Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Tyrone Powers; what do they all have in common? These men were all heart throbs of the silver screen. They could capture the heart of many a star-struck young girl. They were masculine and charming; they could turn a phrase in a way that made them irresistible to the ladies. I'm sure there is a crop of current young actors with the same ability as the previous names I mentioned; I suffer from "generational gapness" in this matter; please forgive me. When I watch these men on the screen, I've noticed one thing that is always common in their romantic encounters; they always respect the ladies they are trying to romance. To these icons of romance, the lady was not a conquest, she was a treasure of love to be cherished, and held in the highest esteem.
I've been married over thirty years and I still remember the exhilaration of seeing my future wife, and thinking how great she was (and is). I wanted to be that guy in those movies who knew all the right words to want her to be with me and nobody else. My goal from the beginning of our relationship was to have her for my wife; not just a physical conquest! Respect is the seed of a successful relationship. Men who seek women for a selfish victory aren't real men; they see women as something less than human beings.
Last week, former President Bill Clinton spoke to a partisan Democratic crowd about some of the Republican candidates. He referred to Linda McMahon as the "wrestling lady" and Christine O'Donnell as the "witch lady"; he also made a veiled reference to Sarah Palin as "Alice in Wonderland". Mr. Clinton, famous chauvinist and user of women, is once again showing his disdain for the worth of women. Oddly, organizations like NOW (National Organization for Women) have great support for this misogynist. O'Donnell has a checkered past from her youth, yet, her current credentials are quite inspiring, she probably "inhaled" when she was in college. She has been upfront about her youthful errors. Linda McMahon is a real American success story. She, along with her husband Vince, took a local wrestling organization to a billion dollar corporation. She is a skilled and shrewd negotiator and is responsible for much of the WWE success story. Maybe Bill is threatened by strong, powerful women. Maybe that is why he used his positions as President and Governor to try to attain those sexual conquests outside of his marriage. Perhaps he was intimidated by his own wife.
Christine O'Donnell, Linda McMahon, and Sarah Palin aren't Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones. They don't have positions that are vulnerable to predatory womanizers. They are Bill Clinton's nightmare, women of intelligence and purpose, eminently qualified, and unafraid of his leftist blustering. His "charm" won't work on them, and he doesn't like that!
I know Bill Clinton is the "Big Hero" of the Democratic Party, the big personality; but down deep, he is a user and abuser. The facts about him are easy to find. It seems Mr. Clinton thinks he is Errol Flynn, but in reality he is more like Larry Flynt!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Mind Your Own Children!"
The United States of America extends from the Canadian border on the north to the Mexican border on the south. We have Alaska, which borders Canada, Hawaii, an island and American territory, Puerto Rico. The people living within those boundaries are bound by the laws of the United States of America. People who live outside those boundaries are outside of the dominion of the United States, and are not bound by U.S. laws.
When I was a boy growing up, my Dad had a saying "My house, my rules, if you don't like it here, you can move out and make your own rules." My Dad was a wise man. He paid the bills; he provided our food, clothes, medical care and any other expense the family required. Now Dad's rules didn't extend to other families. When we were out and we would see other children acting in ways that were not tolerated in our house, Dad would say, "Not my kids, not my rules." Dad's authority was limited to our household, it didn't extend to our neighbor's children; although he wouldn't tolerate disrespect from anyone while they were in our home, and he would let any person who was a guest know that.
"Mexico does not end at its borders, where there is a Mexican there is Mexico", these words were spoken by Mexico's President Calderon on September 4, 2010. This is the same President Calderon who spoke against the state of Arizona before our Congress to a standing ovation of Democrats. I'll have to look closely at my ballot in the next election to see if I can find the name Calderon anywhere! He feels he can dictate American policy on the floor of our own Congress; what arrogance!
It seems Mexico is having more problems. The Mexican government doesn't want the United States to deport any more criminal illegal aliens back to their native country. Mayors from four Mexican cities, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales and Nuevo Laredo attended a mayor's conference in San Diego, California and they said they didn't want any more criminal illegal aliens sent back to Mexico. The Mexican government wants the United States to make "other arrangements" in regard to deporting illegals. It seems we have a policy of sending violent criminals back to Mexico after they finish their prison sentences here; and Mexico doesn't want them back! Mexico claims they are overwhelmed with the influx of deportees from the U.S., and they are having a crisis of housing, jobs, schools and crime! Oddly, it seems the Obama administration is cooperating by delaying or slowing our efforts to deport criminal illegal aliens back to Mexico. I guess we are supposed to cure Mexico's job, housing and crime problems by keeping their troubles in the United States! I guess when Calderon said" Mexico was anywhere a Mexican was" made a true statement. It seems we are subservient to Mexican requests at the expense of the American citizen.
When will Barack Obama realize we have enough problems of our own? We are not responsible for Mexican unemployment, housing or their high crime rate. When criminal illegal aliens commit violent acts in the United States and go to prison, we should send them back when they are done with their sentences. These people are a Mexican responsibility. Calderon, keep your troubles to yourself! America has enough trouble of our own!
(Thank s Dion!)
When I was a boy growing up, my Dad had a saying "My house, my rules, if you don't like it here, you can move out and make your own rules." My Dad was a wise man. He paid the bills; he provided our food, clothes, medical care and any other expense the family required. Now Dad's rules didn't extend to other families. When we were out and we would see other children acting in ways that were not tolerated in our house, Dad would say, "Not my kids, not my rules." Dad's authority was limited to our household, it didn't extend to our neighbor's children; although he wouldn't tolerate disrespect from anyone while they were in our home, and he would let any person who was a guest know that.
"Mexico does not end at its borders, where there is a Mexican there is Mexico", these words were spoken by Mexico's President Calderon on September 4, 2010. This is the same President Calderon who spoke against the state of Arizona before our Congress to a standing ovation of Democrats. I'll have to look closely at my ballot in the next election to see if I can find the name Calderon anywhere! He feels he can dictate American policy on the floor of our own Congress; what arrogance!
It seems Mexico is having more problems. The Mexican government doesn't want the United States to deport any more criminal illegal aliens back to their native country. Mayors from four Mexican cities, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales and Nuevo Laredo attended a mayor's conference in San Diego, California and they said they didn't want any more criminal illegal aliens sent back to Mexico. The Mexican government wants the United States to make "other arrangements" in regard to deporting illegals. It seems we have a policy of sending violent criminals back to Mexico after they finish their prison sentences here; and Mexico doesn't want them back! Mexico claims they are overwhelmed with the influx of deportees from the U.S., and they are having a crisis of housing, jobs, schools and crime! Oddly, it seems the Obama administration is cooperating by delaying or slowing our efforts to deport criminal illegal aliens back to Mexico. I guess we are supposed to cure Mexico's job, housing and crime problems by keeping their troubles in the United States! I guess when Calderon said" Mexico was anywhere a Mexican was" made a true statement. It seems we are subservient to Mexican requests at the expense of the American citizen.
When will Barack Obama realize we have enough problems of our own? We are not responsible for Mexican unemployment, housing or their high crime rate. When criminal illegal aliens commit violent acts in the United States and go to prison, we should send them back when they are done with their sentences. These people are a Mexican responsibility. Calderon, keep your troubles to yourself! America has enough trouble of our own!
(Thank s Dion!)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"You're No Will Rogers, Sir!"
I like a good comedy! Mel Brooks is an American treasure; I've seen "Blazing Saddles" hundreds of times and it never gets old. I'm a "Honeymooners" fanatic; Gleason was a genius and Carney could not have been funnier. Laughter is an American staple; we love to poke fun in this country. No subject seems to be sacred; nothing is spared from a humorist's barb. Will Rogers was a very prominent humorist during the 30s and 40s; he gave no preference to any political philosophy or party. He would "get after" both the Democrats and Republicans alike. Oddly enough, his name was brought up at both political conventions as a nominee for President; which he humbly refused with a smile. He once said "There is something about Republicans, where you can only stand them for so long; and Democrats, where you can't stand them for quite that long", he gave no quarter to anyone because he had the eyes and heart of the average American. Bob Hope was a staunch Republican, yet by his monologues, you could never guess it, as he regularly made jokes about "Ike" and his golf game, and Reagan's acting ability. Hope was an" American Icon"; as a former service man, I hold Bob Hope in great esteem, as he put himself in harm's way to entertain our troops in many of our darkest hours. Both Rogers and Hope were great patriotic Americans. Love of country was apparent in all their actions and all their words. Neither of them espoused a political philosophy over basic American principles.
Last week, Stephen Colbert, the satirist on "Comedy Central", made an appearance at Congressional hearings on immigration and labor. Colbert has a successful show called the "Colbert Report", where he parodies FOX NEWS's Bill O'Reilly. I've seen it and it is a funny show and attracts many of the far left supporters. I'm afraid though, Mr. Colbert is no Will Rogers or Bob Hope. He is full of sarcasm but shows little substance in his obvious leftist views.
I don't know why Mr. Colbert was asked to appear at this hearing. I know he spent a day as a migrant worker, and perhaps the committee was expecting a serious dialogue about working condition for migrants. Perhaps they were expecting Walter Cronkite and got something else. Mr. Colbert used this appearance as a performance piece, not an opportunity to actually do something of substance for America. The more he spoke, the more the committee seemed to regret their invitation to him.
A Congressional hearing isn't "Comedy Central" (although they are sometimes laughable): it is a forum for information to the American people. I don't believe Will Rogers would have made jokes about the "Dust Bowl" before Congress, or Hope about the "Great Depression".
Mr. Colbert had the chance to do something for migrant workers, but he didn't. He made a joke of a Congressional hearing instead of giving value to a great opportunity to improve what has been a bad situation for many years. It's best for Mr. Colbert to remain on his cable show and stay away from Congress, as he thinks it is just a JOKE!
Last week, Stephen Colbert, the satirist on "Comedy Central", made an appearance at Congressional hearings on immigration and labor. Colbert has a successful show called the "Colbert Report", where he parodies FOX NEWS's Bill O'Reilly. I've seen it and it is a funny show and attracts many of the far left supporters. I'm afraid though, Mr. Colbert is no Will Rogers or Bob Hope. He is full of sarcasm but shows little substance in his obvious leftist views.
I don't know why Mr. Colbert was asked to appear at this hearing. I know he spent a day as a migrant worker, and perhaps the committee was expecting a serious dialogue about working condition for migrants. Perhaps they were expecting Walter Cronkite and got something else. Mr. Colbert used this appearance as a performance piece, not an opportunity to actually do something of substance for America. The more he spoke, the more the committee seemed to regret their invitation to him.
A Congressional hearing isn't "Comedy Central" (although they are sometimes laughable): it is a forum for information to the American people. I don't believe Will Rogers would have made jokes about the "Dust Bowl" before Congress, or Hope about the "Great Depression".
Mr. Colbert had the chance to do something for migrant workers, but he didn't. He made a joke of a Congressional hearing instead of giving value to a great opportunity to improve what has been a bad situation for many years. It's best for Mr. Colbert to remain on his cable show and stay away from Congress, as he thinks it is just a JOKE!
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Sword of Damocles"
Have you ever heard of "The Sword of Damocles" of Greek mythology? The mythical sword hangs precariously over the protagonists head by a tiny thread ready to fall at a moment's notice. At times, during my life, I've felt like that famous sword was hanging over my head. As a boy, I did my share of things that I didn't want my parents to find out, and when they did find out, they held that "sword": what and when will it happen put pressure on my young mind, and the anticipation magnified my anxiety ten- fold.
Over the last several weeks, we have had an ongoing debate over the "Bush Tax Cuts"; they have even been called, spuriously, the "Obama Middle Class Tax Cuts"; when in reality, Obama did not initiate any of these cuts. They are a tax break left over from G.W."s administration. Isn't it strange the way this administration will take credit for George Bush's tax program; but won't take responsibility for the debt and failed economic policies they have implemented; they are all George's fault! It seems all of Obama's failures can be traced back to George Bush. I believe he must be holding the former President hostage in a room in the White House, where they seek his advice so all their poor decisions can be traced back to him!
In twenty months of Obama's leadership virtually every failure, be it domestic or foreign, has been attributed to George W. Bush. Now, we are approaching the November "house cleaning" and the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Congress are going to have to "face the music", and they don't like it. Campaigning Democrats have been told to stay away from health care issues, and to give a "rose colored" view of the economy. More and more economists have endorsed the extension of the "BUSH TAX CUTS" as a way to help restore our ailing economy. Obama is adamant about no tax cuts for the wealthy, and has stone-walled any efforts to extend tax cuts for America's investment class.
Now, Nancy Pelosi announced that the tax cut issue will not be dealt with until after the November election. In a way, this is holding a sword, threatening the American taxpayer, in an effort to coerce votes. If you don't vote Democrat, there will be no extension of these cuts. It seems the Democrats, with little to say positively about the last twenty months are resorting to extortion to get American votes. Vote for us "OR ELSE", sounds an awful lot like "Chicago Politics" to me, or maybe a little like the "MAFIA". America, we are, in actuality, the ones holding the SWORD, and we are the ones in control. Don't allow Pelosi, Reid, and Obama to extort your votes. America, we must drop that sword!
Over the last several weeks, we have had an ongoing debate over the "Bush Tax Cuts"; they have even been called, spuriously, the "Obama Middle Class Tax Cuts"; when in reality, Obama did not initiate any of these cuts. They are a tax break left over from G.W."s administration. Isn't it strange the way this administration will take credit for George Bush's tax program; but won't take responsibility for the debt and failed economic policies they have implemented; they are all George's fault! It seems all of Obama's failures can be traced back to George Bush. I believe he must be holding the former President hostage in a room in the White House, where they seek his advice so all their poor decisions can be traced back to him!
In twenty months of Obama's leadership virtually every failure, be it domestic or foreign, has been attributed to George W. Bush. Now, we are approaching the November "house cleaning" and the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Congress are going to have to "face the music", and they don't like it. Campaigning Democrats have been told to stay away from health care issues, and to give a "rose colored" view of the economy. More and more economists have endorsed the extension of the "BUSH TAX CUTS" as a way to help restore our ailing economy. Obama is adamant about no tax cuts for the wealthy, and has stone-walled any efforts to extend tax cuts for America's investment class.
Now, Nancy Pelosi announced that the tax cut issue will not be dealt with until after the November election. In a way, this is holding a sword, threatening the American taxpayer, in an effort to coerce votes. If you don't vote Democrat, there will be no extension of these cuts. It seems the Democrats, with little to say positively about the last twenty months are resorting to extortion to get American votes. Vote for us "OR ELSE", sounds an awful lot like "Chicago Politics" to me, or maybe a little like the "MAFIA". America, we are, in actuality, the ones holding the SWORD, and we are the ones in control. Don't allow Pelosi, Reid, and Obama to extort your votes. America, we must drop that sword!
Friday, September 24, 2010
"The Tasmanian Devil!"
When I was a kid I, loved Saturday morning cartoons. "Bugs Bunny, Popeye the Sailor, Mighty Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Yosemite Sam" and countless others filled those fun hours on Saturday. The great thing about cartoons is that no matter how much disaster and trauma cartoon characters go through, they always bounce back unharmed; good as new! Look at "Wiley Coyote", that poor guy has been chasing that "Road Runner" for years in a quest, they always ends in disaster; you know, falling anvils or huge explosions. Remember the "Tasmanian Devil", a whirling dervish that left a trail of destruction wherever he passed? The "Tasmanian Devil" never made much sense, impossible to understand or control. He was lunacy on a path to destroy all things near him! It seems nobody could ever control the "Tasmanian Devil"!
Over the last few weeks, my favorite "Tasmanian Devil" has been quite prominent on the world scene; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has been very verbose about Israel, America, capitalism and weapons. If you have read my blog in the past, you know all about the "peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy" that Iran says they are developing. Unless you are dead from the neck up, you're not buying this load of manure. Ahmadinejad's veiled threats against Israel have been a constant in all his speeches. He said in one speech "Try to imagine a world without Israel": now what could he have meant by that remark? Last week, there was a picture of a new Iranian missile in the paper; Iranian officials said it has the capacity to easily reach Israel. Last week, Ahmadinejad said Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, is a "skilled killer". He says Israel is a threat to Iran's security. This mad man is laying the ground work for a conflict with Israel! He has openly laughed about United Nations sanctions against his nuclear pursuits (U.N. sanctions are a joke). I'm sure he must be making private jokes about our President Barack Obama, and his pursuit for a peaceful dialogue. I'm sure he perceives our President to be a weak leader who will avoid any conflict; even if it means hanging Israel out to dry. This "Tasmanian Devil" continues to spin crazily, and the world watches. He spoke at the U.N. yesterday, and once again the United States bore the brunt of his diatribe of lunacy. He said 911 was an "inside job" initiated by our own government. In a show of disdain, the United States delegation refused to listen to Amadinejad's rantings. I'm sure this really hurt his feelings! He has said he wants to initiate the Muslim "end times" prophecies. He wants to be the tool for Allah to use to bring about a final conflict. He wants death and destruction; he thinks he is a messenger from his god!
Now, the question we must ask is, how far will we allow this lunatic madman to go? United Nations sanctions do little to nothing and have virtually zero effect on Iran. We have done nothing of substance to put a halt to this veiled aggression by the pretender to the mantle of Adolph Hitler. The Middle-East is a powder keg just waiting to explode, and Ahmadinejad is a "blasting cap".
This is not a cartoon, the "anvil" will fall; the "boulder" will crush and kill. Unfortunately, unlike the cartoons, nobody will get back up in the next scene, they will be dead! Ahmadinejad can no longer be taken lightly, he is not a cartoon character to laugh at; he is a genuine threat to world security. The question, WHAT WILL AMERICA DO? Mr. Obama ,you must show more teeth to this lunatic, and I don't mean a wider smile!
Over the last few weeks, my favorite "Tasmanian Devil" has been quite prominent on the world scene; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has been very verbose about Israel, America, capitalism and weapons. If you have read my blog in the past, you know all about the "peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy" that Iran says they are developing. Unless you are dead from the neck up, you're not buying this load of manure. Ahmadinejad's veiled threats against Israel have been a constant in all his speeches. He said in one speech "Try to imagine a world without Israel": now what could he have meant by that remark? Last week, there was a picture of a new Iranian missile in the paper; Iranian officials said it has the capacity to easily reach Israel. Last week, Ahmadinejad said Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, is a "skilled killer". He says Israel is a threat to Iran's security. This mad man is laying the ground work for a conflict with Israel! He has openly laughed about United Nations sanctions against his nuclear pursuits (U.N. sanctions are a joke). I'm sure he must be making private jokes about our President Barack Obama, and his pursuit for a peaceful dialogue. I'm sure he perceives our President to be a weak leader who will avoid any conflict; even if it means hanging Israel out to dry. This "Tasmanian Devil" continues to spin crazily, and the world watches. He spoke at the U.N. yesterday, and once again the United States bore the brunt of his diatribe of lunacy. He said 911 was an "inside job" initiated by our own government. In a show of disdain, the United States delegation refused to listen to Amadinejad's rantings. I'm sure this really hurt his feelings! He has said he wants to initiate the Muslim "end times" prophecies. He wants to be the tool for Allah to use to bring about a final conflict. He wants death and destruction; he thinks he is a messenger from his god!
Now, the question we must ask is, how far will we allow this lunatic madman to go? United Nations sanctions do little to nothing and have virtually zero effect on Iran. We have done nothing of substance to put a halt to this veiled aggression by the pretender to the mantle of Adolph Hitler. The Middle-East is a powder keg just waiting to explode, and Ahmadinejad is a "blasting cap".
This is not a cartoon, the "anvil" will fall; the "boulder" will crush and kill. Unfortunately, unlike the cartoons, nobody will get back up in the next scene, they will be dead! Ahmadinejad can no longer be taken lightly, he is not a cartoon character to laugh at; he is a genuine threat to world security. The question, WHAT WILL AMERICA DO? Mr. Obama ,you must show more teeth to this lunatic, and I don't mean a wider smile!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"An American Dream!"
Do any of you remember "The Maltese Falcon" with Humphrey Bogart? He was memorable as Sam Spade, the hard-boiled detective. All of the characters were pursuing the legendary "Black Bird", that was supposed to be encrusted in jewels, and cast from solid gold. Murder and treachery were prevalent throughout the film by all of the treasure hunters. When the "bird" was finally recovered, it turned out to be made of lead; not gold! The final dialogue spoken by Spade when asked about what the "bird" was, he said "It was the things that dreams are made of." The "Maltese Falcon" was a great allegory for our own pursuits of things that appear to be something that they really aren't; and the lengths we can be willing to go to get them.
Barack Obama started his campaign with his personal "Dream for America", a transforming; a fundamental change from what America is to what he wants it to be. It seems America has a different "dream for America" than Mr. Obama has. Harry Reid has a dream of his own too. Harry dreams that America will forget about health-care that it doesn't want; massive government spending it doesn't want and a Congress that ignores the will of the people that it doesn't want. Harry dreams Nevada will forget about the failed economics that has given his home state one of America's highest unemployment rates. Yes, Harry has dreams! Harry also has dreams for criminal illegal aliens. Harry, the great humanitarian, has tried to push the "DREAM ACT" through Congress; it failed. Sorry Harry! What was Harry's "DREAM ACT" all about?
It seems upon close examination, the "DREAM ACT" is a fast track to amnesty for millions of criminal illegal aliens. We are not talking about "anchor babies", we are talking about criminal illegal aliens between the ages of 12(okay) to 35(not okay). They have to prove continuous residence (illegal act) for 5 years and registry in the Selective Service System (should illegal aliens be serving in our armed forces?). They need to have a U.S. high school degree (paid for with your tax dollars) and they would be eligible for student loans and work study programs (which should go to citizens and legal aliens). If they fulfill these requirements, they will be given "conditional status". This is amnesty in disguise! Could Harry have ulterior motive with his "Dream Act" legislation; is it possible he is pandering for Latino votes in an effort to win an election he may lose? Is Harry's dream to put one over on the American people? Can Harry pull it off? He does have some leftist Latino groups rallying to his call. Fair Immigration Reform Movement (F.I.R.M.) has announced a concerted effort to move nation-wide against all Republican candidates in November's election. Rudy Lopez, of Campaign for Community Change, said "Yesterday's vote was really unprecedented, and it effectively was a filibuster of immigration reform. That's how the community sees it, and they are not happy." Oddly, it seems that main stream Americans don't agree with "preferred treatment" for criminal illegal aliens.
Harry's dream seems to be turning into a nightmare for him politically. He should be trying to find a way to salvage some of the jobs that have disappeared during his tenure as a Senate Majority Leader. Perhaps he should concentrate on border security; not only for Nevada, but all of our border states; all of whom are under assault from criminal illegal aliens. The border states are having nightmares, not dreams.
Perhaps, come November, an American dream may come true; A NEW SENATE MAJORITY LEADER!
Barack Obama started his campaign with his personal "Dream for America", a transforming; a fundamental change from what America is to what he wants it to be. It seems America has a different "dream for America" than Mr. Obama has. Harry Reid has a dream of his own too. Harry dreams that America will forget about health-care that it doesn't want; massive government spending it doesn't want and a Congress that ignores the will of the people that it doesn't want. Harry dreams Nevada will forget about the failed economics that has given his home state one of America's highest unemployment rates. Yes, Harry has dreams! Harry also has dreams for criminal illegal aliens. Harry, the great humanitarian, has tried to push the "DREAM ACT" through Congress; it failed. Sorry Harry! What was Harry's "DREAM ACT" all about?
It seems upon close examination, the "DREAM ACT" is a fast track to amnesty for millions of criminal illegal aliens. We are not talking about "anchor babies", we are talking about criminal illegal aliens between the ages of 12(okay) to 35(not okay). They have to prove continuous residence (illegal act) for 5 years and registry in the Selective Service System (should illegal aliens be serving in our armed forces?). They need to have a U.S. high school degree (paid for with your tax dollars) and they would be eligible for student loans and work study programs (which should go to citizens and legal aliens). If they fulfill these requirements, they will be given "conditional status". This is amnesty in disguise! Could Harry have ulterior motive with his "Dream Act" legislation; is it possible he is pandering for Latino votes in an effort to win an election he may lose? Is Harry's dream to put one over on the American people? Can Harry pull it off? He does have some leftist Latino groups rallying to his call. Fair Immigration Reform Movement (F.I.R.M.) has announced a concerted effort to move nation-wide against all Republican candidates in November's election. Rudy Lopez, of Campaign for Community Change, said "Yesterday's vote was really unprecedented, and it effectively was a filibuster of immigration reform. That's how the community sees it, and they are not happy." Oddly, it seems that main stream Americans don't agree with "preferred treatment" for criminal illegal aliens.
Harry's dream seems to be turning into a nightmare for him politically. He should be trying to find a way to salvage some of the jobs that have disappeared during his tenure as a Senate Majority Leader. Perhaps he should concentrate on border security; not only for Nevada, but all of our border states; all of whom are under assault from criminal illegal aliens. The border states are having nightmares, not dreams.
Perhaps, come November, an American dream may come true; A NEW SENATE MAJORITY LEADER!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"It's Over!!!"
Remember the children's play "Peter Pan"? One of the final acts was when Peter asked all of the children to think good thoughts so Tinker Belle, the fairy, could be kept alive. It was quite touching to watch the light flicker and then Tinker Belle was revived. A nice story, but a story none the less, a fairy tale for young children. Just believe and it will be so; ah, if life only worked that way wouldn't it be great?
I opened my daily newspaper yesterday to some joyous news "Panel Concludes Recession Ended June 2009, Was Longest Since WWII"! I'll have to admit I was really surprised; how did I miss this? Perhaps someone was removing portions of my "want ads" and hundreds of new jobs were being kept a secret. I know: Glenn Beck has his minions sneaking into press rooms all across America secretly editing the employment section of our nation's newspapers. The Bureau of Economic Research, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, declared the recession over and it ended 15 months ago! Oddly enough, I failed to see any sign of financial recovery in America. Home foreclosures are a historical high, lenders are reticent to loan on new business ventures and unemployment is still at record levels across the United States. In Illinois, unemployment is at 10.6%, Nevada is at 14.2%, Michigan is at 13.1%, California is at 12.2%, Puerto Rico is at 16.6%; I could go on endlessly with very disturbing job statistics. Believe me, this is only a short list of the states that are continuing to suffer in our "non-recession". Our Gross Domestic Product is at 1978 levels; I'm sure we all remember that time of "economic boom"! Unemployment has risen in 27 states last month, worse than the previous month by 14 states! America is still at a national unemployment average of 9.6% and 14.9 million people still in the search for gainful employment! I don't know what those "economists" are smoking, but I think they are trying to legalize it in California!
We are sitting on debts in excess of 14 TRILLION DOLLARS over the next twenty years; the highest debt in the history of the United States. There are several states who are looking at default financially, a crisis of monumental proportion to millions of people. Communist China holds a huge amount of our debt; does this not give us reason to have serious concern about our financial stability? Sweden, of all nations, is saying we are on the wrong path economically!
Yesterday, Lawrence Summers, an Obama economic advisor, became the latest in a series of the President's financial "gurus" to tender his resignation. Is he another casualty of Obamanomics, maybe? It's time to take off those "rose colored glasses" when we look at the financial policies of Barack Obama.
We cannot "wish" this recession away with "GOOD THOUGHTS"! America, don't be this easily fooled; we are in real trouble and Obama hasn't made it any better. Ask yourself this question: are you any better off today than you were a year ago, and is America any better off as a nation? Don't wear those rose colored glasses!
I opened my daily newspaper yesterday to some joyous news "Panel Concludes Recession Ended June 2009, Was Longest Since WWII"! I'll have to admit I was really surprised; how did I miss this? Perhaps someone was removing portions of my "want ads" and hundreds of new jobs were being kept a secret. I know: Glenn Beck has his minions sneaking into press rooms all across America secretly editing the employment section of our nation's newspapers. The Bureau of Economic Research, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, declared the recession over and it ended 15 months ago! Oddly enough, I failed to see any sign of financial recovery in America. Home foreclosures are a historical high, lenders are reticent to loan on new business ventures and unemployment is still at record levels across the United States. In Illinois, unemployment is at 10.6%, Nevada is at 14.2%, Michigan is at 13.1%, California is at 12.2%, Puerto Rico is at 16.6%; I could go on endlessly with very disturbing job statistics. Believe me, this is only a short list of the states that are continuing to suffer in our "non-recession". Our Gross Domestic Product is at 1978 levels; I'm sure we all remember that time of "economic boom"! Unemployment has risen in 27 states last month, worse than the previous month by 14 states! America is still at a national unemployment average of 9.6% and 14.9 million people still in the search for gainful employment! I don't know what those "economists" are smoking, but I think they are trying to legalize it in California!
We are sitting on debts in excess of 14 TRILLION DOLLARS over the next twenty years; the highest debt in the history of the United States. There are several states who are looking at default financially, a crisis of monumental proportion to millions of people. Communist China holds a huge amount of our debt; does this not give us reason to have serious concern about our financial stability? Sweden, of all nations, is saying we are on the wrong path economically!
Yesterday, Lawrence Summers, an Obama economic advisor, became the latest in a series of the President's financial "gurus" to tender his resignation. Is he another casualty of Obamanomics, maybe? It's time to take off those "rose colored glasses" when we look at the financial policies of Barack Obama.
We cannot "wish" this recession away with "GOOD THOUGHTS"! America, don't be this easily fooled; we are in real trouble and Obama hasn't made it any better. Ask yourself this question: are you any better off today than you were a year ago, and is America any better off as a nation? Don't wear those rose colored glasses!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Know the Rules, Before You Speak"
I like sports; I like to watch sports; I like to listen to sports talk radio and sports commentary on television. I watch all the post-game shows; I watch all the pre-game shows. It could be said I have a mild addiction to sports. Because I like sports so much, I've made it my business to try to understand the play and rules of each sport I follow. It is important to know the difference between home runs, touchdowns, knock-outs and baskets. It is important to know the difference between umpires, referees, line judges and back-field judges. All of that knowledge helps you understand what is going on in the contest you are enjoying. It is exasperating to engage in conversation with someone who thinks they know what they are talking about when in actuality they have, at best, a passing knowledge of the subject.
We have had an on-going discussion in America concerning the Quran and Sharia Law. I'll admit, as a Christian I knew very little about the Quran and Sharia Law. As someone who wants to "practice what I preach", I thought it would be a good idea to do some research on these two subjects.
Obviously, Jihad is of foremost interest to most Americans; in Arabic it means "struggle or effort". In the Quran it means to "strive in the path of God (22:78)", to walk in the path of God; an effort to purify oneself. This sounds pretty honorable; as a Christian, I can understand this type of dedication to one's God. The Quran also says "Fight in the way of God against those who fight you, but do not attack them first, God does not love the aggressors" (2:190). I found this passage to be quite interesting, as I remember 911 vividly.
Quran verse 8:39-40 says "Make war on them until idolatry (any other belief) shall cease and God's religion (Islam) shall reign supreme. If they desist (don't accept Islam), God is cognizant of all their actions, but if they give no heed, know God will protect you." This verse makes it tough to believe this is a belief that preaches tolerance of others. Verse 9:29 says "..Fight those who do not believe in God (Allah).." .As a Christian, my God says to preach His word and love my enemies; a little different from the Quran. I find the Quran seems to be working at cross purposes in its message. The Quran at times, sounds loving and accepting, and at other times it seems violent and aggressive. I urge all of you who read this to explore the Quran for yourselves and come to your own conclusions.
I found some very disturbing things about Sharia Law. I find Sharia Law barbaric, violent and unacceptable for any enlightened society. Our system of punishment doesn't allow for stoning, amputation or death for apostasy. Men are allowed several wives (that's crazy), and believe in the inferiority of all women. Men can divorce their wives by saying "I divorce you" three times; wow that's due process! This is just a tiny sample of Sharia Law; it is pretty scary.
As a citizen of a nation that believes in reasonable treatment under the law, and tolerance of the beliefs of others, I'll admit I'm concerned with this belief system. It certainly seems to be diametrically opposed to the American system of justice. Knowledge is power; arm yourself with its power. Know what you're talking about!
We have had an on-going discussion in America concerning the Quran and Sharia Law. I'll admit, as a Christian I knew very little about the Quran and Sharia Law. As someone who wants to "practice what I preach", I thought it would be a good idea to do some research on these two subjects.
Obviously, Jihad is of foremost interest to most Americans; in Arabic it means "struggle or effort". In the Quran it means to "strive in the path of God (22:78)", to walk in the path of God; an effort to purify oneself. This sounds pretty honorable; as a Christian, I can understand this type of dedication to one's God. The Quran also says "Fight in the way of God against those who fight you, but do not attack them first, God does not love the aggressors" (2:190). I found this passage to be quite interesting, as I remember 911 vividly.
Quran verse 8:39-40 says "Make war on them until idolatry (any other belief) shall cease and God's religion (Islam) shall reign supreme. If they desist (don't accept Islam), God is cognizant of all their actions, but if they give no heed, know God will protect you." This verse makes it tough to believe this is a belief that preaches tolerance of others. Verse 9:29 says "..Fight those who do not believe in God (Allah).." .As a Christian, my God says to preach His word and love my enemies; a little different from the Quran. I find the Quran seems to be working at cross purposes in its message. The Quran at times, sounds loving and accepting, and at other times it seems violent and aggressive. I urge all of you who read this to explore the Quran for yourselves and come to your own conclusions.
I found some very disturbing things about Sharia Law. I find Sharia Law barbaric, violent and unacceptable for any enlightened society. Our system of punishment doesn't allow for stoning, amputation or death for apostasy. Men are allowed several wives (that's crazy), and believe in the inferiority of all women. Men can divorce their wives by saying "I divorce you" three times; wow that's due process! This is just a tiny sample of Sharia Law; it is pretty scary.
As a citizen of a nation that believes in reasonable treatment under the law, and tolerance of the beliefs of others, I'll admit I'm concerned with this belief system. It certainly seems to be diametrically opposed to the American system of justice. Knowledge is power; arm yourself with its power. Know what you're talking about!
Monday, September 20, 2010
"An Open Letter to America's Leaders"
Dear Leaders of the United States of America:
On Friday, America celebrated the anniversary of our great Constitution. Two hundred twenty-three years ago, great men signed a document that has set the standard for freedom and self reliance the world over. They instituted the "BILL of Rights", the first 10 amendments of this great document, to insure each individual the ability to maintain these God given rights and freedoms. God is a very important word in this document. Rights given by our Creator are not the property of any government to rescind at their pleasure. "We the people.." is a very important group of words in this document; it means all of us; not any specific pressure group or minority, or political party; all Americans of every strata of society. All of America are the "lobbyists" that elected officials are supposed to be influenced by.
I don't have a Harvard education, I'm not a wealthy man in a monetary sense; but I do have a loving God, a great family and a love for my country; all of which make me a very wealthy man. I live in the heartland; you know those folks who cling to "God and guns" when things get tough. Over the last several months, I've seen the nation I love degenerate into a cesspool of name calling and racial epithets. I've seen honest opinion regarded as "UN-American and hate speech". The words" prayer and God" seemed to be turned into profanity by many in today's media. The definition of family and morality are being re-defined on a daily basis.
Free assembly has been depicted as rabble- rousing and racist hate mongers in a concerted attempt to stifle and cloud honest dissent. It seems to me, a pretty average man, that our people and our leaders have forgotten what those "first signers" were intending on the day that they put their names on our Constitution.
Our branches of government are meant to be separate; you know checks and balances. Each of these branches have specific duties to perform. It is currently as if everybody wants to do everybody else's job. We have an executive branch that believes it can force law on the people through force of power, regardless of Constitutional restraints. We have a judicial branch that, at times, "re-interprets" our Constitution to change laws and legislates from the bench. Our congressional representatives act like a body that has been given empirical power to dictate change without Constitutional authority. As I said everybody, is trying to do everybody else's job!
The Constitution was written to be followed, not twisted to fit any agenda. The real "rulers of the United States of America" are its' people; not its' elected officials. Mr. President, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid is your philosophy keeping you from properly doing the job you were hired for; following the will of the people?
As we celebrate the signing of this wonderful document I ask this question: will those of you who have sworn to support it, PLEASE READ IT?
Best Regards,
Thomas Paine
(readers, feel free to forward this to any of your representatives; they might learn something)
On Friday, America celebrated the anniversary of our great Constitution. Two hundred twenty-three years ago, great men signed a document that has set the standard for freedom and self reliance the world over. They instituted the "BILL of Rights", the first 10 amendments of this great document, to insure each individual the ability to maintain these God given rights and freedoms. God is a very important word in this document. Rights given by our Creator are not the property of any government to rescind at their pleasure. "We the people.." is a very important group of words in this document; it means all of us; not any specific pressure group or minority, or political party; all Americans of every strata of society. All of America are the "lobbyists" that elected officials are supposed to be influenced by.
I don't have a Harvard education, I'm not a wealthy man in a monetary sense; but I do have a loving God, a great family and a love for my country; all of which make me a very wealthy man. I live in the heartland; you know those folks who cling to "God and guns" when things get tough. Over the last several months, I've seen the nation I love degenerate into a cesspool of name calling and racial epithets. I've seen honest opinion regarded as "UN-American and hate speech". The words" prayer and God" seemed to be turned into profanity by many in today's media. The definition of family and morality are being re-defined on a daily basis.
Free assembly has been depicted as rabble- rousing and racist hate mongers in a concerted attempt to stifle and cloud honest dissent. It seems to me, a pretty average man, that our people and our leaders have forgotten what those "first signers" were intending on the day that they put their names on our Constitution.
Our branches of government are meant to be separate; you know checks and balances. Each of these branches have specific duties to perform. It is currently as if everybody wants to do everybody else's job. We have an executive branch that believes it can force law on the people through force of power, regardless of Constitutional restraints. We have a judicial branch that, at times, "re-interprets" our Constitution to change laws and legislates from the bench. Our congressional representatives act like a body that has been given empirical power to dictate change without Constitutional authority. As I said everybody, is trying to do everybody else's job!
The Constitution was written to be followed, not twisted to fit any agenda. The real "rulers of the United States of America" are its' people; not its' elected officials. Mr. President, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid is your philosophy keeping you from properly doing the job you were hired for; following the will of the people?
As we celebrate the signing of this wonderful document I ask this question: will those of you who have sworn to support it, PLEASE READ IT?
Best Regards,
Thomas Paine
(readers, feel free to forward this to any of your representatives; they might learn something)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Do you believe you're poor? I don't mean have you got budget constraints; I mean, are you living on mac and cheese or 10 cent soup packets, and use space heaters as you prime source of winter warmth? I've seen poverty. Before I retired, I was in the health care business and traveled to private homes to do my work. Most of my patients were elderly, living on a fixed income. Our seniors aren't rich for the most part, they get by from one Social Security check to the next; watching every purchase they make. I remember several years ago, I was in a Walgreens Drug store getting a prescription; an elderly couple was standing and talking to the pharmacist. The pharmacist said "I'm sorry, I've cut every corner I could and this is the best I can do"; his voice was almost remorseful when he said the prescriptions were $600.00. The two old people were stunned and looked at each other; they were making a choice of whether to buy medicine or groceries. They chose groceries, thanked the pharmacist and walked away. That, my friends, is poor! Oddly enough, compared to the rest of the world, we are still more affluent than everybody else. Europe, Asia, the Middle-East and Africa are all worst off than we are. South and Central America are poverty central, starvation is a way of life down there. Feel bad yet? Guess what? We are catching up in the poverty race. The nation that has been the savior to the rest of the world is at new levels of poverty. We are getting down to what our President has asked for since he took office; parity with the rest of the world. We will soon be no better off than anyone else on earth!
The BBC (not FOX NEWS) on September 16th released figures on American poverty. One in seven Americans is now living at the poverty level, the highest level since the 1960s. In America, poverty is measured at a family of four living on a yearly income of $21,954 or less per annum. As someone who lives on a fixed income, I understand the struggle that this income must be on a family, especially if children are involved. Average home foreclosures are at their highest rate since the mortgage crisis began, up 25% since August 2009. Banks re-possessed 95,364 properties in the last twelve months (per REALTY TRAC). Our poverty rate rose 14.3% from 13.2% to 43.6 million Americans, the largest increase in 51 years. In our working population, poverty has also been affected. People aged 18 to 65 have poverty levels of 12.9%, the highest level since the Lyndon Johnson years. You remember the "War on Poverty"; it seems that war was won by poverty when government entitlements spawned the "welfare society" instead of the "Great Society".
Where is America going? The Obama administration is proving to be a monumental failure. More people are now poverty stricken; more people are now unemployed, more people are losing hope than at any time in recent history. Massive spending has done little to nothing to remedy our national economic woes. Government interference in the free market has slowed our economy to a virtual standstill. The threat of high taxes to investors has put off any growth potential in America.
If you are experiencing monetary problems, look to Washington policy. If you can't find a job, look to Washington, if your may be losing you home, look to Washington; they are the responsible party. We need a 180 degree turn or we will be on our way to being a "Third World Economy". Jobs, tax relief, free market expansion, less government interference are the real solutions to our problems!! Let's not set any more poverty records, Mr. Obama. Let America succeed, just "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
The BBC (not FOX NEWS) on September 16th released figures on American poverty. One in seven Americans is now living at the poverty level, the highest level since the 1960s. In America, poverty is measured at a family of four living on a yearly income of $21,954 or less per annum. As someone who lives on a fixed income, I understand the struggle that this income must be on a family, especially if children are involved. Average home foreclosures are at their highest rate since the mortgage crisis began, up 25% since August 2009. Banks re-possessed 95,364 properties in the last twelve months (per REALTY TRAC). Our poverty rate rose 14.3% from 13.2% to 43.6 million Americans, the largest increase in 51 years. In our working population, poverty has also been affected. People aged 18 to 65 have poverty levels of 12.9%, the highest level since the Lyndon Johnson years. You remember the "War on Poverty"; it seems that war was won by poverty when government entitlements spawned the "welfare society" instead of the "Great Society".
Where is America going? The Obama administration is proving to be a monumental failure. More people are now poverty stricken; more people are now unemployed, more people are losing hope than at any time in recent history. Massive spending has done little to nothing to remedy our national economic woes. Government interference in the free market has slowed our economy to a virtual standstill. The threat of high taxes to investors has put off any growth potential in America.
If you are experiencing monetary problems, look to Washington policy. If you can't find a job, look to Washington, if your may be losing you home, look to Washington; they are the responsible party. We need a 180 degree turn or we will be on our way to being a "Third World Economy". Jobs, tax relief, free market expansion, less government interference are the real solutions to our problems!! Let's not set any more poverty records, Mr. Obama. Let America succeed, just "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Old Secrets, New Secrets!"
Who was "Jack the Ripper?" What happened to Amelia Earhart? Where did Judge Crater go? Has anybody seen Jimmy Hoffa lately? These are all "unsolved mysteries" that people have been talking about for years. Even today, I wonder what happened to a 3/4 sleeve shirt that disappeared when I was 13 years old. The Bermuda Triangle holds the curiosity of millions of minds. What happens in there? We all want to see hidden secrets revealed. There are records from the Kennedy murder that are supposed to remain sealed for at least another 40 years! I wonder what's in there? Americans are a curious lot, we ask a lot of questions, we want to know what's going on. I was privileged to information that remains secret while I was in the service. This has yet to be shown to the general public, as it would hurt the images of some celebrated Americans. It would accomplish little except to hurt families and reputations at this stage.
It seems that a historian, Stanley Kutler, wants to release the testimony that Richard Nixon made to the Grand Jury, in secret, 35 years ago. Nixon was under oath and was subject to perjury law if he attempted to deceive the jury. A petition was filed before Chief Justice Royce Lambreth of the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C., in an attempt to finally find out what the former President knew and when he knew it in regards to the Watergate scandal and cover-up. As someone who grew up with Richard Nixon in the news, I'll admit that I'm curious as to the content of his "secret testimony". After all, don't you all want to know what was on that missing 18 minutes of White House tape?
This sort of investigation certainly tickles our imagination and curiosity. The question we must ask ourselves is: are there other current issues that merit investigation more than 35 year old testimony? The fact that a health-care bill was assembled behind closed doors seems to be more pressing than what Dick Nixon knew 35 years ago. The fact that an obvious disregard for voters' rights has been ignored in the "New Black Panther" non-prosecution seems to merit investigation. Closed door meetings at the White House with big bankers seem oddly curious in this "transparent administration", how about that?
It's only human nature to want to know what has happened in past mysteries. It's fun to think about those things and have our own theories of what actually took place. We can all have a lively conversation after a dinner or family gathering about all of those things. We must now concern ourselves with what is of immediate importance to America today. We need investigation into our current practices, our current agendas. Looking to the past will do little to remedy the questions that are being raised today about our present administration.
Old secrets are interesting, they tweak the imagination; they are an old itch we want to scratch. We cannot spend too much energy on that old itch; we have a real infection to take care of now. Let us concentrate on the NEW SECRETS that are being kept from the American people. Nixon is interesting; Obama is relevant; who do you want to know more about?
It seems that a historian, Stanley Kutler, wants to release the testimony that Richard Nixon made to the Grand Jury, in secret, 35 years ago. Nixon was under oath and was subject to perjury law if he attempted to deceive the jury. A petition was filed before Chief Justice Royce Lambreth of the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C., in an attempt to finally find out what the former President knew and when he knew it in regards to the Watergate scandal and cover-up. As someone who grew up with Richard Nixon in the news, I'll admit that I'm curious as to the content of his "secret testimony". After all, don't you all want to know what was on that missing 18 minutes of White House tape?
This sort of investigation certainly tickles our imagination and curiosity. The question we must ask ourselves is: are there other current issues that merit investigation more than 35 year old testimony? The fact that a health-care bill was assembled behind closed doors seems to be more pressing than what Dick Nixon knew 35 years ago. The fact that an obvious disregard for voters' rights has been ignored in the "New Black Panther" non-prosecution seems to merit investigation. Closed door meetings at the White House with big bankers seem oddly curious in this "transparent administration", how about that?
It's only human nature to want to know what has happened in past mysteries. It's fun to think about those things and have our own theories of what actually took place. We can all have a lively conversation after a dinner or family gathering about all of those things. We must now concern ourselves with what is of immediate importance to America today. We need investigation into our current practices, our current agendas. Looking to the past will do little to remedy the questions that are being raised today about our present administration.
Old secrets are interesting, they tweak the imagination; they are an old itch we want to scratch. We cannot spend too much energy on that old itch; we have a real infection to take care of now. Let us concentrate on the NEW SECRETS that are being kept from the American people. Nixon is interesting; Obama is relevant; who do you want to know more about?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"Back Up Your Opinions Please!"
Have you ever engaged in a balanced debate with a friend who has a differing opinion? They can become very lively at times; and if not handled correctly, can degenerate into name calling and childish displays of emotion. When entering into the discussion of any issue, one should always be prepared with factual information to support their position. Opinion and fact are not always the same thing. As a sports fan, I often engage other fans in conversation about our respective favorite teams. As a former serious gambler, I was always informed of the condition of teams across the league; I had a financial interest to know what was going on. When I would discuss teams with other fans, I usually had the upper hand because I could back up my opinions with valid facts. Home team backers would always bet with their heart; not a good idea. I understand the love for a team you have followed since childhood; but don't let your heart trump your brain when making a decision. You will live to regret it!
Recently Cynthia Tucker, of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, was on the "Chris Matthews Show" on MSNBC. Her interview consisted of charges of racism about the Tea Party and the Republican Party. It showed its' own form of racism and hatred toward both of these organizations. She had the perfect forum for her views, as Chris Matthews is a far left advocate. Matthews was a former U.S. Capitol police officer who worked for four Democratic members of Congress and was active against the Reagan administration.
During her interview she said "Obama's election has suddenly made many White Americans aware of the loss of a White Majority ","...that's what this crazy summer has been all about...anti-mosque construction, anti-immigrant ravings". Ms. Tucker is a big fan of Jimmy Carter saying "Now I happen to think Jimmy Carter was right..well if he had done the things that; if we had done the things that Carter called for then, we may not be looking at this huge oil spill (does this make sense to you?)" . Ms Tucker also believes we haven't spent enough money on the Stimulus, she advocated even higher spending then we've already done. More of her racial rantings state that "45 to 65% of the Tea Partiers are racists" and "Racism is a reflection of the Grand Old Party". On Michael Steele, the GOP chairman, she said "...(Steele) is a self aggrandizing, gaff prone (Biden!) incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not Black." "The irony is that he never would have been voted in as Chairman of the Republican Party were he not Black." Do these statements sound oddly racist to you, as they do to me? Ms. Tucker just chooses to ignore all of the real political issues that are plaguing the Obama administration; health-care, weak defense, high unemployment and lack of regard for our Constitution. When things cannot be defended with fact, then the left degenerates into the old "racist rant" against the opposition. If you have no facts, start name calling. The real racists are those "New Black Panthers" and the "Neo-NAZI Skin-heads". Honest Americans, with legitimate concerns, don't deserve this type of rhetoric directed toward them! When you have actual fact, give us a new interview; your lack of credibility is showing!
Recently Cynthia Tucker, of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, was on the "Chris Matthews Show" on MSNBC. Her interview consisted of charges of racism about the Tea Party and the Republican Party. It showed its' own form of racism and hatred toward both of these organizations. She had the perfect forum for her views, as Chris Matthews is a far left advocate. Matthews was a former U.S. Capitol police officer who worked for four Democratic members of Congress and was active against the Reagan administration.
During her interview she said "Obama's election has suddenly made many White Americans aware of the loss of a White Majority ","...that's what this crazy summer has been all about...anti-mosque construction, anti-immigrant ravings". Ms. Tucker is a big fan of Jimmy Carter saying "Now I happen to think Jimmy Carter was right..well if he had done the things that; if we had done the things that Carter called for then, we may not be looking at this huge oil spill (does this make sense to you?)" . Ms Tucker also believes we haven't spent enough money on the Stimulus, she advocated even higher spending then we've already done. More of her racial rantings state that "45 to 65% of the Tea Partiers are racists" and "Racism is a reflection of the Grand Old Party". On Michael Steele, the GOP chairman, she said "...(Steele) is a self aggrandizing, gaff prone (Biden!) incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not Black." "The irony is that he never would have been voted in as Chairman of the Republican Party were he not Black." Do these statements sound oddly racist to you, as they do to me? Ms. Tucker just chooses to ignore all of the real political issues that are plaguing the Obama administration; health-care, weak defense, high unemployment and lack of regard for our Constitution. When things cannot be defended with fact, then the left degenerates into the old "racist rant" against the opposition. If you have no facts, start name calling. The real racists are those "New Black Panthers" and the "Neo-NAZI Skin-heads". Honest Americans, with legitimate concerns, don't deserve this type of rhetoric directed toward them! When you have actual fact, give us a new interview; your lack of credibility is showing!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"Not Top 40 Anymore?"
I remember the "Golden Age of Rock-n-Roll" very well. As a young boy, I remember the rise of the "Doo-Wop" groups; later, I remember "Rock-a-Billy" singers like Carl Perkins, followed by Elvis. The Philadelphia sound of the "Four Seasons" was highly popular when I entered high school. Finally, I saw the "British Invasion" that took America by storm in the 1960s. I have music from every genre in our collection, I appreciate all of it. When we travel, I like the "oldies" stations; they bring back memories and make for pleasant conversation while we ride. As summer ends, we recall going to local fests where many former legendary groups and artists now perform. It's fun watching them perform, although, it's not the quite the same as it was lo' those many years ago. The groups usually have a few replacement guys, and the lead singer sometimes sounds like "a cat in a potato peeler". The magic isn't the same, the newness is gone; the music and the message have become tarnished with age. I've listened to some "legendary" artists on "American Idol" and I sometimes feel sorry for them, their instrument doesn't work anymore. They get standing ovations out of respect; not for the quality of their performance. Their music has become careworn, as has their voices. I don't believe they could generate much of a following today.
We are now approaching the mid-term elections. Politicians of every ilk are delivering their messages with great vigor. Progressives and conservatives are stumping all across America in an effort to win over the American voter. As an amateur historian, I take great interest in our upcoming political theatre in November. We are beginning to hear the songs of our political "rock stars". Some are singing songs we have been hearing over and over for the last several months from both of the predominant political philosophies. The major "rock star", Barack Obama, has been in the campaign mode since last year. His song seems to be "George Did It, Blame Him Baby!" This song has been at the top of the progressive "charts" for some time now. He has sung this tune consistently since taking office. I think his next tune will be a remake of the old Brenda Lee hit, "I'm Sorry". It looks as if America isn't buying his records anymore. Polls show "BarockStar" isn't doing so well; the song is losing its popularity with Americans. When the "British Invasion" took music by storm, it marked a change in the music industry. Former big stars lost quite a bit of their fan base, some totally vanished from music, some played county fairs, some changed with the times.
America is tired of the "same old song" from Barack Obama. The tune is wearing thin; the "unemployment blues" have been playing for 20 months without one "chord change". Will America continue to listen to this concert, or will she switch channels in November? It seems to me, the progressive song is falling off the "charts" with Americans. What tune do you want?
We are now approaching the mid-term elections. Politicians of every ilk are delivering their messages with great vigor. Progressives and conservatives are stumping all across America in an effort to win over the American voter. As an amateur historian, I take great interest in our upcoming political theatre in November. We are beginning to hear the songs of our political "rock stars". Some are singing songs we have been hearing over and over for the last several months from both of the predominant political philosophies. The major "rock star", Barack Obama, has been in the campaign mode since last year. His song seems to be "George Did It, Blame Him Baby!" This song has been at the top of the progressive "charts" for some time now. He has sung this tune consistently since taking office. I think his next tune will be a remake of the old Brenda Lee hit, "I'm Sorry". It looks as if America isn't buying his records anymore. Polls show "BarockStar" isn't doing so well; the song is losing its popularity with Americans. When the "British Invasion" took music by storm, it marked a change in the music industry. Former big stars lost quite a bit of their fan base, some totally vanished from music, some played county fairs, some changed with the times.
America is tired of the "same old song" from Barack Obama. The tune is wearing thin; the "unemployment blues" have been playing for 20 months without one "chord change". Will America continue to listen to this concert, or will she switch channels in November? It seems to me, the progressive song is falling off the "charts" with Americans. What tune do you want?
Monday, September 13, 2010
"Sheriff Joe"
Remember the old Andy Griffith show? I loved Barney Fife, he was hilarious. Barney was full of himself, as he tapped his holster and strutted around Mayberry. Barney loved his authority, even when he didn't know how to enforce the law. In one episode, he even ended up helping some bank robbers when they fooled the naive deputy into thinking that they were FBI agents. Barney actually detained the real agents, but don't worry, Andy straightened it all out. Andy was always the voice of common sense and justice. Barney was usually the voice of overreaction and ignorance of the law.
Over the last year, three Americans have been held in Iran by the lunatic fringe, that now hold power there. Espionage has been the charge that has been leveled against them. Our Justice Department has done nothing of substance to help them.
Arizona has tried to pass a law to make the state safer for its citizens have been sabotaged by the Justice Department by order of Barack Obama. Nothing has been done to offer any real respite for the beleaguered citizens who suffer on a daily basis. Oddly, it seems that the Justice Department is more interested in the rights of "non-citizens".
New Black Panther Party thugs stood outside a polling place and brandished weapons to voters who entered the polling place. Voter intimidation was proven, yet our Justice Department decided not to prosecute these thugs. Once again, our Justice Department turned its back on the citizens of the United States.
Now our Justice Department is pursuing charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. Joe and his deputies have been enforcing the immigration laws for some time, arresting and detaining criminal illegal aliens. Joe's deputies have arrested 2,132 people for transporting criminal illegal aliens. Joe is famous for making his jail an uncomfortable place; I believe this is a good thing; jail shouldn't be a pleasant experience. The Mexican drug cartel has placed a 1 million dollar bounty on Joe's head! What does that tell any thinking person? Joe's detention of criminal illegal aliens is hurting the drug traffickers! The Bad Guys Don't like Joe Arpaio!! Do you know who likes Joe Arpaio, the people of Arizona! Once again, our Justice Department is taking the side of the criminal against the honest American citizen.
What is our Justice Department doing? What are the priorities of the Justice Department? Is there an agenda at work here?Giving help to those that may be politically helpful to the administration seems to be what is being revealed by these actions and non-actions. Is the Justice Department being used as a political tool instead of an arm for the protection of the American people? Personally, I like Joe Arpaio, he's just doing his job; "serve and protect". Our Justice Department could take a lesson from Joe. FORGET THE POLITICS, DO YOUR JOB!!!
Over the last year, three Americans have been held in Iran by the lunatic fringe, that now hold power there. Espionage has been the charge that has been leveled against them. Our Justice Department has done nothing of substance to help them.
Arizona has tried to pass a law to make the state safer for its citizens have been sabotaged by the Justice Department by order of Barack Obama. Nothing has been done to offer any real respite for the beleaguered citizens who suffer on a daily basis. Oddly, it seems that the Justice Department is more interested in the rights of "non-citizens".
New Black Panther Party thugs stood outside a polling place and brandished weapons to voters who entered the polling place. Voter intimidation was proven, yet our Justice Department decided not to prosecute these thugs. Once again, our Justice Department turned its back on the citizens of the United States.
Now our Justice Department is pursuing charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. Joe and his deputies have been enforcing the immigration laws for some time, arresting and detaining criminal illegal aliens. Joe's deputies have arrested 2,132 people for transporting criminal illegal aliens. Joe is famous for making his jail an uncomfortable place; I believe this is a good thing; jail shouldn't be a pleasant experience. The Mexican drug cartel has placed a 1 million dollar bounty on Joe's head! What does that tell any thinking person? Joe's detention of criminal illegal aliens is hurting the drug traffickers! The Bad Guys Don't like Joe Arpaio!! Do you know who likes Joe Arpaio, the people of Arizona! Once again, our Justice Department is taking the side of the criminal against the honest American citizen.
What is our Justice Department doing? What are the priorities of the Justice Department? Is there an agenda at work here?Giving help to those that may be politically helpful to the administration seems to be what is being revealed by these actions and non-actions. Is the Justice Department being used as a political tool instead of an arm for the protection of the American people? Personally, I like Joe Arpaio, he's just doing his job; "serve and protect". Our Justice Department could take a lesson from Joe. FORGET THE POLITICS, DO YOUR JOB!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
"American Tragedy"
Tomorrow is September 11th, the anniversary of the worst attack we've ever had on American civilians, from a murderous group of Islamic fascists. This day has had and still has enormous impact on every American citizen. Most of us remember every detail of those unprovoked attacks against our people. The site of the towers has become hallowed ground to all Americans. This area is, in a way, the same as Arlington Cemetery. This ground holds the remains of thousands of Americans who lost their lives just because they were Americans. We will have a memorial there, and when it is completed, we will continue to visit it and mourn the loss of life of all those martyred Americans. Like the deck of the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, this land is dedicated to the cost of freedom, and the price of treacherous enemies.
Soldiers know that their commitment can mean that they may be called upon to sacrifice their lives for their nation. People who get up to go to work or on a tour of one of America's greatest cities, don't expect it to be a day where psychotic killers will commit an atrocity that will take their lives. Even today, when I watch the replay of those events, I become filled with anger and sorrow. I still want pay back for what those sub-humans did to America that day. When I see video of our Flag being burned by those lunatics, my blood boils. Not so many years ago, I'm sure these same people took aid for one disaster or another from the United States. We are a nation that responds to the humanitarian needs of others; and we receive resentment from many for our efforts to help them. We help; we don't launch sneak attacks!
Tomorrow, all of our old feelings will surface again. Currently, we have a pastor who is threatening to have a ceremony where the Quran will be burned up. We have a group of Muslim leaders who want to build a mosque only a few yards from the ground where those innocent Americans were murdered. Personally, I don't understand why either of these groups would want to poke those ashes, to try to ignite that fire of hatred. Our soldiers don't need to have our enemies given any more reason to hate us. We don't need to do something that will be a "pep talk" to murderous terrorists; something that will be used as a recruiting tool. Conversely, we also don't need a structure that will be considered an insult to the entire nation.
Tomorrow should be a day of honor for the dead and their families. It should be a time of respect and reverence; not an excuse for dissension and hatred. All of the "Flags in our hearts" should be flying at half-mast.
Each day, the Flag is raised on the deck of the Arizona at Pearl Harbor. It is a time of quiet respect and honor for those men, and all men who have made the ultimate sacrifice. That same respect must be paid on September 11th. It is my sincere hope that people will not choose to use this day as a time of protest or for a political message. This day is beyond that; it is a memorial to an American tragedy that must never happen again. Do your part tomorrow: pay your respects, and save politics for another time.
Soldiers know that their commitment can mean that they may be called upon to sacrifice their lives for their nation. People who get up to go to work or on a tour of one of America's greatest cities, don't expect it to be a day where psychotic killers will commit an atrocity that will take their lives. Even today, when I watch the replay of those events, I become filled with anger and sorrow. I still want pay back for what those sub-humans did to America that day. When I see video of our Flag being burned by those lunatics, my blood boils. Not so many years ago, I'm sure these same people took aid for one disaster or another from the United States. We are a nation that responds to the humanitarian needs of others; and we receive resentment from many for our efforts to help them. We help; we don't launch sneak attacks!
Tomorrow, all of our old feelings will surface again. Currently, we have a pastor who is threatening to have a ceremony where the Quran will be burned up. We have a group of Muslim leaders who want to build a mosque only a few yards from the ground where those innocent Americans were murdered. Personally, I don't understand why either of these groups would want to poke those ashes, to try to ignite that fire of hatred. Our soldiers don't need to have our enemies given any more reason to hate us. We don't need to do something that will be a "pep talk" to murderous terrorists; something that will be used as a recruiting tool. Conversely, we also don't need a structure that will be considered an insult to the entire nation.
Tomorrow should be a day of honor for the dead and their families. It should be a time of respect and reverence; not an excuse for dissension and hatred. All of the "Flags in our hearts" should be flying at half-mast.
Each day, the Flag is raised on the deck of the Arizona at Pearl Harbor. It is a time of quiet respect and honor for those men, and all men who have made the ultimate sacrifice. That same respect must be paid on September 11th. It is my sincere hope that people will not choose to use this day as a time of protest or for a political message. This day is beyond that; it is a memorial to an American tragedy that must never happen again. Do your part tomorrow: pay your respects, and save politics for another time.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"The Next King?"
I still remember the early black and white commercials on television touting Richard J. Daley for Mayor of Chicago. It seemed that he would always be the mayor. No challenger was ever seriously considered; Richard J. Daley would be Mayor as long as he wanted to be the Mayor. He was also head of the Cook County Board, no one since has held both positions; he was the most powerful Democrat in the United States. The "Boss" died of a heart attack in his office on December 20, 1976. A stunned city had real disbelief; Mayor Daley couldn't be dead. Deputy Mayor Michael Bilandic took office; he looked like a deer in the headlights when he assumed the "big chair". With the help of Dan Rostenkowski, Roman Pucinkski and other Democrat power brokers, Bilandic ran the giant political machine. Poor handling of snow removal during a blizzard that halted the city caused Bilandic to be deposed by Jane Byrne, the first woman to hold this powerful office. Jane held the office until Harold Washington took over after a victory over Republican, Bernie Epton: he was the comic relief, as no Republican has ever had a real chance to win any important election in Cook County. Only in Chicago could a man who was convicted of tax fraud be elected mayor; so Harold was a "shoe-in". Harold passed the same way as "Boss Daley"; a massive heart attack in his office.
The next man to hold this office was Richard M. Daley; that's correct, son of the legendary "Boss". It was as if the "torch had been passed" to the rightful heir to the "throne". Ritchie Daley has been the mayor for more than 20 years, and like his father, he could retain this office as long as he wants it.
Two days ago the unthinkable happened; Ritchie Daley announced his retirement from office at the end of his current term. This is stirring up political conjecture all across the Democrat powerbase. Who can fill the seat of the strongest Democratic political machine in the United States? "Da Boss" is said to be the one who put Illinois "in the bag" for Jack Kennedy, giving Kennedy the victory and the Presidency.
The most prominent name mentioned thus far is White House staffer, Rahm Emanuel. He has said in the past that he wants to be Mayor of Chicago. I find it odd that man who comes from an administration that began by preaching reform would want to take control of this most traditional of political machines.
Another name I am sure we will hear is Jesse Jackson, Jr.: he has talked about the Mayor's job on several occasions. He would be a formidable opponent for Emanuel to face and has a real chance of winning the election. I am sure Jesse's dad would throw his powerful influence behind his son.
No matter who will occupy the Mayor's seat in the future, Chicago will be forever changed. I doubt that any mortal will ever hold the power of either of the "Daleys". Perhaps there is an outside chance of weakening the machine politics that have made Chicago so "different" than many other major cities. No matter what happens, this will be a great show to watch. All I can say is, "GOOD LUCK, CHICAGO"; YOU WILL NEED IT!
The next man to hold this office was Richard M. Daley; that's correct, son of the legendary "Boss". It was as if the "torch had been passed" to the rightful heir to the "throne". Ritchie Daley has been the mayor for more than 20 years, and like his father, he could retain this office as long as he wants it.
Two days ago the unthinkable happened; Ritchie Daley announced his retirement from office at the end of his current term. This is stirring up political conjecture all across the Democrat powerbase. Who can fill the seat of the strongest Democratic political machine in the United States? "Da Boss" is said to be the one who put Illinois "in the bag" for Jack Kennedy, giving Kennedy the victory and the Presidency.
The most prominent name mentioned thus far is White House staffer, Rahm Emanuel. He has said in the past that he wants to be Mayor of Chicago. I find it odd that man who comes from an administration that began by preaching reform would want to take control of this most traditional of political machines.
Another name I am sure we will hear is Jesse Jackson, Jr.: he has talked about the Mayor's job on several occasions. He would be a formidable opponent for Emanuel to face and has a real chance of winning the election. I am sure Jesse's dad would throw his powerful influence behind his son.
No matter who will occupy the Mayor's seat in the future, Chicago will be forever changed. I doubt that any mortal will ever hold the power of either of the "Daleys". Perhaps there is an outside chance of weakening the machine politics that have made Chicago so "different" than many other major cities. No matter what happens, this will be a great show to watch. All I can say is, "GOOD LUCK, CHICAGO"; YOU WILL NEED IT!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Lipstick On a PIG!!?"
Years ago I used to golf. I was never an accomplished golfer. My Dad was a good golfer, and my Uncle Sammy was a scratch golfer. Watching my uncle was a pleasure, he was like an artist with a golf club in his hands. I had a tremendous slice; my drive would go straight for about fifty yards and then turn right for another one hundred yards, as if it hit an invisible wall. Part of my problem is that I was a dedicated baseball player and the baseball swing doesn't lend itself to golf very well. The other part of my problem is that I couldn't take instruction in golf very well. My Dad and Uncle Sammy did their level best to help me correct my incredible slice. Unfortunately, all their efforts were for naught. The final statement from my favorite uncle was "Jay, you are a very good baseball player; I think you should stick to that, you'll save a fortune in golf balls." My Uncle Sam was a very funny man! No matter what I tried, I would always fall back into baseball; at heart, I would always be a baseball player, not a golfer."A leopard can't change his spots" as the old saying goes, and this is pretty much true. Some things become so ingrained in us that they become impossible to alter.
With the November elections approaching, we are seeing a parade of "leopards" trying to change their spots. Over the last twenty months this Congress has been on a course of tax and spend that is beyond any of their predecessors. The partisan vote that pushed through Obamacare followed their party leaders like automatons; even though a vast majority of their constituents (60%) were against the plan. Now the reality of the elections are becoming quite visible to those whose seats are in the arena of choice. Many of them are trying to distance themselves from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid; as if the last twenty months are a surprise to them. President Obama continues to pursue more spending with an additional 50 billion dollar stimulus package, government infrastructure projects; you know "Pork Projects" meant to get votes! Out of the other side of his face, he is speaking of "fiscal responsibility" and "tax cuts". He continues to point at the Republicans as the party of "NO". Perhaps he is right: "no more foolish spending, no more hidden tax, no Obamacare and no more ignoring border security". It seems that ignoring the peoples' will is coming home to roost and now Mr. Obama is trying to explain all of the last twenty months of mistakes away by, once again, blaming George W. Bush and the Republican Party. His Congress is in real trouble, behind by "double digits" in all the polls and with no sign of changing in the future. He and his people are trying to change their "spots" quickly, but the American people don't seem to be buying the transformation.
As it was said during the last Presidential Election "You can put lipstick on a pig, but, IT IS STILL A PIG!!!"
With the November elections approaching, we are seeing a parade of "leopards" trying to change their spots. Over the last twenty months this Congress has been on a course of tax and spend that is beyond any of their predecessors. The partisan vote that pushed through Obamacare followed their party leaders like automatons; even though a vast majority of their constituents (60%) were against the plan. Now the reality of the elections are becoming quite visible to those whose seats are in the arena of choice. Many of them are trying to distance themselves from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid; as if the last twenty months are a surprise to them. President Obama continues to pursue more spending with an additional 50 billion dollar stimulus package, government infrastructure projects; you know "Pork Projects" meant to get votes! Out of the other side of his face, he is speaking of "fiscal responsibility" and "tax cuts". He continues to point at the Republicans as the party of "NO". Perhaps he is right: "no more foolish spending, no more hidden tax, no Obamacare and no more ignoring border security". It seems that ignoring the peoples' will is coming home to roost and now Mr. Obama is trying to explain all of the last twenty months of mistakes away by, once again, blaming George W. Bush and the Republican Party. His Congress is in real trouble, behind by "double digits" in all the polls and with no sign of changing in the future. He and his people are trying to change their "spots" quickly, but the American people don't seem to be buying the transformation.
As it was said during the last Presidential Election "You can put lipstick on a pig, but, IT IS STILL A PIG!!!"
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
"Be Careful If You Read the DAYTON DAILY NEWS!!"
Before the results of the presidential election of Harry Truman, the Chicago Tribune printed a paper with the headline "Dewey Sweeps Nation!" Unfortunately for Thomas Dewey, the people of America elected Harry Truman. The Chicago Tribune forever will be known for printing this journalistic "faux pas". Mark Twain said, after he read of his demise, "The reports of my death were highly exaggerated."
I try not to let personal ire enter into this blog; it cheapens the credibility of my writing. I don't want to resort to "schoolyard taunts" with no grounding in fact; name calling shows the weakness of any position. Ed Schultz has made insulting comments about Glenn Beck at a personal level with no grounding in fact, and has yet to make an argument in fact about anything Beck has espoused. Perhaps, Mr. Schultz is jealous of Beck's ratings, as it seems no one is watching him! Sunday, when I received my paper, I opened to the second page to see a political cartoon totally based on conjecture without a hint of knowledge of the actual event that took place. Allow me to describe the cartoon; it shows an overly portly Beck with a wide smile on his face, arms outstretched in front of a scowling Abraham Lincoln at the Memorial. Beck is screaming "I Have a Scheme!" At the forefront of the panel are signs saying "HATE", "FEAR" and "BIGOTRY"!! This cartoonist obviously is a student of the school of "MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG"!
Anyone who actually saw this rally knows the polar opposite of those signs was the message that was delivered that day. Rabbis, Imams, Ministers and Priests were on the "steps" along with Beck; all who spoke gave messages of love and integrity. Honor was the order of the day. No negative speech was given, nor would it have been tolerated! A crowd of ordinary people surrounded the entire area, Americans of every type; some old, some young, some Black and some White.
This cartoonist is part of the "threatened left" who must attack without facts. He wants to influence people who didn't see what happened on August 28th in Washington. He paints a false picture, and has no compunction about untruth in the pursuit of his ends; the character demolition of Glenn Beck. If I were a progressive, I would like to prove my points through facts, not through cat-calls and insult; not through lies and distortion. If this method is all the liberals have left, then they are on very shaky ground.
This cartoon first appeared in the Dayton Daily News. The Chief Editor needs to look long and hard at this type of picture journalism for honesty in content. Integrity in facts is the cornerstone of responsible journalism. When irresponsible charges are showcased, the value of the reporters are in question. Newspapers are supposed to be the guardian of truth to the public. I hope the Dayton Daily News takes this responsibility seriously.
I try not to let personal ire enter into this blog; it cheapens the credibility of my writing. I don't want to resort to "schoolyard taunts" with no grounding in fact; name calling shows the weakness of any position. Ed Schultz has made insulting comments about Glenn Beck at a personal level with no grounding in fact, and has yet to make an argument in fact about anything Beck has espoused. Perhaps, Mr. Schultz is jealous of Beck's ratings, as it seems no one is watching him! Sunday, when I received my paper, I opened to the second page to see a political cartoon totally based on conjecture without a hint of knowledge of the actual event that took place. Allow me to describe the cartoon; it shows an overly portly Beck with a wide smile on his face, arms outstretched in front of a scowling Abraham Lincoln at the Memorial. Beck is screaming "I Have a Scheme!" At the forefront of the panel are signs saying "HATE", "FEAR" and "BIGOTRY"!! This cartoonist obviously is a student of the school of "MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG"!
Anyone who actually saw this rally knows the polar opposite of those signs was the message that was delivered that day. Rabbis, Imams, Ministers and Priests were on the "steps" along with Beck; all who spoke gave messages of love and integrity. Honor was the order of the day. No negative speech was given, nor would it have been tolerated! A crowd of ordinary people surrounded the entire area, Americans of every type; some old, some young, some Black and some White.
This cartoonist is part of the "threatened left" who must attack without facts. He wants to influence people who didn't see what happened on August 28th in Washington. He paints a false picture, and has no compunction about untruth in the pursuit of his ends; the character demolition of Glenn Beck. If I were a progressive, I would like to prove my points through facts, not through cat-calls and insult; not through lies and distortion. If this method is all the liberals have left, then they are on very shaky ground.
This cartoon first appeared in the Dayton Daily News. The Chief Editor needs to look long and hard at this type of picture journalism for honesty in content. Integrity in facts is the cornerstone of responsible journalism. When irresponsible charges are showcased, the value of the reporters are in question. Newspapers are supposed to be the guardian of truth to the public. I hope the Dayton Daily News takes this responsibility seriously.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"Labor Day"
Monday is Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, the last holiday before Thanksgiving. Meat will be burned on a mass scale all across America. Kegs of beer, cases of soda, drums of ice tea and lemonade will be poured down the throats of millions of Americans as they bid farewell to summer. Children will complain of the end of leisure and the beginning of school. Mothers will rejoice at the peace of a quiet home from 8:00 til 3:00!
What are we really celebrating on Labor Day? My Dad was a working man and very proud of the work he did. He said to me "Always give your best on any job; you should always be able to stand on your work", and he was right. No one can argue with results. Labor Day was conceived to honor the social and economic achievements of American workers. The words "American Made" had been the standard around the world for many years, until we shipped most of our manufacturing jobs to foreign lands (thanks NAFTA).
Labor was first recognized by the "Knights of Labor" in 1882, in New York, with a parade. It took place on the first Monday in September; the "Knights" made a resolution to hold all future parades on that same day every year, as the Socialist Party held a celebration on May 1st, to honor working class people and the "Knights" didn't want to be identified with socialists or communists. In 1887 on February 21st, Oregon passed a law to officially designate a Labor Day holiday; by 1894 the United States Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September a legal national holiday.
American labor is now facing a great challenge. What can they do in this stagnant economy to try to put America back to work? Organized labor has many lucrative contracts and because of our shaky economy, they are almost impossible to fulfill. We all know the stories of CEOs of giant corporations with huge salaries and retirement packages, and most people are enraged by the bloated compensation some of these people receive. I understand the attitude of resentment from the American working man, especially in these times. America has become successful through the efforts of both American labor and the vision of the American investor. Each of us is obligated to take on a share of the burden of healing our badly bruised economy; not only the CEOs, but also the labor unions. Congress must look long and hard at our trade deficit, and the wisdom of retaining the NAFTA agreement. American goods need to be made in America, by Americans, and our Congress must respond now!
We need joint responsibility from management, labor and government. Not government control; but government responsibility to aid America in the competition from foreign lands. We drove jobs away; now, we must try to recover them. We are on the precipice of great financial distress, unless we begin to put America first by both worker and owner; the next Labor Day may not be a very pleasant holiday!
(I'm taking a long week-end, so I'll talk to you on Tuesday, enjoy your holiday)
What are we really celebrating on Labor Day? My Dad was a working man and very proud of the work he did. He said to me "Always give your best on any job; you should always be able to stand on your work", and he was right. No one can argue with results. Labor Day was conceived to honor the social and economic achievements of American workers. The words "American Made" had been the standard around the world for many years, until we shipped most of our manufacturing jobs to foreign lands (thanks NAFTA).
Labor was first recognized by the "Knights of Labor" in 1882, in New York, with a parade. It took place on the first Monday in September; the "Knights" made a resolution to hold all future parades on that same day every year, as the Socialist Party held a celebration on May 1st, to honor working class people and the "Knights" didn't want to be identified with socialists or communists. In 1887 on February 21st, Oregon passed a law to officially designate a Labor Day holiday; by 1894 the United States Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September a legal national holiday.
American labor is now facing a great challenge. What can they do in this stagnant economy to try to put America back to work? Organized labor has many lucrative contracts and because of our shaky economy, they are almost impossible to fulfill. We all know the stories of CEOs of giant corporations with huge salaries and retirement packages, and most people are enraged by the bloated compensation some of these people receive. I understand the attitude of resentment from the American working man, especially in these times. America has become successful through the efforts of both American labor and the vision of the American investor. Each of us is obligated to take on a share of the burden of healing our badly bruised economy; not only the CEOs, but also the labor unions. Congress must look long and hard at our trade deficit, and the wisdom of retaining the NAFTA agreement. American goods need to be made in America, by Americans, and our Congress must respond now!
We need joint responsibility from management, labor and government. Not government control; but government responsibility to aid America in the competition from foreign lands. We drove jobs away; now, we must try to recover them. We are on the precipice of great financial distress, unless we begin to put America first by both worker and owner; the next Labor Day may not be a very pleasant holiday!
(I'm taking a long week-end, so I'll talk to you on Tuesday, enjoy your holiday)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"Security Blanket Has Holes In It!"
Remember when you were a kid and you would pull the bed covers over your head; remember the security of that safe enclosure? It is good to feel safe. When I first got my dog "Simon", he was very insecure, as he had been abused. He would run from everyone who came into the house. Later, as he became more secure, he would bark furiously and then jump in my lap for protection (what a coward!). Simon now barks at every dog he sees; he's not vicious, he is looking for more playmates, he is now very social. Simon knows no one in our house will harm him, and he will want for nothing; he is secure.
I live in Middle-America, the heartland. I'm in a mid-sized town with a university. We enjoy our town, I know many of the police officers and public servants; they are all fine people and love our community. I see my friends and neighbors when shopping or at school functions. No matter where you go, you will probably see someone you know! We feel safe and secure in our town. Small towns, in the center of America, certainly have a "security blanket attitude"; we believe no one will bother us.
I know I have readers in urban areas and border states. Their attitude is probably a little different from those of us who reside in small towns. Most of them have experienced the anxiety of not feeling secure in their home cities. They know what it is to have their lives and homes threatened by the invasion of criminal illegal aliens.
Last week, federal officials announced the arrests of 370 criminal illegal aliens in 10 Mid-Western states: that's right, middle-America. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio; the center of our nation is no longer isolated from this infection of crime from illegals. Those that were arrested are only a tiny fraction of the number of criminal illegal aliens that enter our nation on a daily basis. Some of these people are hardened felons, who enter America with the intent of committing crimes of all types: drugs, robbery, rape and murder are on the "rap sheets" of many of these "uninvited guests".
This is no longer a "big city" problem. As you can now see, no segment of our nation is immune from this "infection". We have a central government that is more concerned with litigation against sovereign states and law enforcement officials than it is concerned with the lives and property of legal citizens of the United States of America. We have a President whose justice department that says to the U.N. that Arizona could be guilty of "human rights violations" against criminal illegal aliens. Am I the only person who finds this ludicrous? How has our justice system become so perverted? Honest citizens take a back seat to the "rights" of criminal illegal aliens. Why in the world are we going to the United Nations to castigate the state of Arizona? Mr. Obama owes Arizona a gigantic apology, as he does to the rest of America! Look out Middle America; you don't have a "security blanket" anymore. If you like preferred rights for criminal illegal aliens, then maintain the status quo in November. If you feel differently, you know what to do at the ballot box!
I live in Middle-America, the heartland. I'm in a mid-sized town with a university. We enjoy our town, I know many of the police officers and public servants; they are all fine people and love our community. I see my friends and neighbors when shopping or at school functions. No matter where you go, you will probably see someone you know! We feel safe and secure in our town. Small towns, in the center of America, certainly have a "security blanket attitude"; we believe no one will bother us.
I know I have readers in urban areas and border states. Their attitude is probably a little different from those of us who reside in small towns. Most of them have experienced the anxiety of not feeling secure in their home cities. They know what it is to have their lives and homes threatened by the invasion of criminal illegal aliens.
Last week, federal officials announced the arrests of 370 criminal illegal aliens in 10 Mid-Western states: that's right, middle-America. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio; the center of our nation is no longer isolated from this infection of crime from illegals. Those that were arrested are only a tiny fraction of the number of criminal illegal aliens that enter our nation on a daily basis. Some of these people are hardened felons, who enter America with the intent of committing crimes of all types: drugs, robbery, rape and murder are on the "rap sheets" of many of these "uninvited guests".
This is no longer a "big city" problem. As you can now see, no segment of our nation is immune from this "infection". We have a central government that is more concerned with litigation against sovereign states and law enforcement officials than it is concerned with the lives and property of legal citizens of the United States of America. We have a President whose justice department that says to the U.N. that Arizona could be guilty of "human rights violations" against criminal illegal aliens. Am I the only person who finds this ludicrous? How has our justice system become so perverted? Honest citizens take a back seat to the "rights" of criminal illegal aliens. Why in the world are we going to the United Nations to castigate the state of Arizona? Mr. Obama owes Arizona a gigantic apology, as he does to the rest of America! Look out Middle America; you don't have a "security blanket" anymore. If you like preferred rights for criminal illegal aliens, then maintain the status quo in November. If you feel differently, you know what to do at the ballot box!
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