today won't take; he committed himself to the security of the United States of America. Back in the day,those folks who were jeering at him would have been running to Canada; can you say COWARD?

Anthony and Al are the role models we should be holding up to our children: those men and countless others like them are America's real heroes, and we should all be cheering them! If any of you are sending your children off to college, I would recommend taking Columbia University off of your list; you don't know what trash they are shoving into their student's heads!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Draw the Line, America!"

Today is George Washington's Birthday! George is called the "Father of Our Country" and he was a pretty amazing guy. George was a successful man who didn't need to "rock the boat", yet his principles caused him to rise against the established authority for the freedom of those who had less and were oppressed. The Colonies were under the thumb of Britain, and British rule was final; there was no real debate or representative government in North America; it was a situation ripe for revolt. Those revolutionaries established our present Constitution, which guarantees "government by the people", with the ability to peacefully amend it through the legislative process. Our Founding Fathers gave us the tools to change without violence. They understood the precious gift self government was, and they wanted it protected from those with violent motives.

What is revolt? The definition says: "to break away from or rise against a constituted authority, as by an open rebellion; cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority; rebel; mutiny; to revolt against the present government."

In America, we have a "constituted authority" here; it is the model for freedom throughout the world; it is the best representative system devised by man thus far in human history. We have come to the aid of countless nations who have been deprived and abused by other forms of government, and we hold our nation dearly! I hope Americans still value what we have here, because it can easily vanish if we weaken from within. Dissenting voices are important to our process; it keeps us "honest" and focused, yet open revolt or overthrow doesn't fit into the American process.

Anjem Choudary, a radical Muslim cleric, is planning a rally at the White House advocating an overthrow of the United States of America, establishing a Muslim state and implementing Sharia law in America. Choudary was the Chairman of Islam4UK; a now banned organization in Britain that advocated the violent overthrow of government. Choudary has said, "The flag of Islam will fly over the White House" and "(Americans) are the biggest criminals in the world today". I guess the countless murders committed by radical Muslim groups, the unprovoked attack on the United States on 9-11, or the calling for the annihilation of Israel doesn't count as criminal acts!

I believe in our First Amendment rights; I don't advocate any speech that calls for the destruction of America. He was banned in England for a very good reason; he is a dangerous inciter of violence and he is against the freedom our Constitution gives us. He should be treated as "persona non grata" on United States soil; we need not have his poison spread in this country! Would we allow Hitler , or Stalin to speak; where do we draw the line?

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Not Exactly Sage Advice!"

Remember WWII? It was in all the newspapers! Germany fell and war trials were held; criminals were hanged and, in the west, a democracy was established. From the inception of NAZI rule to the devastating end of the war, Germany was ruled with the iron hand of National Socialism. Other beliefs were quickly "convinced" that they were not welcome under the rule of Adolph Hitler. Even those who were the "Little Corporals" staunchest supporters were quickly eliminated when they showed the slightest difference in their ideals from those of the NAZI leader. For a guy who looked so much like Charlie Chaplin, Adolph didn't have much of a sense of humor! The people of Germany weren't too keen on having any former Nazis give input on the construction of a new government when the war was ended. In the east, the Soviets instituted a communist slave state that remained until the Reagan Administration flexed its muscles. The west became a thriving free market economy that lasted until the era of public entitlements ate at its foundation. No Nazis were given any input in either of these governments. The Soviets wanted retribution, and the United States wanted to establish freedom in a devastated land. Dictators don't leave much to build on!

As we have seen over the last few weeks, Egypt is in a flux situation. Mubarak is history, and the beginnings of a new era are about to take place. Suppression was the rule of Mubarak's administration. Even though Egypt played a part in the stabilization of the Middle-East, Mubarak was far from a supporter of free thought. It has been said Mubarak has in excess of 70 billion dollars hidden away, that he has stolen from the people of Egypt. Dictators like graft and theft!

As this new government is being formed, guess who is sticking in his "2 cents"? Jimmy Carter, the master mind of our first hostage crisis in Iran over thirty years ago, believes the Muslim fundamentalist, Sharia believing, death to Israel, war mongering "Muslim Brotherhood" should have a place at the table! I have been critical of the former President in the past, and now I know I was right. Maybe he has good intentions, or maybe he has lost his grasp on reality, but Jimmy Carter should keep his mouth shut and keep building houses. The stupidity of allowing the Muslim Brotherhood any voice in this situation is inviting trouble into an already explosive arena. Perhaps Mr. Carter would have allowed Himmler or Hess to give some words of wisdom to those reconstructing Germany from the ashes of WWII!!

If we want to see a free democratic nation rise in Egypt, the last thing we need is a group that believes in the oppression of different beliefs and a law system that denigrates women and children to the status of property. I certainly hope President Obama will turn a deaf ear to President Carter's advice. He is using the same "good judgment" that he used for 444 days of captivity in Iran! Please Mr. Carter, could you BE QUIET!!! You've done enough damage!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Faithful Friend?"

I have many friends; some are casual friends that I see on occasion and exchange pleasantries, and others are close confidants with whom I share my problems, hopes and desires. My best friend lives over 200 miles from me, and I truly miss the daily contact we used to have on a regular basis. We exchange calls throughout the year, and we each make occasional visits to one another's home; it is always a festive event when we get together. He is a brother to me, and has been with me when I've made some of my family's most important decisions. My daughter has said to me "You and Uncle Phil are exactly the same; when he says things, they are the same as's weird".I'm most fortunate to have a friend like Phil; there is nobody like him. I was the best man at his wedding; I was honored to be able to do that and I still remember it to this day. Through rocky times and good times, we have retained our friendship; I know if I need to call someone in the middle of the night, Phil will come. I hope everyone who reads this has a friend like Phil.

In 1948, Israel was re-formed as a nation. If you believe the Bible, and I do, Israel was given that land by Almighty God. I'm not going to give you a bible study; but both Jewish and Christian believers will attest to this statement. This area is known as "the promised land", the land given by God to His Chosen People.

The United States has been a staunch ally to the people of Israel since its inception and a strong advocate of Israel's right to live on this land.

Today, the United States is announcing a rebuke against Israel over its settlement activity; it is quoted as saying that they back a U.N. Security Council statement "...(it) does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity...". I don't remember any time in recent history where the United States hung one of its strongest allies "out to dry". Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle-East; it is the only government in that area that will back U. S. policy in this region without asking for billions in aid. Israel depends on the friendship of the American people; as the people of America need the friendship of the Israeli people.

Currently, the Arab nations are a powder keg waiting to explode. Radical factions are inciting Muslim fundamentalists as I write these words. "Death to Israel" is a common sign at countless demonstrations that are currently taking place in several countries. What is this statement saying to the Israeli people? I believe the perception must be that America is taking the expedient position and abandoning its support of Israel in an effort to assuage Arab governments that have been infiltrated by radical anti-Israeli elements. This is tacit endorsement of the factions which want to destroy Israel. America needs to re-think its position on this issue, and we need to remember who we are to the people of Israel. America needs to be that friend that you can "call in the middle of the night"; or we will not be a friend at all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Hooray for Sheriff Joe!"

Jack Johnson was a legendary World Heavyweight Champion: he was the first black man to hold that title, and that was at a time much worse than the era of Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson. Jack also handled it with flair and flamboyance. He was gregarious and imposing in size. People of that era didn't like a black man with pride and confidence very much; they liked black people who "knew their place"; you know, morons! The biggest thing they couldn't stand was that Jack was just about unbeatable in the ring; and anybody who knew boxing, realized that Jack was going to be "Champ" as long as he wanted to be. He was powerful and workmanlike in the ring; and there wasn't a qualified opponent who could really give him a good fight. Jack made a fatal mistake; he was involved with a white woman. This was a "mortal sin" back then, and our "judicial system" found a way to back door Jack out of his title. He was convinced to lose his title to Jess Willard so he could remain out of prison. If you watch the old films, you will see Jack "taking a dive". What a shame for Jack, boxing, and the United States of America! A man of great talent was cheated and coerced out of his legacy by powerful abusers of their positions. America has a reason to be ashamed of herself over this story; this is bigotry at its worst. It is power abuse at its worst. An American was denied his rightful destiny because the "powers that be" believed it was bad for America. America should never be manipulated by those who have influence.

One of my favorite people is Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. "Sheriff Joe" is a straight shooter and takes law enforcement seriously. Joe doesn't really care about how he is perceived by "the powers that be". The people that Joe serves are the ones that Joe likes to have approval from. Joe has been under constant fire from those who support criminal illegal aliens getting a fast track into America. Joe believes laws are meant to be enforced; not ignored or swept under the rug for political convenience. Joe is a man of integrity and purpose. Joe has been pursued by the Justice Department on spurious charges in efforts to pressure him into relaxing his pursuit of criminal illegal aliens. Guess what? This tactic doesn't work on "Sheriff Joe"! It's tough trying to scare an honest man!

This week, I heard some good news; it sounds like "Sheriff Joe" is making noises about an interest in running for the United States Senate. I'm sure this is upsetting many a power broker in Washington; nothing is scarier than a man of the people. Like Jack Johnson, Joe Arpaio has been put on a "hit list" of those the influential feel, are a danger to the status quo! Unlike Jack I don't believe "Sheriff Joe" will "take a dive". If Joe Arpaio decides to run for national public office, it will send a great message to all Americans. He will be making a stand or enforcing American laws as they are written. I'm betting on "Sheriff Joe" to knock out his opponent; there will be no "dive" in this fight!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Danger From the Evil CONSTITUTIONALISTS!"

Back in the Colonial days the British had the Whigs and the Tories as their political parties. Two parties seem to be the best way to run a political system; and those two parties encompass different degrees of those parties' political philosophy. Each party has moderate and radical members; and some fringe elements that embrace ideas far from the main stream membership. We have the "TEA Party" movement taking place in America today. The TEA Party is not really a singular party; it is more of a union of taxpayers who want to see legitimate change in our government's spending habits, and a return to a more fundamentalist interpretation of our Constitution. I know this is a simplistic explanation, but I believe it gives the reader a basic view of TEA Party ideals.

A recent YouTube video shows a protester saying that the TEA Party is more dangerous than the Muslim Brotherhood and would "...destroy America...(and)...destroy the world..."! In a diatribe of inane dribble, this misguided leftist ranted incoherently about the "evils of the TEA Party". I don't know everyone in the TEA Party, yet, I believe the vast majority are normal, regular, taxpaying Americans with good intentions and honest patriotism. I also believe there is a possibility that some members could be "fringe nuts"; just like the Republican and Democratic Parties! There are members of the Democrats who espouse radical socialist ideology on a regular basis, as there are Republicans who border on far right radicalism. In 1989, the Louisiana House was inhabited by David Duke. David was a "stone racist" and a "Grand Wizard of the KKK". David was listed as a Republican on the ballot; although every legitimate Republican wanted nothing to do with him. David believed he could be President of the United States; he believed he represented the true beliefs of the American people; talk about delusional!

Just as a lunatic like David Duke falls under the umbrella of the Republican Party, so do the members of the SDS or the young communists fall under the umbrella of the Democratic Party. Violent, radical, racist, socialist and communist elements exist in America today. When the ill informed protester, who gets his opinions from a pseudo-intellectual comedian, makes statements, he would be better served to do actual fact checking about those for whom he has chosen to protest. There have been no documented violent actions at any of the TEA Party demonstrations! These people are "constitutionalists" who believe in the law. I wish those who choose to protest would take the time to read our Constitution, and try to understand the principles of our Founding Fathers. I believe study will show just how much the TEA Party reveres the words of Jefferson and Adams. If this group is more dangerous than "The Muslim Brotherhood" then the American form of government is about to make a terrible change; it seems our CONSTITUTION IS GOING OUT OF STYLE!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Snow, Cold, WARMING?"

I remember in the late 60s we had a pretty big snow storm in Chicago. I was in my late teens and I vividly recall the streets disappearing before our eyes as snow blanketed the entire Chicagoland area. I, along with some friends, went out with shovels to explore this arctic condition. Plows tried to clear our street; the only accomplishment was walling in every vehicle with four or five foot snow enclosures. It was also an opportunity to see everyone in the neighborhood united in an effort to free ourselves from this snowy prison. Most of us were in good cheer, as we were resigned to our situation. C.T.A. buses littered the main streets like frozen mammoths; few vehicles were travelling, and no one knew a thing about "global warming". As I recall, back then, the cars had a lot less pollution control, so I assume they had a lot more carbon emissions. Hmm..., shouldn't we have had early signs of the "dreaded global warming" because of that?

Several years later, I remember a sub-zero cold snap in the same Chicago area that had vehicles stopped in the middle of the streets, as their fuel lines froze up, blocked with ice as they travelled. Cars would sputter and quit in mid drive because of the severe weather. That was the worst cold snap I can recall in my 63 years of life.

Yesterday, I was reading when I came across this article from the Chicago Tribune titled "Extreme Weather and Global Warming". It seems that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project have released a climate and weather study going all the way back to 1871 (my great-grandfather's birth year). The findings indicated no increase in extreme weather events! This conclusion was written by Dr. Jack M. Taylor, a senior fellow from the Heartland Institute in Chicago. Among those who concurred with this opinion was Dr. Jack Kasher, Professor Emeritus in Physics from the University of Nebraska, who has long been a critic of the global warming hoax. There are numerous other men of science who have risen up to reveal this theory to be "full of holes".

The next time you are out in your driveway, breaking ice chunks, or blowing out two feet of snow, try to remember that weather patterns from 1871 show that "Global warming is baloney!" But we must remember it may be a way to give us higher energy costs and help special interest groups; so "I GUESS THAT WILL MAKE IT OKAY!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

"History Lesson"

First, I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy Valentine's Day; remember to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you!

Do you remember World History Class in high school, loaded with dates and speeches and battles: it was a plethora of information jammed into a couple of semesters. It was my good fortune to have a very good history teacher that made class exciting and fun. I was hooked on history!

History is the subject of today's blog; specifically, the French Revolution. I won't try to cover the entire event, just hit the highlights. The French Revolution took place between 1789 through 1799. The Republic was proclaimed in September of 1792. King Louis XVI was executed the next year (the folks were upset). Between 1793 and 1794 France had what is fondly known as the "Reign of Terror"; not quite the "tea party" as some of my friends on the left would like to believe. Maximilien Robespierre encouraged his fellow revolutionaries or enrages (enraged ones) to take to the streets to exact judgment on the former ruling class. The estimates of somewhere between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed in the name of Liberty, Fraternity and Equality! Not exactly like the revolution we had here. All of this murder finally led to the rise of a fellow named Napoleon Bonaparte, and I'm sure most of us remember him. It took a while to retrieve a democracy from a violent revolution; especially when the participants have instigators inciting an already angry populace.

The Middle-East is developing into an area of massive global unrest; not just Egypt, also Jordan, Yemen, Iran and Syria, among many others. The world is confronted with numerous violent voices throughout the entire mid-east region that are happy to "stir up the pot". The "Muslim Brotherhood", "Hammas" and the "PLO" are just some who want the Middle-East to explode into violence to fit their own disruptive purposes. The common enemy has already been identified by these radical inciters: ISRAEL! Israel is the hated state by all of these organizations, and Israel's destruction is foremost in their doctrine. These folks are the "Robespierre" of the Middle-East. With the departure of Mubarak in Egypt, it will be important not to allow those who disrupt to turn a movement of democratic freedom into a violent stage for regional violence that can spread like a cancer.

The United States must be very careful about endorsing voices in the forum of Egyptian reorganization. Calling a group like the "Muslim Brotherhood" secular and diverse is an exercise in bad judgment. If we were writing a new constitution in America, would we consult the "Ku Klux Klan" or the "New Black Panthers"? Our State Department needs to do a much better job in their research of these organizations; obviously, there is a plethora of information out there. America doesn't need this movement to fail. We could end up with a modern NAPOLEON BONAPARTE!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Last year I wrote a blog about Hitler and the Munich conference, where Neville Chamberlain gave away the land of another nation in the hopes of gaining "world peace" from an aggressive dictator. History is littered with failed attempts to appease regimes with a hungry eye on the sovereignty of others. Hitler perceived weakness from the British Prime Minister, and he said "We can do whatever we want; they will do nothing". George Washington said "Avoid entangling alliances"; this is very good advice. America, being a nation based in the honor of keeping their agreements, stays the course of our treaty signings. Historically, we have always stood by our words; this is the hallmark of the trust we have achieved with our allies. As a nation, we should think long and hard before we enter into any agreement; as we are duty bound to follow it once we accept it.

Recently I wrote about the new Russian ICBM which is said to be indefensible by any of the existing anti-missile systems, and will remain so for approximately the next FORTY YEARS. I also said this came on the heels of the signing of the new START treaty. This was a pretty crafty move on the part of the Russians. Even though they will reduce their missile sites, their missiles will still have the capability of striking multiple targets at great distances.

It appears that the United States is working on a new missile defense system, and the Russians are not happy. The Russians now are "reviewing" their participation in the START treaty and they are "...reserving the right to withdraw from the treaty..". They don't want the United States to boost its missile defense system, and such a move would prompt Moscow to "...reconsider its obligations under the new START treaty...".Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Rybakov warned "...Russia won't cooperate with NATO..." in regards to the United States bolstering its defense shield. Deputy Defense Minister, Anatoly Antonov said "This system could undermine Russian nuclear deterrent forces." This treaty is one of Barack Obama's biggest "foreign policy triumphs" and if the Russians back out, once again, Barack Obama will appear as a weak leader to the rest of the world.

I can't prove it, but I'll bet Vladimir Putin is sitting in his office laughing as Barack Obama stands with "international egg on his face". What will our "doveish" President do if the Russians give him the "virtual finger" and walk away from this treaty? A history lesson could be of great value to Barack Obama. He needs to remember that Putin was the head of the KGB, and those roots run deep; deception was a way of life to him. WATCH WHO YOU TRUST, MR. PRESIDENT!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"What's Mine is Mine, and What's Yours is Mine!"

Do you remember your first paycheck? I remember getting my first paycheck; $58.00, WOW! I remember getting up at 5:30A.M., showering, having coffee, walking to the corner and taking the Belmont Ave. bus to Western Ave., then walking about two blocks to work. At 16 years old, I could think of a thousand things I would rather be doing than sitting on a bus at 6:00 A.M., six days a week! I also know I wanted to have my own car more than just about anything; even sleeping in on Saturday morning. I had to provide my own bus fare; Mom provided my lunch. I was obligated to give Mom $20.00 a week from my pay; a rule instituted from my Dad to teach me responsibility. Other than those financial responsibilities, my money was my own. I know it doesn't sound like much money; but gas was .25 cents a gallon and a loaf of bread was .17 cents, McDonald's burgers were .15 cents each. A dollar bought a lot more back then. I had friends who chose not to work during the summer; which was their right, yet, whenever we went anywhere, they would always try to "sponge" money off of those of us who were employed. After a while, they would stop asking me because they knew what my answer was going to be, "Get a Job!" I didn't feel obligated to subsidize someone's "good time": I worked for MY Money! I wasn't cheap, but I understood that you had to work to get paid! I was pursuing happiness!

All of you must remember Howard Dean. Howard was a presidential contender at one time and also a former Chairman of the Democratic Party. Howard is famous for his inane screaming when he lost a Democratic Primary election in his failed bid for the nomination; "YEEAHH! "

Earlier this week, Howard said something we should all take notice of, "The argument is not whether they (federal government) should redistribute (wealth) or not, the question is HOW MUCH we should redistribute." He added "(redistribution) is what governments do.."! I guess the far left blusterer doesn't understand the principle of keeping what you earn! I guess those who work are supposed to be responsible for fulfilling the dreams of those who don't! This is the flawed logic of the left at its best. I spent my life working and paying my own way; other than tax returns, I haven't received much financial support from the government; and I didn't expect it! I don't want the government taking the money I've earned and giving it to someone who is too lazy to earn his own. Your rewards should reflect your efforts; little effort, little reward. Remember the "Little Red Hen"; she did all the work, but everyone wanted to share in the fruits of her labor. Unlike Mr. Dean, I believe you have to pursue your own happiness; it will not be provided "free of charge" by the folks who WORK! It's too bad we can't REDISTRIBUTE BRAINS!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Bullies and Fanatics"

When you were little, did you ever hide under your covers? When we are young, we believe if we wait long enough, all bad things will just go away. Some of you may have had a problem with a bully. Being bullied will cause a young child to fake illness, or "take the long way home" to avoid contact with the offender. Sometimes a child will try to appease the bully; they may buy him things, or offer to do him favors. Most of the time, the bully has a reputation for being mean and nasty. Most of the time, the bully will never accept anyone's point of view other than his own and reacts violently to challenges to his beliefs. My Dad's method in dealing with bullies was to face them and blacken their eyes or break their noses; I loved my Dad! If one tries to deal with a bully, the result is seldom satisfying. Bullies always want their own way.

Fanatics are "bullies"; only they are magnified a hundred fold! Fanatics are willing to go to any lengths to have their purposes carried out. In America, we have seen the results of fanatics in our own backyard. Klansmen have murdered at will without remorse. Black militants have beaten innocent people just because they were in the "wrong place at the wrong time". We have seen radical terrorist Muslims destroy the New York Towers, and murder thousands of peaceful Americans who were a threat to no one. Trying to reason with fanatics will not end well.

On February 6, 2011, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the Obama administration will withhold judgment on the "Muslim Brotherhood". These fanatics are already trying to influence the people of Egypt and their pursuit is to provoke a war with Israel. This group of Islamic fundamentalists wants to unite the entire Middle-East in a conflict that will result in the destruction of Israel. Earlier, I have written about the "Muslim Brotherhood", and have asked all of you to research this groups' history. I once again ask you to see what these fanatics believe, and who their leaders are. This group should have NO PLACE at the table in the establishing of a new government in Egypt.

In history, we have seen the results of dealing with fanatics. Remember Neville Chamberlain's attempt to deal with a short German guy: that didn't end well! America can't give an implied legitimacy to an evil organization. Mr. Obama must not give tacit endorsement to the "Muslim Brotherhood". If America wants to be a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, she must not close her eyes to these "bullies". Mr. Obama, WE CAN'T HIDE UNDER THE COVERS!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"We Need Mort Sahl"

Does anybody remember Mort Sahl? Mort was a political satirist during the 50s and 60s. I believe Mort is still alive and well. As a young boy, I remember watching Mort on the "Jack Paar Show". Mort was funny and very "hip", his humor was cutting and clever; yet, he always maintained an air of good taste. President Eisenhower was the frequent butt of Mort's monologues; funny, but respectful, Mort had class. Today, we seem to have a different generation of humorists. Back in "the day", everybody "liked Ike" very much, and respect for his service to his country was unquestioned. The most personal jokes about Ike were in reference to his golf game. When a political joke was made, it was based in some policy decision. Back then, there was enough respect for people as human beings to limit humor to things that were actually funny and relevant, without being disgusting. I've written about Will Rogers and Bob Hope in previous blogs, and their humor and the respect they held for people, especially the American public. Those men never went to the lowest common denominator to achieve their laughter.

Recently, we have heard comments from a comedian named Tracy Morgan in reference to Sarah Palin. Mr. Morgan is a comedian with some mild success on the Sci-Fi Channel in a show called "Scare Tactics". It takes people unaware by scaring them in some type of frightening scenario, and then revealing it to be a joke from some friend who was a co-conspirator in the trap. I also believe Mr. Morgan had a short lived sit-com a couple of years ago that didn't take off. I have serious doubts that Mr. Morgan has any more than a passing knowledge of Sarah Palin, other than the thin character assassination that the left puts out on a daily basis. He made a comment that Ms. Palin was (these are Morgan's words) "serious masturbation material" and "..the hottest MILF in the world". I won't translate Mr. Morgan's acronym, as it is truly disgusting and totally out of line. I found out Mr. Morgan recently received a kidney transplant; perhaps they should have done something about his brain at the same time! I surmise that Mr. Morgan believes he can jump start his failing career by attacking Sarah Palin; perhaps it will endear him with his friends on the radical left. I certainly hope America is better than this! If this type of humor was directed toward Rosie O'Donnell or Barbara Streisand, what would have been said by the left? Where is Mort Sahl when we need him? Is this humor or SMUT?

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Dutch or the Peanut Guy"

When I was in high school, we had an athlete in my class named John. I knew John since I played little league baseball. John had an older brother named Joe. Both John and Joe were great guys with terrific athletic talent and genuine humility. Both brothers were on our wrestling team, which was quite good. When John wrestled, everybody stopped to watch him; he was amazing; fast, strong and smart. Every guy on the team wanted to wrestle like John did. Outside of the team, John was a very good student and extremely well liked by all of his classmates, regardless of their "group". John reflected his home; his Dad and his Mom were very nice people who believed in treating others with respect and it showed through their children. John finished third in state in his weight class in wrestling; his picture still hangs in the high school lobby. The last time I saw John was at my tenth reunion, we were both older but his spirit was the same. John served as a platoon leader in Viet Nam; that was back in the days of "agent orange", a defoliant that caused cancer to those who were exposed to it. John didn't make it to our 25th reunion; "agent orange" took him away from us. Sometimes I think about John and I become a bit emotional; he was my friend. His values and his presence were things all of those who knew him missed greatly. We all wanted to be like John; few of us could match up. John was unique to himself, an original not to be duplicated.

Since the mid-term elections, we have seen the name of Ronald Reagan bounced around like a tennis ball from people who wouldn't have a thing to do with it two years ago. Suddenly, we are surrounded by "Reagan Lovers"; strangely, they are not all conservatives. I never thought I would hear the names of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan spoken in the same breath. Now I hear that Mr. Obama sounds "Reaganesque" in his speeches. I don't believe "Dutch" would have taken too well to Obamacare or a 14 trillion dollar debt. I don't think "Dutch" would have taken too well to Iran's veiled threats to America; remember Qaddafi? I don't think "Dutch" would have given up any of our nuclear defense shield in Eastern Europe. I remember President Reagan asking the Soviets to "Tear down that wall!" I remember America dealing through strength, not appeasement. I remember Iran releasing prisoners as soon as Ronald Reagan was sworn into office; Iran knew he wasn't Jimmy Carter.

It seems Mr. Obama now wants to identify with Ronald Reagan. I'm sorry Mr. Obama; this just won't fly with those of us who have experienced both of you. Everything Barack Obama does would be at cross purposes to the policies of Ronald Reagan. Mr. Obama should choose a different president to identify with, one more in line with his actual values. Try Jimmy Carter, Mr. President; you are virtually identical!

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Not Ralph or Ed!"

I am a big fan of "The Honeymooners". Ralph was everyman, always trying to find the secret of success, and never quite finding it. Along with his friend Ed Norton, Ralph led me to hours of endless laughter. Ralph and Ed belonged to the "Raccoon Lodge"; they wore coonskin caps and jackets with golden trim. They had a secret "Raccoon Handshake" which included waving the tails on their caps at one another. I also liked the "Flintstones"; basically a rip-off of "The Honeymooners" in cartoon form. Fred and his friend Barney belonged to "The Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo". Fred wore a water buffalo hat, including the horns, and also had a jacket with golden trim. Both of these shows were fun to watch. Neither the "Raccoons" nor the "Water Buffalo" ever did anything violent, unless you call "water bombs" from a hotel window violent.

We have many fraternal organizations in America. We have Elks, Moose, VFW, American Legion, Jaycees and countless others. For the most part, these organizations are dedicated to community service and family fun. We also have groups like the "Aryan Brotherhood", the "New Black Panthers" and the "Ku Klux Klan"; groups of violent racist morons. We know about the past history of all these radical lunatic "race gangs". I have seen pictures and videos of "Klan" picnics, and they are very disturbing: children are being taught a doctrine of hate while eating hot dogs and playing outdoor games; the seeds of hate are sown to the innocent. Hatred is often masked in patriotism and pride; we saw this in NAZI Germany. Smiling Josef Goebbels at NAZI gatherings hugging children certainly didn't show the real face behind the smile.

Egypt is a powder keg waiting to explode. People are being murdered as I write these words; news correspondents are being beaten and threatened by street thugs. A gap in leadership is imminent; someone will fill that gap. Who is going to fill that gap? A very hungry wolf is leering at the Egyptian people right now. The "Muslim Brotherhood" wants to get hold on the reins of government during this volatile time. They are not the "Raccoons" or the "Water Buffalo"; they are the "Klan", or the "New Black Panthers". They have a history of hatred and antisemitism. This "brotherhood" has said to the people of Egypt that they should "Prepare for war with Israel". We already have one idiot in the Middle-East who says "Try to imagine a world without Israel"; we don't need more racist-antisemitism in this region. There are already elements of the media that are putting a "happy face" on the Muslim Brotherhood. As Americans, we cannot buy into this rhetoric. I beg all of you who are unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood to research them today; find out what they are really about. Don't take my word for this. You will be disturbed by their history. I hope President Obama will think long and hard about any contact with this group of radicals. Considering the opinion of the Muslim Brotherhood by the President of the United States will give them validity; not a good idea. America, guess what? "Ralph and Ed" and "Fred and Barney" wouldn't join this bunch. Adolph and Mao might be interested! THEY ARE NOT THE "RACCOONS"!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"We Need the Terminex Man!"

I own a house. As most of you homeowners know, we must have periodic visits from the TERMINEX MAN. We don't have bugs or rodents, but if we are not vigilant, we can acquire unwanted cohabitants. Any home can become infested when the owner doesn't take proper care of the structure. A&E has a program called "Billy the Exterminator", which profiles the daily life of the extermination business. Billy goes from one home to another getting rid of household pests. Some of the cases covered on the show reveal what ignoring a problem can explode into. Roaches, termites, hornets and rats can destroy a structure in a relatively short span of time: not only does the structure suffer, but the health and safety of the people inside are also threatened by these germ carrying vermin. Oddly, it seems that many of these folks are totally unaware of the real danger of allowing these conditions to go untreated. Some homes are literally falling down around them because of their lack of recognition of a grave situation. Sometimes the damage is beyond repair and the structure falls, and the vermin take over. A once sound, well built home is turned into a "rats nest", because the owner allowed the "rats" to have their way.

Recently, in Arizona, a young girl was raped and murdered by criminal illegal aliens. Once again ,this creeping infestation has caused a tragedy that could have been averted by just closing off our border. Why is this situation being ignored? Janet Napolitano says we are doing a good job on border security. I guess she doesn't get the same news as the rest of America. Barely a week goes by without a story of one travesty or another being committed by "border jumpers". If this wasn't frightening enough, there is an even worse scenario taking place in Arizona than the regular criminal illegal aliens. On a regular trail used by this creeping vermin, border agents found a book called "In Memory of Our Martyrs"; a radical book of Islamo terrorists espousing the heroics of suicide bombers and mass murderers. The border agents observed that this book has been out in the weather for some time; so the reader is roaming around America somewhere; and I don't believe he has good intentions. What is really scary is that this is just one small piece of evidence that was left behind, by one possible terrorist. How many more have illegally crossed our borders with the intention of causing the destruction of the United States of America? What will it take to be honest about this dangerous situation? Drug dealers, rapists and murderers are bad enough; but along with these unwanted felons, we are becoming a host to potential terrorists.

Ms. Napolitano needs to recognize what is going on at our southern border! The "rats" are eating away at our foundation. The "termites" are gnawing at our floor joists! If this is allowed to continue, the house we call America will collapse. Ms. Napolitano, you are supposed to be the "exterminator"; DO YOUR JOB!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Bad Advice!"

When I was growing up, my Dad said, "Pay attention in school or you will end up digging ditches your whole life"; Dad believed in learning. I've had many teachers in my life; the good ones encouraged me to want to learn more. Those educators believed in seeking knowledge and information. Our founding fathers were educated men, seekers of knowledge and information. If you look up any of our founding fathers quotes, you will see the profound influences of the world's great philosophers. None of these men left their fate to "blissful ignorance". When our country was founded, we had a great ocean to protect us; today that ocean is a pond. Musket balls and cannons were the "weapons of mass destruction"; today we have thermonuclear missiles aimed at us and our allies. At no time in history is an educated America more imperative than it is now. All leaders in America should encourage our youth to be continually involved in the seeking of knowledge and information. We cannot afford a generation walking around in "blissful ignorance" while we have "hungry wolves" at our doors. This is not a time to "relax"! A blind eye or a closed ear won't help us in today's world; ignoring a situation will not make it go away.

Earlier this week, newly appointed Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor, spoke to students at the University of Chicago Law School. This is one of our nation's most prestigious law schools, and in the future it will probably produce judges, senators and possibly a president; these students need good advice. These young men and women should be hearing about the pursuit of knowledge and truth. When someone holds a position like a Supreme Court Justice, they ewild great influence in the use of their wordsl young minds will lend great credibility to those words. Judge Sotomayor told those students to stay away from "information overload" and enjoy their classmates. Students should have a good experience in college; but fun is not the objective. I don't know what "information overload" means; especially for a law student. Does it mean don't learn too much? Does it mean don't listen too much? Does it mean don't read too much? It was said, the Judge was speaking "off the cuff"; I find it interesting because when one speaks off the cuff it reveals truth. What does this truth reveal about Judge Sotomayor? Did she get through law school by paying as little attention as possible? Did she spend more time enjoying her classmates, and less time on Constitutional Law? I don't believe Oliver Wendell Holmes would encourage future lawyers, judges, senators or presidents to not be "too informed".

America needs an informed leadership, and this must start at the collegiate level. These young people will take America forward in the coming trying times. Judge Sotomayor should measure her words, and re-think her views on higher education. Madame Justice, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Battle Royal"

I used to watch wrestling a lot when I was a kid. Wrestling was fun; the Iron Sheik, Sgt. Slaughter, Rick Flair, and, of course, Hulk Hogan filled arenas across America and television screens every Saturday morning and a couple of nights a week. I go way back when it comes to wrestling. I remember Killer Kawalski and Haystacks Calhoun back from the old "black and white" days. Wrestling has always consisted of good guys and bad guys; in the trade they are called "baby faces and heels". We now have pay per view events that generate millions of dollars of revenue from loyal fans across the world. Each event needs some special hook to entice its audience. There is almost always a championship match that has been brewing on the television shows for months, plus other rivalries that fans have been involved with regularly. One big pay per view was the "Royal Rumble". This was a "battle royal", where a dozen or so wrestlers get into the ring simultaneously, throwing opponents over the top rope to attain victory. Sometimes during these matches, wrestlers partner up to defeat other wrestlers who are the most threatening to their victory. A bond of trust is made in the ring, sometimes between a "baby face" and a "heel". If it comes to the end and this unlikely duo is left as the last men standing, you can depend on the "heel" doing something devious. He may use the dreaded "foreign object", when the referee's head is turned from the action. The poor "baby face" is caught off guard; he trusted the "heel", and the "heel' turned on him!

The United States recently signed on to the START treaty, along with Russia. Several months ago, I watched as America dropped its guard in Eastern Europe, drastically reducing our nuclear defense shield and leaving Eastern Europe vulnerable along with parts of the Middle-East. America is now committed to START; America is now weaker than it was two years ago; America is the "baby face" who has been caught off guard by the "heel". Last week, Russia made an announcement that should give the entire world cause to be concerned. Russia has developed an ICBM capable of penetrating all anti-missile defense systems now in existence! It is a system that will carry "multiple war heads" and have full nuclear capabilities. This ability of multiple targets is very disturbing; the idea that it is indefensible is flat out scary. The potential targets can be a great distance from each other. Oddly, this system doesn't violate the precepts of the START treaty. WOW; did we get taken? We are now facing a Middle-East that is moments from explosion. We are seeing all of the Israel haters beginning to line up, and we are seeing America in a weakened defense posture. The START treaty has caused us to be in a "perfect storm". It looks like Mr. Obama has become a victim of the "dreaded foreign object", and the referee isn't watching the action. It looks like the "baby face" never should have trusted the "heel"!