Wednesday, July 21, 2010

" False Teachers!"

Many years ago I had a 1972 Gremlin (no laughing). We were newly married and Jimmy Carter was already busy destroying the economy; gas was approaching $1.00 a gallon! I sold my "gas guzzler" to get something cheaper to run. It had a three speed standard transmission on the floor. Like all cars, it had its share of problems; but it was cheap to run. I had a problem with the transmission. Not to get too technical, the shift lever fits into a ball in the transmission, and slides back and forth to change gears. The ball connecting the lever had popped the collar and I had to fool with it to change gears. I had to go to work, so I had my wife call a local transmission repair shop to fix my problem. I gave my wife specific instructions, saying " This is what the problem is (mentioning the problem of the lever popping), don't let them sell you anything else", then I went to work. When I returned home that evening ,my wife told me what the repair shop said. They told my wife your husband was absolutely right; they made the repair and my Gremlin again hit the hi-way. It's important to know what you're talking about or people will take advantage of you because of your ignorance.

Two days ago, I had the experience of watching a video from MOVE-ON, the leftist site run by George Soros. It was a character assassination of Glenn Beck about his Christian beliefs. It was a monologue of insults and false statements about Mr. Beck. Previously, I had seen a program in which Mr. Beck explained the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It had no political motive; it did show the flaws of "black liberation theology". He had two protestant ministers on the show to add to the shows credibility. Glenn Beck has been quite candid about his relationship to Jesus, and the impact Jesus has had on his life. This has never been a political issue with Mr. Beck.

I am an Elder in a local church; I spend some time with the bible; I have taught Sunday school; I have delivered a few messages at Sunday worship services. Currently, I have been involved with a friend of my wife who has questions about God and his plan for salvation. I have many friends who are members of the clergy, and I have great respect for all of them. I have a real problem with people who use Jesus as a "cash cow", or a way to espouse false teaching. I won't mention names, but remember Jesus never had a Rolex!

As I listened to Glenn Beck explain the Gospel on his show, I sat stunned. It is obvious to me that Glenn Beck knows exactly what he's talking about! As a layperson, he is extremely well informed when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and God's plan for the salvation of mankind. I don't believe even Billy Graham could have given a more clear explanation of the Gospel than Beck did. When he finished, he asked the ministers if he had left anything out; they said it was flawless. Beck then went on to make this statement "Don't trust me alone, read and check it out for yourself". Every good pastor says the very same thing, check what I am telling you against the bible.

George Soros and his flunkies certainly must fear Beck to make such a personal and spurious attack against him. I guarantee you this; they don't know a thing about the Gospel message of Jesus Christ; and some day, they will answer for it to someone more powerful than me or Mr. Beck. Don't take my word for it; check out the bible, try Revelation!

1 comment:

  1. When Glenn Beck said to get on your knees and pray daily to God, I knew how sincere he really was. We need to all be doing that daily.
