Remember the old Andy Griffith show? I loved Barney Fife, he was hilarious. Barney was full of himself, as he tapped his holster and strutted around Mayberry. Barney loved his authority, even when he didn't know how to enforce the law. In one episode, he even ended up helping some bank robbers when they fooled the naive deputy into thinking that they were FBI agents. Barney actually detained the real agents, but don't worry, Andy straightened it all out. Andy was always the voice of common sense and justice. Barney was usually the voice of overreaction and ignorance of the law.
Over the last year, three Americans have been held in Iran by the lunatic fringe, that now hold power there. Espionage has been the charge that has been leveled against them. Our Justice Department has done nothing of substance to help them.
Arizona has tried to pass a law to make the state safer for its citizens have been sabotaged by the Justice Department by order of Barack Obama. Nothing has been done to offer any real respite for the beleaguered citizens who suffer on a daily basis. Oddly, it seems that the Justice Department is more interested in the rights of "non-citizens".
New Black Panther Party thugs stood outside a polling place and brandished weapons to voters who entered the polling place. Voter intimidation was proven, yet our Justice Department decided not to prosecute these thugs. Once again, our Justice Department turned its back on the citizens of the United States.
Now our Justice Department is pursuing charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. Joe and his deputies have been enforcing the immigration laws for some time, arresting and detaining criminal illegal aliens. Joe's deputies have arrested 2,132 people for transporting criminal illegal aliens. Joe is famous for making his jail an uncomfortable place; I believe this is a good thing; jail shouldn't be a pleasant experience. The Mexican drug cartel has placed a 1 million dollar bounty on Joe's head! What does that tell any thinking person? Joe's detention of criminal illegal aliens is hurting the drug traffickers! The Bad Guys Don't like Joe Arpaio!! Do you know who likes Joe Arpaio, the people of Arizona! Once again, our Justice Department is taking the side of the criminal against the honest American citizen.
What is our Justice Department doing? What are the priorities of the Justice Department? Is there an agenda at work here?Giving help to those that may be politically helpful to the administration seems to be what is being revealed by these actions and non-actions. Is the Justice Department being used as a political tool instead of an arm for the protection of the American people? Personally, I like Joe Arpaio, he's just doing his job; "serve and protect". Our Justice Department could take a lesson from Joe. FORGET THE POLITICS, DO YOUR JOB!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
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LOVE the analogy between Barney Fife and the government!:) Very good post with many important points discussed. Being from Arizona, I know first hand the struggle of law enforcement to do their job all while being criticized by the citizens they protect and those who feel they deserve "rights", but are not even in this country legally. We need to take off the kid gloves and start enforcing the laws as they are written. They are not undocumented workers...they are ILLEGALS. Stop raping and pillaging our country and GO HOME! If you dont, then expect the long arm of the law to assist you in whatever means necessary!